Turmeric and arthritis articles?

Turmeric, the “wonder spice” of Asia, has been talked about in relation to arthritis for many years. Its anti-inflammatory properties have made it an attractive option for those who suffer from joint pain and other symptoms associated with arthritis. But let’s be honest here, there are countless articles out there that tackle this topic so earnestly that reading them could make even the most stoic person want to jump off a cliff. Fear not, dear reader! We’re going to take a lighter approach to turmeric and arthritis articles.

First Things First: What is Turmeric?

Before we get into how turmeric can help ease your arthritis symptoms or minimize its potential occurrence first things first, let me provide some quick facts about what turmeric is:

  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) comes from the ginger family
  • It’s been used medicinally in India for over 5 centuries
  • Its primary active ingredient is called curcumin
  • There are over 7k studies published on PubMed alone researching curcumin
    Oh yeah – did I mention people also cook with it? You’re likely familiar with “curry,” either through Indian cuisine or Sephora eye shadow palettes – both highly coveted!

Oh No You Didn’t?:Turmental Issues Due To Arthritis

If you’re one of the approximately 54 million adults who suffer from some form of doctor-diagnosed arthritis , then you know getting up each morning might be like willing yourself out of quicksand – but instead of mud sucking away at your feet you feel intense pain throughout your body that leaves you feeling mentally frazzled (I mean if listening to someone complain all day doesn’t drive anyone mad right?)

Having chronic pain like this can very much increase stress-levels; as per Johns Hopkins Medical Center “Experts believe that inflammation in the body and effects of stress can interact with each other. This means that one may make the other worse, leading to a vicious cycle”.

So What’s The Deal with Curcumin?

Let us not forget why we are here.Drum roll please.This is where turmeric comes into the picture—specifically, its primary active ingredient curcumin. Literature has suggested curcumin for various potential health benefits because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

According to research published on Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine , Its validated anti-arthritic effect is likely due to its ability “to decrease production of inflammatory cytokines and proinflammatory enzymes such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) and cyclooxygenase” which have been observed to be up-regulated during chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

You Want Proof? Here Are Some Studies That Talk About Turmeric

If you’re anything like me then just taking someone’s word for it isn’t enough – I resonate deeply with Pictures or it didn’t happen philosophy.Here are some scientific studies on how turmeric can benefit those who suffer from arthritis:

  • A study conducted at Iran University found that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis exhibited reduced symptoms after consuming supplements containing curcumim.
  • Another study reported by Arthritis Foundation evidenced how THC oil treated osteoarthritis cases and demonstrated noteworthy reduction in discomfort reported through self reporting surveys.

While more comprehensive research still needs doing; findings like these provide hope.Self treatment should never replace consulting professional physician .It’s however valuable information non-withstanding.

And Arguments Against It?

In life nothing is constant besides change so keep an open mind.There are always different arguments against using natural remedies before talking them over with your doctor.Consider these possible drawbacks related to turmeric usage:

  • Turmeric may thin blood, so it is not recommended for individuals taking blood thinners or who have a bleeding disorder .
  • Currently there is no standardized dosage guidelines- in many studies regular dosages of 500–2,000 mg of turmeric might be too much for some and result in unwelcomed side effects such as nausea.If unsure consulting with your physician/agricultural trained uncle J should suffice!

Methodology: How Can You Take Turmeric for Arthritis?

Now that we’ve discussed why turmeric can benefit those with arthritis – let’s talk about the best way to take it:

  1. Whole Foods: Eating freshly grated turmeric root (you only need a small amount), or adding fresh ginger and tumeric to teapot will make heavenly tea option rich in anti-inflammatory curcumin.

  2. Supplements: According to Healthline , “For inflammation relief ,t being effective demonstrated by introducing at least 500mg twice a day into your supplement regimen” may work.It’s important though before purchasing any supplement you do through research finding products with high quality standards.

3.Curry powder spice mixes: Many curry dishes include large amounts of tumeric leading me believe while enjoying delicious meals could potentially offering health benefits what am essentially doing is medicating myself when dining.No shame!

  1. Additionally I recommend spicy food lovers rejoice because red pepper has also been viewed in reducing/inhibiting chronic pain caused by medically diagnosed acute flare ups .As one study conducted experienced reduced muscle soreness up to 72 hours post exercise .

Regardless which method you prefer depending on yourself,having regular intakes substantial enough rationing out throughout each day has shown most promise as consistent treatment approach per Arthritis Foundation.


At times there appears to be never-ending options fighting against slowing down progression/or battling Day-to-day symptomatic episodes onset due medical diagnoses.There are numerous remedies- natural;prescriptive.Constantly consulting with physician when seeking to follow through with any health information is paramount.

Now have a heartily laugh as I make an attempt at creating the world’s first Turmeric Chicken-Masala Pizza?

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