Pre-baby Prep: What to Know Before Having a Baby

Having a baby is an exhilarating experience. But it’s also one that requires preparation – and we’re not talking about just having a crib and diapers on hand. Here, we’ll go through some practical advice for all new parents-to-be looking to maximize their pre-baby prep.

First Things First: Mental Preparedness

Before you dive headfirst into preparing the nursery or browsing baby clothes online, take some time to get your mental game in check:

  1. Understand Parenting Styles: Do you have differing parenting styles from your partner? It’s crucial for both of you to be on the same page when it comes to emotional outbursts vs. calm discussions, spanking vs timeouts and tv time limits.
  2. Set Realistic Expectations: This means setting achievable goals as first-time parents like waking up every two hours isn’t going away anytime soon unless it diminishes itself over time; don’t set yourself up for disappointment.
  3. Get Financially Prepared: Going broke because of pills can be tough but babies are next level expensive; reformat those expenses so they revolve around your infant without compromising any other essential expenditure.

Your Body: Physical Health Preparation

A human might grow inside another human being means that there will be numerous physical changes taking place even postpartum! In no particular order (or maybe order), here’s what expectant mothers should consider before,

Getting Fit!

1.Start Moving As Soon As Possible

Begin doing lighter activities such as swimming, cycling etc., this ensures an easier delivery process than someone who rows or lifts weights non-stop throughout pregnancy.

2.Aerobics + Kegel Exercises = Trained Pelvic Floor Muscles

Regular exercise promotes general health while kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles important during birth by reducing chances of ostasis or tearing.

Seeking Medical Care!

3.Seeking Medical Assistance

You won’t just need a general practitioner: consider getting a specialized physician for the different categories of pregnancy e.g obstetrician or gynecologist which helps mitigate any potential out-of-the-ordinary problems that might arise later on unnoticed.

Home Improvements before Baby Arrives

Now, let’s talk about your nest! Getting your household in order beforehand will ensure peace of mind when baby comes home from the hospital; no mess left behind and nothing forgotten!

1.Have Enough Bedrooms

Don't worry if you don't have enough space make sure there’s an area free from pets or too much noise pollution aside from where they'll be spending time with their new mommy.

2.Organize Storage needs

 De-cluttering wardrobes and other storage areas can do wonders as it’ll give room to accommodate more baby stuff such as diapers, onesies etc., also help to dispose any unwanted possessions.

3.Start Prepping Nursery Place

  This includes decorating walls (feel free to draw some zoological illustrations), choose cribs/ chairs and have all furniture arranged in right composition.

The Practicalities: Be Ready For Anything!

Assembling everything you need for taking care of a brand-new human being is important – so pay close attention because here are some faves,

Entertain Yourself In Advance

4.Prepare A To-do List/Memory Book
It’s incredible how forgetful one could become regarding essential things like doing grocery shopping for milk – no matter how small something may seem – Thus writing down tasks accomplished daily helps monitor what went wrong – or what didn’t!

5.Shop around!
Make sure every member has clothes that cover various seasonal changes avoid buying only woolen garments during summer, rather find lightweight wear suitable throughout every season. Trust me its worth going through each store possible weighing up options

Baby Supplies: the essentials!

6.Diapers and Wipes
Don’t underestimate how many you’ll need. Believe me, your baby will be peeing and pooping constantly- just add them in!

7.Baby Clothes

 Our advice is to stock on different clothing ensembles designed for all kinds of weather conditions plus it's also a great way to take cute photos.

8.Child Safety Devices

Once toddlers begin crawling, danger lurks everywhere thus key items such as cabinet locks/ outlet covers are essential beforehand.


Preparing yourself before having your first child should make things easier by ensuring everything runs smoothly (Okay, that’s unlikely but we still hope!) We’re excited for you and know that with these recommendations based on years of observations – not neuroticism – You’re already taking an important step towards preparing for this amazing journey!

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