Life harmonizes with you: 25 lovely quotes

Life is a beautiful experience that can be made even better by positivity and happiness. A few words of encouragement, uttered at the right time, can change one’s perspective towards life forever. As such, we have compiled 25 lovely quotes to help you harmonize with life.

Embracing Change

“Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life.” – Alvin Toffler.
It’s easy to get comfortable in your current situation without realizing how much more there may be out there for you. Remember that growth comes from embracing new changes and experiences.

“Dreams are illustrations…from the book your soul is writing about you.”- Marsha Norman.
Dream big! Allow yourself to dream vividly as this will give you mental clarity on what direction or ambitions speak best to your heart.

“Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy or stupid; those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan!”- Larry Winget.
If success was guaranteed with little effort we’d all do it but make no mistake the keys means being intentional about creating opportunity through hard work

Overcoming Obstacles

“While some people might see ‘failure’ as an end point, successful people often see it as just another stepping-stone…” Arianna Huffington
Failure is inevitable in life yet most of us shy away from risk in fear of facing failure. However know that overcoming obstacles leads way towards discovering our greatest potential.

“The only way out of difficulty is through it”- Unknown Author
Avoidance always appears like the easier route here but often solves nothing short-term nor long-term problems essentially leaving them stuck cyclically.

When we start developing an attitude which breeds solutions rather than excuses then finding ways around hurdles becomes internalized thinking.

“A strong woman builds her own world”- Unknown Author
Women need support? Excuse me but how about the fact that managing caregiving, nursing, career and business commitments whilst keeping self-care in check warrants us to be celebrated?

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your emotions, it’s not worth it! “- Will Smith
Have we not all experienced someone in our lives who appears toxic to themselves let alone others? Their negativity is highly infectious – Choose carefully whose energy surrounds you!

Finding Joy

“You can’t be unhappy if you think good thoughts”- Unknown Author (Accredited but no source)
Simplicity has been coined as the ultimate type of sophistication. Life will always bring different challenges with its ups and downs however by tuning yourself into a state of gratitude allows one upsurge joy.

“No matter what people tell you, words cannot change reality.” – J.K. Rowling
Words are powerful but they shouldn’t consume your internal thought process or mind space at worst point; Whether on social media platforms or through criticism otherwise illogical and belittling comments beyond critique can alter your perception.

“Happiness comes from within, not from without.” – Buddha
It’s natural to want external things like success,money,power relationships etc..But the primary attraction stems from being happy inside first.Please realize true satisfaction lies in appreciating every present moment around us.

Love “Love is patient; love…never fails…” – Saint Paul

Rude awakenings make an ideal catalyst for revising ones respective past mistakes both major or minor involving those whom we have come across romantically.Getting ‘Hurt’ mentally leads towards solidifying sound judgement when pursuing any form of long-lasting companionship

“Faith makes all things possible…love makes all things easy!”- Dwight L. Moody.
Being open takes faith courage and wisdom.But doing so creates a new depth which enriches oneself ultimately with wholehearted commitment

“A man falls in love through his eyes, a women through her ears.”-Woodrow Wyatt
Women’s intuition are often remarkably powerful and accurate which cannot be learned in the same regard as men can learn persuasion mechanisms but listening attentive to what is being communicated creates meaningful bonding

Celebrating Life

“Appreciate everything that happens in your life; it’s all for your betterment… “- Unknown (Accredited)
Compelling of experiences will alternate between highs and lows but with steady appreciation we develop character appreciating tough times more.

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” – Dalai Lama XIV
Perhaps happiest people understand no matter whats going on they won’t let external events control internal emotions.Each day needs celebrating remember each achievement comes bit by bit.

Life harmonizes with you verse yourself vs finding balance within yourself, letting go beats striving on endlessly whilst freedom becomes achievable both mentally +physically.

With these quotes as inspiration, create an atmosphere filled with love laughs joy and happiness seemingly always there somewhere just waiting around the corner!

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