Is taking metformin for weight loss safe?

Are you fed up with seeing your weight on the scales jump up and down like a manic kangaroo? Are you tired of getting frustrated at how hard it is to shed those extra pounds? Well, why not give Metformin a try? This diabetes medication has been found to help people lose weight without any negative side effects. But before popping any pills, let’s delve deeper into what Metformin actually does and whether it’s safe for everyone.

The Lowdown on Metformin

Metformin is an oral medication used mainly in treating type 2 diabetes. It works by reducing glucose production in the liver while also improving insulin sensitivity. What that means in non-medical terms is that when taken correctly, it helps lower blood sugar levels and improve HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) levels which are essential for better management of diabetes.

How Does It Help You Lose Weight?

When taking Metformin, the body produces less insulin since more glucose is being absorbed by the liver instead of going directly into your bloodstream. With less insulin present, fat storage decreases as well – this leads to weight loss! However, doctors warn against using metformin solely for shedding pounds because it only works best alongside dieting and exercise plans.

Who Should Take It?

Metformin can be effective in aiding weight loss; however, there are some precautions one should know about before starting treatment:

People with T2DM

If you have Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), then consult with your doctor about giving metformin a go! Using doses from 500 mg up to 2000mg per day seems very effective if combined properly with lifestyle changes such as regular exercise or healthy eating habits but must always begin under medical supervision.

Overweight Individuals Without Diabetes

Since obesity increases our risks of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, metformin has been recommended to overweight individuals without diabetes in some studies. It can reduce the build-up of fat and increase insulin sensitivity; thus weight loss is expected.

People with Renal Problems

One should avoid taking Metformin if they suffer from severe renal problems as it could lead to lactic acidosis – a state that causes an acid buildup which can be life-threatening.

Side Effects

As with every medication out there, there are potential side effects that one must consider before starting treatment:

  • Gastrointestinal tract issues: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea(hey at least you won’t get constipated – this route must mean “positive thinking”)
  • Metallic taste in the mouth (well time for those gross-tasting foods you eat like broccoli or kale might not seem too bad after all)
  • Low blood sugar levels may occur if taken incorrectly.

So are these worth risking? Of course not! But let us remember these risks have been reported in only a few patients- so we’re safe-ish…

Dosage: Supersize isn’t Safe!

Dosing is essential when using medications- and Metformin is no exception. The dosage will vary depending on whether the person has Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), kidney function level, body weight or other comorbidities present(something else going wrong while doing something). It would help if people were wary about how much they consumed because taking excess pills could result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Exercise & Diet Necessary for Effective Weight Loss

Using Metformin alone does not make up for an adequate diet plan or regular exercise routine necessary to lose weight properly(in short don’t be lazy!). To maximize success rates while taking metformin,a dietary adjustment towards fiber-rich whole grains, fresh vegetables/fruit balanced with lean protein sources, and regular exercise are highly recommended.


The use of Metformin in weight loss could be a game-changer but only if it’s done right. Always consult your doctor first, check your blood sugar levels regularly to avoid hypoglycemia or severe side effects like lactic acidosis(as we would rather miss those fun dance moves till our old age!), and implement lifestyle changes for greater success!

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