Shady Friends Quotes: Trust No One

You know those days when you feel like everyone around you is out to get you? When the world seems dark and full of terrors and all you can do is curl up in a ball and hope for the best?

Well, my friend, I hate to break it to you but…you might be onto something. The truth is, some people are just shady as hell. And if there’s one place where shadiness really thrives, it’s in friendships.

But how can you tell if your friends are shady or not? That’s where these quotes come in handy. As they say, “words are powerful”. And when those words come from someone who has proven themselves untrustworthy? Well, let’s just say that you should probably listen.

Quote #1: “I won’t tell anyone”

Ah yes, the classic promise that always makes me suspicious. Whenever someone says this to me – especially about something juicy – alarm bells start ringing in my head.

Now obviously there are times when secrecy is necessary (like when your friend confides in you that they’re secretly Batman). But more often than not, people who claim they won’t reveal your secrets end up doing just that.

So next time your so-called friend swears on their mother’s grave that they’ll keep quiet about something (eye roll), remember this quote and think twice before sharing anything important with them.

Quote #2: “I’m always here for you”

This one sounds nice on the surface – after all, isn’t having supportive friends what life is all about? Unfortunately though, some people use “support” as a way to manipulate others into doing what they want.

It could be lending money with strings attached (“If I give this to you will you help me move next weekend?”), pushing their own opinions too hard (“You should break up with them, they’re not good enough for you”), or just generally making you feel like you “owe” them something.

Of course, true friends are there for each other no matter what. But if your friend seems to always want something in return for their kindness, be wary – they might not have your best interests at heart.

Quote #3: “I swear I’m telling the truth”

This one is a personal pet peeve of mine. Whenever someone insists that they’re being truthful, it makes me suspicious (and maybe a little bit annoyed).

Why? Well first of all, people who lie tend to get defensive when called out on it. So by asserting their honesty over and over again, they might be trying to pre-emptively protect themselves from accusations of deceit.

And secondly, even if someone believes what they’re saying, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. If your friend tells you something that seems fishy but swears up and down that it’s legit…take it with a grain of salt.

Quote #4: “You can trust me”

The ultimate shady-friend quote! There’s nothing quite as reassuring as hearing those four words from someone who has already shown themselves to be untrustworthy in the past…

Okay fine, obviously I’m being sarcastic here (sarcasm is my love language), but seriously – anyone who has to tell you that they’re trustworthy probably isn’t.

Think about it this way: if someone really is reliable and honest, they won’t need to constantly remind others of that fact. It’ll show through their actions instead.

Quote #5: “‘Between us’ stays between us”

Similar to quote number one – this phrase tends to set off alarm bells in my head. Because let’s face it: anything said ‘between us’ probably won’t stay between us for very long.

And even if your friend doesn’t actively blab your secrets to others, they might still use that information against you in subtle ways. Maybe they’ll suddenly start acting distant or judgmental towards you; maybe they’ll make assumptions about you based on what you told them.

Just because someone puts the word ‘secret’ or ‘between us’ on something doesn’t automatically mean it’s safe – so before sharing anything truly sensitive with a friend, consider whether it’s worth the risk.

Quote #6: “I hate drama”

Now this one…this one is tricky. Because theoretically, no one really likes drama, right? Drama is exhausting and stressful and can tear friendships apart faster than anything else.

However – and I say this as someone who has definitely used this phrase before – people who claim to hate drama often end up causing more of it themselves!

Maybe they’re constantly stirring up trouble between other friends. Maybe their personal life is always boiling over with problems that eventually spill out onto everyone else around them. Or maybe…they just love attention (gasp).

Again, I’m not saying that every person who claims they hate drama is secretly plotting some sort of chaos (after all, sometimes people genuinely are low-key). But be wary of anyone who seems overly invested in announcing how chill and laid-back they are. They could very well be the opposite.

Quote #7: “I won’t judge you”

Everyone wants a non-judgmental friend in their life – someone who will support them no matter what mistakes they make or flaws they have (cue sappy music).

But here’s the truth: we all judge each other at least a little bit. Even if we don’t show it outwardly, our minds naturally form opinions about the people around us based on what we see/hear/observe.

So when someone tells me that my behavior/actions/life choices won’t be judged by them…well. It’s not that I necessarily think they’re lying, but rather that it’s impossible to guarantee total non-judgment.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to find friends who are accepting and supportive – just don’t put too much stock in someone who claims they’ll never have even a twinge of criticism towards you.

Quote #8: “It was just a joke”

Ahh yes, the classic backpedal when someone realizes their supposed “joke” has gone too far. Gotta love it!

Here’s the thing: there are certain types of jokes which should not be made between friends. Jokes about personal appearance, mental health struggles, sensitive topics like race/religion/gender orientation…these things can easily go sour if handled inappropriately.

Now obviously context matters (and as someone who loves dark humor, I appreciates edgy jokes done right). But if your friend seems to constantly make insensitive jabs disguised as humor? Consider whether their intentions might be less than good-hearted.

Quote #9: “I’m not trying to start anything”

I’m guilty of using this phrase myself, so trust me when I say…no one ever thinks someone else is trying to start drama except for themselves!

The ironic thing about this quote is that people usually only say it when they’re trying to create conflict or stir up trouble. Maybe they’ll casually mention something negative about another friend (‘just between us’, natch) or bring up an old fight from months ago.

If your friend uses this phrase around you more than once – especially if it always seems suspiciously timed with some sort of interpersonal turmoil – consider whether maybe they actually enjoy playing mediator or instigator in conflicts between others, regardless of how harmful or upsetting it may be.

Conclusion: Shady Friends Quotes Are Everywhere

Look, I know what you’re thinking: “But friend-shaped robot! Not all friends are bad! Why are you being so cynical?”

And listen, that’s a valid point. Obviously not every person in your social circle is trying to manipulate or deceive you – most people truly do mean well!

But the sad reality is that there are plenty of shady characters out there who use friendship as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. And the best way to protect yourself from those shady folks? Pay attention to their words.

Whether they make empty promises or claim they want peace while spreading rumors, these quotes can tell you more about a person’s intentions than almost anything else (other than maybe how they treat others).

So next time someone starts telling you something suspect just remember: trust no one, especially not people who use phrases like “I’m not shady!”…because let’s be real, anyone who has to say it probably is.

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