Sending Love Across Miles: Long Distance Good Night

Long-distance relationships are tricky, but they’re not impossible. If you’re in one, then congratulations, you’re a brave soul because let’s be real here – they can totally suck your face off! But fear not dear reader; we’ve got some tips and tricks for sending love across the miles.

Set Aside Specific Time to Be Together Even Though You’re Apart

When living together is no longer an option, it’s crucial that couples create time to spend together on a regular basis. One way of doing this is scheduling calls or video chats at specific times throughout the week.

Pro tip: Plan special events where you can “be” with each other even if that means watching movies simultaneously over Skype or playing an online game together.

Mix things up!

Even though there are distance and busy schedules involved , make sure to surprise your partner every once in a while. Maybe send them letters or care packages which could contain something humorous like:

  • A candle scented like their favorite fast food joint
  • The chicken nugget shaped cat toy
  • Funny socks with minion faces.

Remember to keep it light-hearted by adding included jokes along the lines of “Love from afar made me do this!”

Note: Packages don’t have to be expensive – they just need character.

Say Goodnight…But Make It Interesting!

Not being able actually reach out touch them does pose existicebtial questions: How often should I say good night? What delightful shoutout scream must I use?

Here’s our pick of fun goodnight phrases:

 Sleep tight my bear/snuggle buggle/ziggy poo!
 Have sweet dreams about Snorlax :P
 May the force/big spoon be with you tonight!

What counts most is ending your day knowing Your loved ones are thinking fondly of you.

Pro tip: Send cute emoticons or gifs that express your love and affection with a promise of seeing each other soon.

Keep Communication Interesting

When in long-distance relationships, communication keeps you from drifting apart. Rather than simply asking “How’s work?,” Attempt offering anecdotes like:

  • Did you know my neighbor just converted his garage into miniature chess “Kingdom”?
  • Today I learned how cells divide through mitosis!

Random nuggets make the conversation worth looking forward to more than “yawn Working late again.”

Be Supportive Of Each Other’s Endeavors

Make sure to ask about your partner’s goals and aspirations whether it be personal or professional. Being supportive when their dreams come to fruition shows immense encouragement.

Fun fact: If they’re not sure what kind of pizza joint they should open, kindly suggest a factory which only serves bacon pizzas!

Play Games Together Virtually

Playing games together provides entertainment – making distance less daunting! Check out some interesting game options for two players:

  • Scrabble
  • Trivia Quiz Bowl
  • Cards Against Humanity Online
  • Ludo

The games allow time consumed conversing casually without any pressure.

Note: Since we are going on as spartans trying to steer clear Conventional chat flow (we’re edgy like that), check this list out featuring unconventional games (definitionally): Forgotton Anne.

Prioritize Time Spent Together Even When Not Physically Close

Schedule calls on speakerphone even while doing chores like cooking / cleaning 👌🏽 It’ll help establish closeness while normalizing everyday errands. Oh the mundane things become special ❤️ Important Note: Do not attempt while operating heavy machinery, lest you might end up with a spoon for an eyeball. Safety First!

Getting In Shape Together…Or Not

Though squeezing in gym time together may be impossible doing it virtually is absolutely doable!! Try yoga through Youtube or squat challenges like the 30-day butt lift challenge.

Pro tip: Virtual running apps are being consistently used these days which helps garner some healthy competition as well 🏃🏻‍♀️ Pick your battles and let em sweat!

Continue To Build Memories

Photographs definitely goes a long way when feeling lonesome.… but ol memories weigh more than new ones at times. Spend time recalling stories of how they screwed up that one summer camp game or even embarrassing teenage years- such sweet sweet nostalgia!

Fun Fact: The human memory can actually features events That were not recorded on camera by adding subconscious details into any event recalled to make it more vivid.

Work On Your Future Plans

Long distance relationships always necessitates planning. Being deliberate about future plans shows commitment and dedication if nothing else.(🤔 Hope nothings else!)

Discuss where you see yourself in the next year so both partners know what to look forward too !!

Interesting idea: Watch star gazing online (believe us there is …someone has noted here: “you would be surprised reader”) while deciding Destiny’s next adventure!!

Don’t Over-saturate Communication With Attention-Sucking Requests

Too much attention-seeking through phone calls /texts can drain conversations dry faster than 𝑒^𝜋 ! Balance calls between getting sufficient sleep but also remember leave space so could miss hearing each others voice 😊

Avoid overwhelming either party without mutual consent; it pushes them away rather than bringing them closer.

Although by definition long-term relationships mean steady efforts, we hope this article provides pointers that lighten burdens and spark new adventures in your long-distance relationship. Distance may be tough, but love always perseveres! Give it all them hearts you romantic nuggets ❤️❤️❤️

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