This is What Happens: A Surprising Look Inside

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in various industries, this article will give you a sneak peek into some of the surprisingly weird things that happen.

The World of Cheese Making

Cheese making has been around for centuries and it’s likely that many people don’t know exactly what happens. Here are some weird facts about cheese making:

  • Traditional cheese makers use animal stomachs to coagulate milk due to a certain enzyme known as renin. This process results in curdling and removal of whey.
  • After draining away most of the fluid from early phases, workers place the newly formed cheese round into brine to develop proper surface properties that allow protective mould growth.
  • Later on, during ageing, rind develops while interior texture matures according to required product quality classification standards.
  • Cheesemakers are highly trained culinary artisans who often share aparticular passion for perfecting specific niche offerings such as Boursin or Gouda.

Some might view these practices as strange bordering on disturbing but let’s face it – without them we wouldn’t have delicious varieties like blue cheese or infused options like truffle.

Insect Farming? Yep That’s a Thing!

Insects have become an emerging protein source with purported environmental impact benefits but cultivating them en masse is not just simply letting ladybugs do their thing outside your window box – there’s science involved:

Feeding Quirks Insect species require specific diets based upon nutritional needs during different stage lifecycles i.e., no two insects feed in identical fashion()
Mass Breeding Methods Insect farming requires controlled breeding environments in laboratories or specific outdoor habitats with humid settings under protective screens / guard nets)
Hygiene Standards To prevent disease from infecting the farmed insects, facilities practice strict pesticide protocols like using eggshells and rice hulls for ‘bedding material.’
Harvest Challenges Farmers must use precise wrangling methods to collect adult specimens without killing them given human touch can cause injury which spreads bacteria within tight quarters).

Although most of us cringe thinking about eating bugs because it’s a newish idea –they are incredibly versatile protein sources that could become part of our nutritional palette. Who knows? In ten years we might be ordering insect burritos at Chipotle.

Sewage Treatment Plants: Reality Bites

If you’re the type who enjoys thinking “out there”– these sewage treatment plant peculiarities will not disappoint!

  • Heavy screening: The first level on this journey! Solid waste is extracted by big rakes often nicknamed “bar-spaced screens” (why so fancy?)
  • Filtration Process Bed:
    Dirt particles such as sand and clay settle here
  • Bioreactors:
    Microorganisms work to break down organic matter, removing energy-rich nitrogen (ammonia) and phosphorus pollutants.

Despite the fact that wastewater sometimes gets a deservedly bad reputation, all those Pee-chee folders and energy drinks don’t end up directly in rivers or lakes (phew). Not only do treatment plants clean water but they also recover solid matter that ultimately becomes fertilizer rich agent for crops so we can continue enjoying fresh produce. Win-win, right?

What Really Happens When You Donate Blood

As unfortunate as health emergencies are, donating blood is always a noble act that can save lives. Here’s what happens when you do:

  • The Screening Process starts by taking your vitals: temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure.
  • Lab Testing follows :  a sample of your collected blood is tested for diseases like HIV or malaria.
  • Separation Time:
    Your donated package will now be separated into three essential parts: plasma (protein-containing portion), red blood cells which carry oxygen to the body tissues,and platelets (cell fragments).

Finally – they place all materials needed for transfusion – into an IV bag ensuring someone in dire need gets this life-saving gift†.

And there you have it folks! This was just the tip of the iceberg about some strange goings-on in everyday industries. Whether embracing cheese makers’ stomach fermentation techniques, participating outdoor insect farming adventures , touring water treatment plants or giving back through important donation programs – we hope learning about new subjects filled with interesting tidbits was worth reading because who knows…. one day at trivia’ll never know what will come in handy!

Image licensed from Shutterstock

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