Toxic shock syndrome pads can you get?

When it comes to finding the right toxic shock syndrome pads, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. With so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are safe, effective, and won’t leave you with a rash that looks like something out of a horror movie.

But fear not! We’ve done the research (so you don’t have to) and put together this handy guide on everything you need to know about toxic shock syndrome pads.

What is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)?

Before we dive into the world of TSS pads, let’s first take a moment to talk about what exactly TSS is.

According to medical experts,Toxic Shock Syndrome is caused by toxins produced by certain kinds of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes typically found in tampons, though bacterial infections generally occur anywhere where there’s an open cut or skin abrasion/injury, leading your immune system going haywire and attacking healthy cells instead. Symptoms can range from mild flu-like symptoms such as nausea and vomiting up-to-life-threatening organ failure or tissue damage if left untreated . Scary stuff!

While rare – only 1 in every 1000 menstruating women using tampons will develop TSS in their lifetime- these findings mean that switching over toward alternative period products that are better at preventing perforations could lower your chance of getting , while also being gentler + eco-friendly for Mother Earth.

One thing you do not want is exposure towards synthetic fibers like viscose/rayon due moisture retention properties associated with them for possible bacterial growth/safety risks .

So how do our menstrual hygiene products come into play? Let’s find out:

What Are TSS Pads?

We’ve all heard about tampons causing cases of toxic shock syndrome – but what about pads? TSS pads are specifically designed to help decrease your chances of developing Toxic Shock Syndrome by utilizing either safer or breathable materials.

Some alternative menstrual hygiene products that don’t come with the toxic shock warning label include period panties (like THINX), reusable cloth pads, and menstrual cups like Diva Cup.

You might be thinking “Cloth absorbed my leaks before, isn’t it okay?”however keep in mind that a 2013 study found Staphylococcus bacteria existed on pre-used cotton washcloths and towels despite clean washing regimen in between! Risk management is always key when it comes to areas where delicate membranes exist alongside bacterial growth opportunities .

TSS pads can provide not only an eco-friendly option + comfort for sensitive skin but also offers protection from harmful/breathable fabrics & manufacturing practices-but which kind should you choose?

Which Brands Sell TSS Pads?

There are many brands out there that sell TSS pads. Here’s a quick rundown of some options available:


NatraCare offers completely natural sanitary products made from biodegradable materials such as organic cotton and renewable plant-based polymers. Their Safe-Comfort® line features wings for extra security during use, while their UltraTM range provides all-night protection with exceptional absorbency capability.


Organicup is one of the most well-known brands selling menstrual cups due to its consistent quality & successful track record offering environmental benefits to consume more sustainably whilst maintaining safe hydration especially , The O.G cup helps tremendously towards reducing any infection risk . Those looking beyond tampons/panty liners/cloth bandages will find this an attractive investment option when taking care of themselves every month.


For individuals who prefer fluffier material against their skin rather than plastic/adhesives , they utilize undyed/organic cotton ensuring no irritating residue left-over behind preventing chafing or irritation. At GladRags you can find a mix collection of their all-inclusive reusable pad kit or make your own pad at home with starter materials sold separately.


Cora claims to be the first tampon subscription service company that advertises chemical-free menstrual products through plant-based applicators with bio-degradable overwraps. TSS Pad-wise, they include “premium, comfortable” pads made up of organic cotton & biodegradable fibers that are done without using pesticides . Their high-quality calling + sustainability practices will indeed reflect in further comfortability for you!

Beyond these brands there are several grassroots movements pushing locally-made items/crowdfunded efforts/etc so always do some research on what’s happening within eco-friendly initiatives around you if desired values focused towards specific metrics/locality /style preferences chosen over standard-big box-store product selection.

Hot Tip: If anyone tries to tell you that only certain kinds of pads can prevent Toxic Shock Syndrome and sell it like a trendier/nicer version tampons/panty liners etc.- run!

What Should You Look for When Choosing TSS Pads?

With so many different options available on the market today, it’s important to know what factors should guide your choice when selecting TSS pads.

Here are some things to keep in mind:


The right material is everything – although lots of new players have popped into this space but looking out-of-the-box still counts(!). Try opting organic versions instead any pads containing polyester/rayon/ synthetic fabrics-at-all-costs due harmful absorption capacity , trapping moisture thereby promoting bacterial growth posing risk-factor rise compared against other natural choices .


Comfort might not elicit much thought initially from those just starting out with choosing alternative feminine hygiene solutions-but no-one wants an itchy private area days after usage due potential allergen exposure ! Make sure whatever option chose fits safely/clearly delineated avoiding any chafing creating minor injuries that may lead to increased infection risk.


This is a crucial factor when it comes to choosing TSS pads – Too little absorption means inconvenience & frequent changes while excess can also awaken new problems. Make sure review information given + research detail helps in deciding which options are best suited towards personal preference balancing between changes needed and emphasizing protection from infections.


This is one thing that will take some trial and error- Sizing differs widely across brands like standard medium, large/extra-large or customizable. Finding the right size pad depends on individual flow-levels , presenting impacts during movement patterns (for exercise maintenance) & other factors offering overall better personalized solutions .

How Can You Protect Yourself From TSS?

Being informed about your options when it comes to menstrual hygiene products isn’t the only way you can protect yourself from developing Toxic Shock Syndrome. Here are some additional tips:

Change Your Pad Frequently

Try not waiting too long between each change – every 2-hours would be ideal for safety reasons. This ensures clean-airflow and prevention of bacterial development issues aiding in reducing TSS risks/infection vulnerabilities significantly!

Wash Your Hands Before Handling Menstrual Items

Flowery-pseudo-expertise claims such as “no-substitute-for-hygiene” have common yet valid sentiment toward washing hands beforehand any form insertion/removal item handling – an extra level of precaution could go a long way preventing chance contamination if bacteria lying dormant remain unnoticed until it’s too late!

Clean All Used Menstrual Products Thoroughly

No matter whichever option picked – cleaning them well gives you satisfaction knowing germs/dirt has thus been removed . Keep the items gently-cleaned upon usage-frequently though less harsh methods like just-boiling at least ten minutes after usage instead using strong chemicals (like bleach/etc.)which could react poorly leading unnecessary exposure towards unseen bacterial growth.

Seek Medical Attention If Symptoms Persist

In the odd-event symptoms do present themselves, then questions are better asked than never making assumptions. Steps to ensure care will aid towards early recovery rather toward long-term concerns if ignored further leading to additional health issues may crop up later down-the-line in life .

The Bottom Line

TSS pads are a great alternative for anyone looking to decrease their risk of developing Toxic Shock Syndrome while also being environmentally friendly and comfortable during periods! With so many options available on the market today, it can be overwhelming trying to select which option best suits your needs/detail-yet don’t get too bogged down. Just follow some basic guidelines when looking at what is available like material types/comfort level/absorbency-rate customized size-integration for accurate results .

Overall, balancing ecological responsibilities with body-specific requirements/taking into consideration other factors (like flow/lifestyle patterns) when deciding is worth taking that extra effort planning- resulting in more peace-of-mind state about choosing TSS Pads going forward.

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