My Better Half and My Bestie: My Wife is my Best Friend Quotes

Marriage can be fun, but it certainly comes with its ups and downs. However, having a partner who doubles as a best friend makes the journey worthwhile. There’s no denying that friendships are important in life, but what happens when your spouse becomes your closest confidant? When you have someone who truly knows every facet of your life – the good, bad and ugly – around you constantly, it’s nothing short of amazing. Here are some reasons why my wife is my best friend.

The Benefits of Having Your Spouse as Your BFF

Yes! It is 100% possible to find someone who not only tolerates all your flaws but celebrates them too by sticking with you through thick and thin no matter what!

Having your wife double as your BFF has many benefits:


One huge advantage of marrying one’s better half is that communication improves tremendously because both parties understand each other very well; which reduces conflicts due to surprises/misunderstandings.


It goes without saying that trust forms the backbone of any successful relationship whether personal or business-related; thus allowing each person to flourish independently whilst still being bound together in marriage.

Emotional Support

If you’re feeling down on yourself for whatever reason; lacking confidence or overwhelmed by anxiety/stress then having a supportive wife who acts more than just an ordinary friend can make a world difference.

Shared Experiences

I mean isn’t this obvious? When couples also serve as friends they get lots/loads/buckets full of cherished moments like going out / seeing movies/ attending events/parties & creating irreplaceable memories.

Signs That Your Spouse Has Become Your BFF

  1. You’ve got inside jokes
    2.You tell her/Him everything ranging from major wins to minor losses
    3.She/he always knows what you need even before you articulate it.
    4.She/he supports your crazy ideas and always indulges in trying new things that turn out to be adventures
    5.You can share a silence with each other without feeling the urge to break it just for making conversation/making noise

Best BFF Quotes

One can select from the following best friend quotes about marriage when extoling their emotions about marrying their bestie.

  1. “It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, then suddenly, they become a part of you.”
  2. “When I say I love you more; I don’t mean I love you more than….I mean I love you more than all the bad days ahead of us”
    3.“They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.”
    4.”There is no greater friendship than marriage.”
  3. “A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those/ especially on those difficult/bad days.”

Things You Learn When Your Spouse becomes Your BFF

Marriage has taught most couples quite some things but below are unique lessons accrued from having your wife as your confidant:


As bright-eyed newlyweds/Juveniles have only experienced so much in this world together & find themselves constantly battling over petty issues like hogging up blanket space.

Compromising is therefore very important, and serves as one key aspect in sustaining any good relationship yours included.


The bond between married partners increases or dwindles depending on communication standards (and frequency/intent behind said communication); considering being able to communicate openly/honestly with one’s spouse creates deeper levels of trust thus lending itself well towards redressing minor areas where differences arise without fuelling conflicts/violence.


While life may seem tumultuous-esp pertaining weather changes such as tempests, whirlwinds, or hurricanes- having a BFF as a spouse requires staying patient which can be the hardest thing to do. Sometimes we have to put our natural reaction aside and make an extra effort understand what our better halves are going through.


The benefits of laughter in any relationship speaks for itself. Again Being married means that you also commit yourself whole-heartedly towards making your partner feel fulfilled . This role simply demands building happy/successful habits like creating joy together.

Best Practices for Making Your Wife/Husband Your BFF

Building/maintaining respect & practice will always breed success esp once one practices it long enough; below are some good tips:

Meaningful Conversations

It helps being comfortable talking about serious issues/topics- especially with marriage thriving on communication so having meaningful conversations regularly is always recommended.

Quality Time Spent Together

Regularly scheduling quality times out where both parties can attend events/parties/do activities they love etc improves closeness while adding more memories to an already-memorable life journey together/a shared personal history.

Fun Adventures Togehter/trying New things

When was the last time you did something crazy/spontaneous? Couples who play together stay forever since fun creates new pathways that ordinarily would’ve never materialized producing amazing results overtime thus maintain their mental edge/passion alive + kicking!

In Conclusion: Love You More Than Nutella

In summary, getting someone whom one hits it off immediately with definitely leads to an Honorary bestie spot but marrying such person converts romantic journeys into far more fulfilling ones full of laughter/delight/incredible moments shared between only two people/couples lucky enough like us!

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