Oops, I Said It Wrong: The Art of Pronouncing Things Incorrectly

Ah, the English language – a never-ending labyrinth of confusing rules and exceptions that can leave even the most seasoned linguist scratching their head. And perhaps one of the biggest challenges in navigating this linguistic minefield is figuring out how to pronounce all those pesky words correctly. But what if we told you that sometimes, it’s better to just embrace your mispronunciations? Yes, that’s right folks – welcome to the world of Incorrect Pronunciation, where being wrong is oh-so-right.

Tunafish or Tuna Fish?

Let’s start with an easy one – do you say ‘tunafish’ or ‘tuna fish’? If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve been saying it wrong all along (and no judgement here because honestly who cares?). However, there are some purists out there who insist on inserting a space between ‘tuna’ and ‘fish’, arguing that it sounds less clunky and more sophisticated. Sorry purists but we have some news for you: nobody actually cares whether or not you put a space between tuna and fish so feel free to keep shortening words at your own discretion.

Onomatopoeia… Wha??

Ah yes, everyone’s favorite word from 5th grade English class…. Onomatopoeia! For those not in-the-know (but really though who doesn’t know this) onomatopoeias are basically when a word closely mimics its sound (think hiss or buzz). Now here’s where things get interesting: while every well-meaning teacher has probably drilled into our heads the “correct” way to utter these fun little words- does anyone actually pronounce them right? We mean take “buzz” for example.. Do any syllables other than “buh” actually emerge from peoples mouths? Nope. Similarly, we’ve all heard people say words like “thwack” or “kapow”, confident in their pronunciation despite the fact that they clearly aren’t pronouncing any actual sounds associated with those words. But hey – if it feels good to pronounce them your way then go ahead and ignore Webster’s Dictionary.

Sales is Saless

Fun Fact: There are actually quite a few common English terms where mispronunciation is totally accepted (and sometimes even preferred). Take “sales” for instance- While most people know how to properly say this word without issue, every so often you’ll find someone dropping the last syllable of ‘es’ creating ‘saless’. And truth be told? Sometimes that’s just fine! Because honestly who wants to memorize three whole syllables when two will do?

Pro-tip: Shorten words at your leisure but only shorten names after everyone involved can confirm that Bob is indeed short for Robert.

I Pledge Allegiance To..Who??

For our non-American readers out there let us introduce you to some hell-worthy shenanigans known as recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance.(sorry America) As children across the nation solemnly utter these famous lines each morning, it’s not uncommon to hear numerous students mispronouncing various parts- specifically, accidentally replacing one’s own name in place of ‘the flag’ during “I pledge allegiance to THE FLAG.” Who knows maybe someday down the line US citizens WILL proclaim their love for themselves instead! Until then feel free fire away with however which way you’d prefer lending support here!


Ahh yes… nothing beats walking into a job interview over confidently verbalizing corporate jargon left and right until…. Comedic-Silence sets in. The conversation comes screeching halt whilst two strangers stare at each other blankly both having no idea what you are trying to articulate. As humans, we have an inherent urge to impress others which can lead us down dark paths of over pronunciation and mispronunciation as well. One way people tend to drive themselves bonkers is by scrolling through Linkedin in order to pick up the most bizarre vocabulary list possible.. Spoiler alert: If you’ve never uttered “synergize” aloud until this point then nobody except for your local MLM Hun probably knows how it’s pronounced properly anyway so half-heartedly spit out words with authority and ride their wave of ignorance.

A Mute Point or… moot?

By now everyone should know that Incorrect Pronunciation not only stems from the desire to simply shorten a word (or sound smarter than one really is).. But sometimes our brains just aren’t working in tandem! For instance, plenty of folks still make the crucial error of pronouncing ‘mute’ as if they’re saying “moot.” Which somewhat makes sense considering “moot” sounds like it would be derived from ‘mute’ but guess what guys- it’s not(see its all about context!). The even more hilarious part? This mistake consistently flies under the radar far enough that often times individuals don’t notice anything astray themselves while chatting away casually (oh boy!).

All things considered, Accepting imperfections means living our best lives pain-free!! And remember there are certain situations where correct grammar rules may trump humorous-intentional-mispronunciations (we’re looking directly at Medical professionals on this one). However In normal life, embrace those slips-ups proudly!

Lastly….Pro-Tip: When speaking slap some extreme emphasis onto whatever word or syllable tripped you up- People will assume you’re intentional in your choices – especially if said with confidence & conviction!

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