Seizing ADHD: Grasping at a Life with ‘ADHD Take My Hand’ Poem

Are you tired of feeling like you can’t keep up with the rest of the world? Do you ever feel like your brain is operating on a completely different wavelength than everyone else’s? If so, then you may have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and it’s time to seize control.

Luckily for all of us ADHD sufferers out there, there are countless resources available to help us navigate our way through life. One such resource that has gained popularity in recent years is the poem “ADHD Take My Hand.” This powerful piece speaks directly to those who struggle daily with their condition and offers a helping hand. So, let’s take a closer look at this poem and see how it can help us seize control of our ADHD.

What is ADHD?

Before we dive into the poem itself, let’s quickly discuss what ADHD actually entails. Essentially, ADHD is a neurological disorder that impacts an individual’s ability to concentrate or pay attention. Those with the disorder often display hyperactive or impulsive behavior as well.

It’s estimated that approximately 8-10% of children experience symptoms related to ADHD; however, many still go undiagnosed well into adulthood due in part because they learn ways around their condition instead of confronting its root cause.

A Helping Hand: Understanding “ADHD Take My Hand”

First published on Medium by Johanna Fox Turner in August 2019 under her pseudonym Bluestar, “ADHD Take My Hand” aims to offer support and solidarity for those dealing with their own struggles related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Let’s break down some key phrases from this powerful poem:

“Take my hand”

This simple phrase showcases how even someone struggling themselves isn’t alone – reminding readers that others know exactly what it’s like living with ADHD.

“…and together let’s pack and repack…”

ADHD can make even simple tasks feel overwhelming, but we’re encouraged to move forward one step at a time (even if it means packing and repacking multiple times).

“…we’ll take off into scattered free flight”

At times those of us with ADHD live in the ‘now’ but this powerful line suggests that we can conquer our scatter-brained moments by soaring above them – flying high as opposed to feeling bogged down.

Strategies for Managing ADHD Symptoms

While poems like “ADHD Take My Hand” are great sources of inspiration and support, it’s important to have concrete strategies in place for managing your condition on a day-to-day basis. Here are some tips:

Make Lists

One way to tackle the distractions vying for our attention is by writing everything down. From grocery lists to daily schedules; having physical lists do not only help you accomplish your goals, but also relieve anxiety by creating an easily manageable plan.

Be Mindful

Mindfulness practices involve taking intentional steps towards grounding oneself in the present moment which could allow us individuals better recall information when needed or avoid misplacing items altogether.

Take Frequent Breaks

When working or studying becomes mentally exhausting due to numerous interruptions from racing thoughts or external stimuli throughout the day – short breaks help maintain motivation levels longer than grinding through long stretches of work: try 25 minutes followed up several shorter breaks hence maintaining focus efficiently.

Finding Community Support

It may come across as cliché, however joining support groups will bring immense change through acceptance within a community. On Reddit there is r/ADHD forum full engaging conversations between supportive people about their experiences while sharing valuable coping mechanisms amongst others who wholly empathize!


Living with ADHD often feels daunting but remember: You are not alone. There are countless resources available to help manage symptoms and find a sense of community along the way. The poem “ADHD Take My Hand” stands as one source of comfort assurance during the bleaker moments experienced by those with ADHD whom we must keep reminding ourselves to hold on tight!

So, whether you choose to seek out online support communities or utilize organizational tools like writing lists ‘take taking regular breaks’, together we can overcome our distractions and fully embrace life despite living with this disorder.

Seize control, folks – it’s time to start making your own success stories through communal understanding and support: don’t forget that poetry may be wise source for
unwavering comprehension in ‘dark’ days which these lines from Joanne Fox Turner would reaffirm:

“Together, let’s pack
and repack our dreams,
we’ll take off into scattered free flight”

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