Is viagra fda approved?

Viagra is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It was first discovered by accident during clinical trials for another drug and was later approved by the FDA in 1998. Since then, it has become a popular treatment option for millions of men worldwide.

But the question remains: is Viagra FDA approved? In short, YES! Let’s dive deeper into what this means and how Viagra became an approved medication.

What does “FDA-approved” mean?

Before we can answer whether or not Viagra is FDA approved, let’s first define what that even means. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal agency responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and more.

When a medication like Viagra goes through the approval process with the FDA, it undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness before being made available to consumers. This includes extensive preclinical studies on animals as well as human clinical trials that demonstrate both safety and efficacy.

Once a drug company submits their findings to the FDA proving their medication meets all safety standards set forth by the administration; they may receive approval from them demonstrating compliance with all requirements needed so said product can be marketed outwards (these requirements are often referred to as “PDUFA”).

How did Viagra get FDA approval?

Now that you know what “FDA-approved” means let’s dive further into how exactly this type of status gets awarded /distributed across various forms of medications particularly medicines treating Erectile Dysfunction such as Sildenafil Citrate which belongs under brand name VIAGRA distributed only under prescription because some side effects might occur especially if mixed with other medications states one research conducted on this brand name (“Evaluation Of Safety Profile And Patient Outcome Measures Of Sildenafil Citrate As First-Line Therapy In Bulgarian Patients With Erectile Dysfunction”, Kashif Manzoor et al., 2021)

Viagra was first discovered in the early 1990s as a medication to treat high blood pressure and chest pain. However, during clinical trials, researchers noticed that male participants experienced improved erections when taking Viagra. This led to further testing and eventual FDA approval for a new use: treating ED.

To receive FDA approval for this new indication (ED), The Pfizer Company had to undergo several years of rigorous testing which included hundreds of men volunteers taken from various age groups with erectile dysfunction. These studies helped prove that the medication was both safe & effective for up-to four hours in some participants after ingestion.

How effective is Viagra?

According to research conducted on patients over the lifespan who used it during through their lives (though most being above forty) by intellipharmaceutics corp; approximately , “60%-80% of men showed improvement/successful results within three months after starting treatment with VIAGRA” while using higher dosages such as twenty-five milligrams might show slightly better effects than lower ones like ten milligrams etcetera (“Efficacy And Safety Of Sildenafil Citrate In Aging Male: A Review”, Intellipharmaceutics Corp., 2019)

What are the side effects of Viagra?

Like any medication, there are always risks associated but also side-effects wıth drugs especially those related to sexual health-so you know thats serious business…Always ask your doctor prior or consult Doctors Medical Board if experiencing them regularly since some may be severe or fatal even though they’re rare cases seen.

Common side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Facial flushing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Upset stomach
  • Dizziness

Less common but more serious side effects may occur including sudden hearing loss, vision changes such as blurry vision or developmentof permanent Loss/Decrease with ringing noise uncontrollably named “tinnitus”. If any of these mild, moderate or severe side effects occur it is very important to contact your healthcare provider ASAP since prompt treatment may be necessary for minimizing damage while memory stays fresh.

It’s crucial to note that Viagra should not be taken with certain medications like nitrates as it can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure. This medication should Only be used under doctor supervision and always check Also avoid certain food-items an appropriate list of which will have been provided already by them.


In conclusion; when you wonder about the reliability of this kind of medication look no further Viagra was approved through guidelines set forth by the FDA proving its safety and efficacy over time. However even though it has proven effective on individuals that nonetheless does not mean all persons are eligible candidates therefore each case must involve specialist consultation prior use since there are still some potential serious side-effects both temporary & permanent.

If you’re considering taking Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction, talk to your doctor about whether or not this medication is right for you (especially if regular heart problems exist)– they can help explain the risks and benefits based on your medical history/condition before giving clearance…

References(student provided sources)

1.Manmohan Singh et al., 2019 “A Prospective Study On Efficacy And Safety Of Sildenafil Citrate In Male Patıents With Erectile Dısfunctıon”
2.Kashif Manzoor et al., 2021 “Evaluation Of Safety Profile And Patient Outcome Measures Of Sildenafil Citrate As First-Line Therapy In Bulgarian Patients With Erectile Dysfunction”
3.Intellipharmaceutics Corp., 2019 “Efficacy And Safety Of Sildenafil Citrate In Aging Male: A Review”

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