Let go: Stop expecting you from others

Have you ever been in a situation where your expectations were so high that reality didn’t even stand a chance? If you’re like most people, then the answer is an overwhelming yes! And if you’re anything like me, then it might have taken several failed attempts to finally realize the error in our ways. Let’s face it; we’ve all struggled with unrealistic or misplaced expectations at some point in our lives. While there’s undoubtedly no harm being optimistic about life and its possibilities, setting standards that require perfection from others can be frustrating to both parties involved.

What Does It Mean To Have Expectations?

Expectations are beliefs or assumptions that determine how one behaves towards themselves and others around them. They’re essentially guidelines for how things should play out based on past experiences or what they believe to be reasonable demands of any given situation. Most of these preconceived notions come subconsciously yet inform how we interact with people and experience new situations.

Here’s an example:

You’re looking forward to a fancy three-course dinner date—a well-deserved treat after working non-stop for weeks only to find a laid back pizza night instead.

Disappointment sets in because ‘you expected more’. In this situation, the set-up of expectation seems innocent enough- you deserve something special after putting in work but isn’t expecting such specific results setting oneself up for failure?
This Is where things get dicey…

Mysteries Behind Our High Expectations

As humans, every one of us has different ideas about what is acceptable behavior during certain situations based on ingrained social norms taught throughout development (peer pressure). While it may not seem obvious at first glance, high expectations stem from various sources as;

  • Social Influences
  • Perfectionism
  • Past experiences

At times social group pressures may dictate one adhere’s strongly onto expectations until executing an alteration feels like an individual challenge. Sometimes failure to meet expectations can manifest as self-doubt, shame and the like ultimately affecting our overall mental well-being.

On the other hand, perfectionism is when one desires everything ideally- a problem that has been classified under Obsessive Compulsory Disorder (OCD). This ‘disease’ manifests itself in situations where individuals feel less sufficient even when success stares them directly in the eyes. Such people may have tendencies to be workaholics, maintain strict nutrition plans just because they ‘HAVE TO’ – this isn’t healthy living.

Past experiences shape future behavior of individuals; sometimes good or bad but still capable of triggering preconceived notions about things we are yet to experience again. While it’s crucial not to diminish some promising pasts lives offer second chances for everyone.

The Cost Of High Expectations

High expectations come with several detriments such as:

  • Feelings of disappointment
  • Loss of Trust
  • Frustration/ Stress
  • Negative Outcomes like Anxiety & Depression

People sharing high impact goals rely on others doing their part towards making these targets successful otherwise failures cause negative repercussions e.g expansion loss when corporations oversee end line delivery without putting budgeted resources thoughtfully.
Even mundane events can trigger anxiety once something doesn’t go according to plan, resulting in stress for both parties involved: mostly harmless and seemingly menial at first glance before greater consequences add up from negligence.

Contrary creating opportunities out of surprise yields unexpected great joy – probably better than initially believed or hoped for!

Life After Letting Go

As improbable as it sounds,

Letting go-Freeing oneself from jaded presumptions can result in unnoticeable daily impacts positively affecting your everyday interactions saving you lost friendships courtesy non-intentional frustrations and disappointments caused by harsh beliefs- To prioritize forgiving those who fall short will usually reciprocate love back swiftly enabling budding bonds to form appreciating nuances presented.

  • Living In The Moment – Letting go entails being present in the now and not always worrying about tomorrow. People find it easier to practice mindfulness around new people once they let go of any judgments based on previous experiences.

  • Resilience- Loosening oneself from every expectation creates an opportunity for growth, flexibility, and adaptability towards change without causing inner conflictions courtesy personal ideologies or perfectionist thoughts – resilience forms.

  • Self-realization/ Enlightenment: Paranoia leaves negativity behind- despair personified but letting go can result in realization that others too may experience mishaps as much as yourself, creating healthy bonds by learning to give grace where needed.

Tips On How To Let Go

  1. Start Small – Begin by identifying areas you need to improve on daily concerning loosening expectations. Once familiar with small wins over rigid thinking patterns things gradually shift course till fuller implementation is naturalized

  2. Practice Mindfulness During Life’s Moments– Paying attention to your body’s cues wherever resisting change is evident opens doors allowing room for adjustment positively influencing collaborations across work engagements/life routines

  3. Forgiveness Is Key – whether friends/ family members/ acquaintances fostered failures after setting expectations up high bluntly have a deep conversation calmly addressing errors done without dwelling excessively taking time moving forward holds immense healing powers.

4.Allow Grace For Others And Yourself- Strive towards self-soothing techniques only then freeing yourself off past wrongs consciously focusing goodness-seldom does animosity bear fruitful results starting conversations away from accusatory tonalities our thought processes open up into understanding “humans err”.

5.Monitor Progress Regularly-Creating continuous check-ins holding self-accountable makes one stay committed whilst trekking down smoother paths towards liberation.

Final Thoughts

Thankfully we live in world surrounded by different ideas and creative approaches potential helps sharpen perspectives offering valuable insights worth unlocking! Yes, sometimes life falls short of our expectations, yet lessons learned bring forth experiences we deemed unimaginable! Recall another time someone stunted your potential/opportunities? Did you build resentment as a result – Or did ingenuity spark improvements opening doors for exciting future prospects?

The point is to start small whenever re-evaluating some beliefs formed from prior encounters, remember being mindful during possible trigger times also helps free oneself off residual high expectations. And finally, allow others and yourself grace knowing people have different skills struggles whilst trekking through the everchanging landscapes fosters growth!

While it’s challenging consciously disengaging one’s self from always seeking perfection takes an initial push towards securing better freeing mental space with amplified creativity potential brighter days by not getting bored real soon – otherwise why be content when there might still remain hidden treasure troves uncovering? Letting go has amazing benefits specifically aiming towards healthy living- so let’s do this dance

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