Tattoo aftercare products south africa?

Let’s talk tattoos. You know, those permanent markings on your body that you got because it seemed like a good idea at the time? Whether it’s your first tattoo or your fiftieth, one thing is for sure – you need to take care of them properly after getting inked. That’s where tattoo aftercare products come in handy. But where do you find them in South Africa? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The Importance of Proper Tattoo Aftercare

First things first– why exactly do you need to take care of your tattoo after getting inked?

Well, think about it this way: when you get a cut on your skin, what do you usually do? You clean and bandage it up until it heals. It’s the same with tattoos! Your skin has essentially been punctured thousands of times by tiny needles delivering ink into the dermis layer. If proper aftercare isn’t taken throughout the healing process (which can take up to several weeks), then there is an increased risk of infection and damage to the quality and longevity of the tattoo itself.

So trust us – don’t skip out on taking care of those fresh tats!

Essential Tattoo Aftercare Products

Okay enough seriousness – let’s get down to business: which products should be part of every self-respecting tat owner’s post-tattoo shopping list?

  1. Gentle Soap – avoid harsh soaps containing alcohol or fragrances.
  2. Aquaphor – effective at moisturizing while minimizing scabbing
    3.Healing Creams- pharmacy brand creams such as Bepanthan also work well.
    4.Aloe Vera Gel – for soothing sunburnt-like symptoms
    5.Suncream – protect that forever art from damaging rays.

Where Can I Buy These Products in South Africa?

Gladly fellow Cape Townians (and non CT- folk), you won’t need to move mountains to find the proper products for maintaining any inkwork.


The online marketplace is packed with local websites offering a variety of aftercare products. Some popular sites include:

  1. Loot
  2. Yuppiechef

All three website’s offer contactless delivery so no need to leave that tattooed arm hanging out in public spaces, keeping those initial bandage hours away from curious eyes’ clear and safe.’


Like most countries around the world, South African pharmacies stock – if not tons of such healthy-skin savers – quite a few brands that should carry what you need! Try these popular ones:

  • Clicks
  • Dischem
    _ Both chains offer an assortment of healing creams such as Bepanthan which are renowned worldwide for their quick-healing properties._

DIY Tattoo Aftercare Products

Looking to save on cash but still maintain your tat baby? No worries, we hear ya – here’s some easy-to-follow recipes for creating your very own homemade tattoo aftercar e salves and lotions at home.

Healing Salve Recipe


1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup shea butter
1 tbsp beeswax pellets
5 drops lavender oil (optional)

Note: You can also add vitamin E oil or other essential oils based on preference.


Melt the coconut oil and shea butter together in a double boiler over low heat. Add beeswax pellets and stir until melted completely.
Remove from heat and let mixture cool slightly before adding in any optional vitamins or scents.
Pour into jar(s) when cooled enough where it has solidified somewhat but don’t wait too long otherwise things may start getting sticky!

And there you have it– simple yet effective DIY recipe right within reach.

In Conclusion…

Tattoos aren’t just a fad, in most societies it’s considered art or storytelling on the skin. So that being said, why skimp out on taking care of them? No matter where you pick up your aftercare products from- whether online stores, pharmacies or even mix together your own soothing salves at home- always make sure to follow any instructions provided and monitor for any signs of infection!

Remember guys – protect yourself (and that gorgeous tat).

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