Small but Mighty: 1/3 Cup Rolled Oats Calories

Are you tired of feeling bloated after breakfast? Are you looking for a healthy yet satisfying option that won’t leave your stomach grumbling in an hour? Look no further than 1/3 cup rolled oats! These tiny little grains pack a punch when it comes to nutrition, and the low calorie count will keep you slim and trim. So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the world of rolled oats calories.

What Are Rolled Oats?

First things first, let’s get familiar with these little guys. Rolled oats, also known as old-fashioned oats or oatmeal flakes, are whole grain oats that have been steamed and flattened with large rollers before being dried. This process gives them their signature flat shape and short cooking time compared to other types of oats like steel cut or instant.

The Nutritional Value of Rolled Oats

Now onto the good stuff. For starters, one serving size (which is typically around 1/2 cup) contains only 150-160 calories (but we’re focusing on just one-third). And in every bite-sized spoonful, there is 4 grams fiber, which keeps your digestion humming along nicely throughout the day. Not enough roughage for ya’? Good news – this same amount packs in another 6 grams protein!

But wait…there’s more! Rolled oats contain vitamins B1 (thiamin), B5 (pantothenic acid), folate (B9), iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus–all super-stars worth rooting-for in any person’s diet! Additionally they provide compounds called beta-glucans that offer immunity boosting immune function support against diseases such cancer cells!

Though not present here – suffice to say Omega-3s too play many roles such as reducing inflammation which can otherwise lead to chronic disease risk factors as well as improve brain function.

But What About the Fat and Carbohydrates?

Good question, for only showing calories 150-160 doesn’t give us the whole picture. In a 1/3 cup portion of rolled oats has only 12 grams carbs (think pure energy!) and about 2g fat. They are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates which is brilliant because they will keep you fuller for longer periods than simple sugars would typically.

How Should We Eat Our Rolled Oats?

You may be thinking to yourself “I hate oatmeal… I can’t eat this” but no need to worry! One-third cup serving amount isn’t just in reference to oatmeal; it’s equivalent with easy-to-disguise toppings such as using them instead of breadcrumbs in meatballs or burgers, even pancakes as well in granola!

Add some zest into your cooking by blending them into smoothies or homemade protein bars that pack more nutrition than convention mass-produced ones.

Pro-tip: Soak them overnight so they cook up faster come morning time when you want some hot cereal.

But wait, there’s still more roll(ed)in’ action

Looking for other ways to enjoy rolled oats calories? Here are some recipes with great ideas:

Recipe 1: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

1 mashed ripe banana
¼ cup natural peanut butter
¼ cup honey
2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats


Preheat oven over 350F。Line square baking dish(~8×10 inch)with parchment paper.
Mix together ripe banana, peanut butter,and honey then add dry ingredients(chopped nuts), chocolate chips etc.
Bake until lightly golden brown on top(approximately15-20 minutes).
Remove from heat – let cool completely before serving .

Did we mention that along with providing all-around organ support, rolled oats calories have amniotic effect which promotes good blood flow?

Recipe 2: Spiced Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

⅓ cup old-fashioned rolled oats
½ cup almond milk
1 small apple (diced)
½ tablespoon honey
¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder


Combine the ingredients into a jar, shake until combined.
Transfer to the fridge and let it sit overnight – this will give enough time for the oats to soak up all of the flavors. Come morning time breakfast is ready!

Pro-tip: You can also add other fruits like berries or chopped nuts on top before serving.

Final Thoughts…

So now that you know how powerful just one-third cup of rolled oats is, what are you waiting for? Experiment with incorporating them into your meals or try out some oatmeal-based recipes in order to amp up your nutrition content while also keeping your waistline slim! Calories CAN low-carb diet friendly too–now isn’t that mind-boggling?!

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