Tenncare open enrollment 2019?

Are you insured? Wait, let me rephrase that – are you properly insured? If not, then it’s high time to take control of your life and get yourself the necessary healthcare coverage. In Tennessee, one option is open enrollment for Tenncare.

But what exactly is Tenncare? Why do you need it? And how do you sign up for it during open enrollment in 2019?

Hold on tight because we’re about to take a wild ride full of information and hilarity (okay maybe just information).

What is Tenncare?

Before we discuss the nitty-gritty details of open enrollment 2019, let’s first talk about what this program actually is.

Tenncare is Tennessee’s Medicaid program. Translation: It provides medical assistance to low-income individuals who can’t afford health insurance or aren’t eligible for employer-provided health benefits.

And before anyone jumps in with asterisk-filled opinions questioning if ‘socialized medicine’ would result in death panels…calm down, Karen. The goal here isn’t turning everyone into communism-loving hippies; it’s making sure everyone has access to medical care by sharing the financial burden.

To put this simply, if you don’t have coverage – especially adequate protection from unexpected costs- Then well…….😭 [insert crying emoji here]

The truth remains that without proper health-care/insurance/accountability plan…you feel like roadkill after being hit by truck atleast not literally but come on keep reading I’m funny 😜

Who qualifies for Tenncare?

Good question! To qualify as an individual under TennCare, there are different standards depending upon which group below fits your situation:


Children between ages zero (0) and eighteen (18) years who meet certain household income restrictions and other requirements.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant Women whose household income is at or below 195% of the federal poverty level.

Families with Dependent Children

Parents and other caretaker relatives who are responsible for children under age 18, if they meet certain income and eligibility requirements.


Adults aged nineteen (19) through sixty-four (64) years who meet standards related to their gross income and, depending on their circumstances:

  • Are pregnant,
  • Have a disability,
  • Are blind,
  • Need long-term care at home or in a facility due to illness, injury or disease.

What does Tenncare cover?

Well looks like someone knew there would be questions so check this out

Basic Benefits Coverage
Doctor Visits & Services within Network Providers
Hospital Care – Acute & Specialty Facilities Within Network
Emergency Room Care
Inpatient Behavioral Health Services up to age21 , as well outpatient services. Extended Behavioral Health Services also available.

There is more but you get the drill.

It all seems like basic features which are covered by every health-insurance provider however no two insurances have same terms right? I mean sure some will provide ABC coverage when others take pride in covering XYZ but the key takeaway here is getting medical attention without worrying about going bankrupt from bills always trumps everything else-so if your income qualifies…DO NOT MISS THIS!

When Is Tenncare Open Enrollment 2019?

Alright, we’ve talked about what TennCare is and how it can benefit you – now let’s look into open enrollment

But before that DRAUMA DRAMA🤔

Where were you when TENNCARE had an open-enrollment period last time?

Tumbleweeds rolling
Cricket Noises

Sorry, it was a hilarious joke so let’s get back to work

The open enrollment period for Tenncare began October 1st, 2019 and will continue until December 15th of the same year. Formerly called TennCare Connect there’s is simple online application facility now available which can be accessed by visiting https://tenncareconnect.tn.gov or simply call (855)259-0701 toll-free

During this specific window or unless you qualify otherwise according to changes in life-circumstances –you can register for coverage with your preferred Special Eligibility Group.

So What Is A ‘Special Eligibility Group’?

This group generally consists of people who have faced certain lifestyle changes recently such as:

  • Recently Married
  • Gave Birth / Pregnancy
  • Became unemployed due to disability.
  • Retirement/Pension related issues.

It could also include emergency medical expenses that may result in serious illnesses requiring immediate hospitalization where long-term care would be necessary.

Can I switch plans during open enrollment?

Yes – During this time you can update/change your current plan if needed.

You should always think about updating/changing your insurance provider whenever appropriate—not just when open-enrolment comes around . It is important to remember that different providers offer different services and packages at various rates; hence getting appropriate health-care/insurance/accountability plan definitely requires researching before making decisions

How do I sign up for Tenncare Open Enrollment 2019?

Signing up for Tenncare isn’t rocket science but even the easiest tasks sound difficult through text-based communication 😂

However, here’s everything that needs doing outlined line-by-line:

Step One: Check Your Qualification

Check if your income qualifies not only under Seniority eligibility groups but overall requirements mentioned previously on this page.

Step Two: Prepare Documents

Gather all documents to be submitted alongside application. All documentation related to income, employment status etc should be available before-hand.

Step Three: Create Account At TennCareConnect website

Visit tenncareconnect.tn.gov and create an online account at the homepage by clicking on ‘create my account now’.

Step Four: Fill Out The Application

Fill out your application with all relevant information in detail including contact information/ address for correspondence which is updated/ active [As they will most likely use this mode of communication]

Step Five : Submit Your Application

After filling out your application forms top-to-bottom,bottom-to-top,left-right ( just make sure its epic honestly doesn’t matter ) submit them either through mail or upload directly using their portal—just bear in mind that different requirements apply for photography-based uploads vs paper mails/snail-mails 😵

What Happens After I Apply?

The authorities will process applications after open enrollment ends- starting January 1 once annual enrollment period ceases-and decide if you’re eligible based on the given criteria. Following this,{” “}if everything is good{” “}-you will receive a letter confirming coverage or requesting further documentation.

Can I still apply outside of Open Enrollment?

That’s tricky but not entirely impossible! Bear in mind that even during periods unmatching Open-Enrollment-in-Tennesseeyour eligibility might vary according to changes such as:

  • Lose current health insurance due to job transition
  • Got married/divorced
  • Recently gave birth
  • Became Seasonal worker

Still Determining your eligibility requires professional assistance so it might be best (JUUUSSTT MIGHT BE)to consult someone who knows how things work best regarding TennCare, AHCA – American Health Care Act / Medicaid thereby ensuring better knowledge about benefits associated altogether.

To sum up what has been discussed, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Tenncare is Tennessee’s Medicaid program; providing medical assistance to low-income individuals who can’t afford health insurance or aren’t eligible for employer-provided health benefits.
  • Open enrollment starts from October 1stand runs until December15th.
  • You can enroll throughout the year if you experience qualifying events, such as marriage or birth of a child.
  • Creating an online account and submitting your application forms through their website (tenncareconnect.tn.gov) is easy-peasy.

It’s high time we start taking care of ourselves guys! A solid healthcare plan should be at the top tier of priority list regardless! During open-enrollment of each respective state— it becomes even more important to make sure that long-term well-being remains intact.

Hence educating yourself beforehand on what services are provided, pros/cons associated with them regarding financial implications will better equip you during sign-up period!

We hope this article has helped shed some light on Tenncare open enrollment 2019…and possibly made having no coverage hurt less than a root-canal… okay probably not but still—it doesn’t have to suck all the way!

So go ahead ,apply today,pay due diligence,enjoy life 😁

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