Stay Close to the Cross: Let Struggles Guide You

Are you going through a tough time in your life? Are you feeling lost, confused, and helpless? Don’t worry, my friend. This is just one of those moments where God tests our strength and faith. The important thing is to stay close to the cross and let your struggles guide you towards victory.

Embrace Your Struggles

You might be thinking, “What kind of advice is this? I don’t want my struggles!” But hear me out – every struggle we face in life has a purpose. It helps us grow stronger mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes our biggest blessings come from our greatest challenges.

When things get tough, it’s easy to fall into despair and self-pity. But that won’t help you overcome your obstacles! Instead of running away from your struggles or trying to bury them deep down inside you,embrace them wholeheartedly! Acknowledge them for what they are – opportunities for growth and learning.

Keep Your Faith Strong

In times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to keep your faith strong. Remember that no matter how hard things may seem right now,God always has a plan for us . Even when everything looks bleak and hopeless on the surface,there’s always light at the end of the tunnel .

Take some time each day to pray or meditate on God’s word. Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up rather than drag you down.And most importantly,don’t lose hope . Trust in God’s plan for your life,and know that He will never give up on you.

Look For Inspiration Around You

If all else fails,you can look around yourself for inspiration.The world is full of stories about people who turned their struggles into triumphs.Famous athletes like Wilma Rudolph overcame physical disabilities,singers like Adele made hits out of their heartbreak, and entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey fought poverty to become some of the richest people in the world.

Whether it’s a story you read or heard about someone else,finding inspiration outside yourself can help keep your spirits up . The more you see other people achieving great things despite their struggles,the more motivated and inspired you’ll feel to do the same.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Another way that we can stay close to the cross is by learning from our mistakes. Life is too short to make all the mistakes on our own! Instead, let others’ failures be lessons for us. For example, if someone makes a business decision that leads them into bankruptcy then take note so that it falls off your radar when making similar decisions in future.

It’s important not only to recognize when something went wrong but also to learn what led up to this event.The next step which i call “the action stage” is needed: how can you avoid making similar errors? What steps should one take as soon as they get critical cues? This will aid in avoiding significant obstacles later on, keeping frustrations at bay.

Share Your Struggles with Others

Nobody likes going through difficult times alone.Don’t keep everything bottled up inside of yourself– reach ouch for support.On top of being there for friends and family,fellowship sessions at church are often an ideal place when looking for communities wherein one feels like could share their experience without fear or judgement.Therefore,a time spent talking goes beyond getting comforted,reinforcing faith,and offering hope ,this potentially transforms one’s life forever!

Additionally,you might benefit from having professional counsellors help identify challenges and work towards solutions altogether.Counseling provides a non-judgmental ear where everyone has access,and its limits could stretch beyond all social boundaries.This offers impartial teachings around different issues,making rooms conducive enough where communication channels of blocked,are unclogged,this enabling positive life changes right after surpassing vulnerabilities.

Live in the Moment

Lastly and not least,stay close to the cross by learning how to live in the moment.This does not mean that one stops planning for future events but rather living intentionally each day.Have you ever had your mind wander so often towards stuff you’re yet to achieve or regret about past experiences?Make it stop!

Instead,enjoy life as it comes; take time smelting flowers on a walk around town,share joyous moments with others including children,gather -around-friendly conversations with strangers.Feelings such as happiness are easier derived from simple things.Most people waste away their lives hoping for more exciting times ahead only blocking out small opportunities for happy tidings abound behind every corner.This way,you’ll be able to appreciate each victory and stride made during your journey occasionally reflecting over where troubles emanated from.

In conclusion,staying close to The Cross may seem hard much of the time,but it’s worth keeping our head uplifted even when under tremendous stress.It increases spiritual awareness,and above all helps us become closer rekindling relationships with God.By practising these six habits shared herein regularly,eventually becoming part of our daily routine,no hindrances will stand between you nor do any significant damage.Relax knowing rough days were constructed explicitly tailored just for personal growth because—God has bigger plans yet!

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