Is serious mass fda approved?

If you are someone who is looking to put on some weight, then you might have come across the supplement called serious mass. This powder claims to help individuals gain muscle mass and assist with reaching their fitness goals. However, one question that often pops up in people’s minds is – Is serious mass FDA approved?

Well, worry no more! We’ve done the research for you and can answer your question here.

What is Serious Mass?

Before we get into whether or not it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), let’s talk about what this product actually does.

Serious Mass is a high-calorie gainer drink mix developed by Optimum Nutrition. It contains a blend of carbohydrates, protein, and various vitamins and minerals that claim to aid in weight gain.

The product comes in various flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, banana cream etcetera. According to its makers at Optimum Nutrition, consuming 2 servings of Serious Mass every day along with regular workouts will lead to muscle growth and weight gain.

The FDA Approval Process

Now let’s shed some light on what exactly ‘FDA approval’ means since it matters significantly if any health-related products require it or not.

After all Scientific studies about analyzing how appropriate medicine function; drugs manufacturing companies submit an application for their drug with proof that proves a medication’s healthy benefits compared to risks noticed throughout clinical trials hold considerable significance within this framework.

The agency supervises food safety regulations under nutrition charge while also ensuring over-the-counter drugs available won’t endanger consumers’ overall well-being under medicines regulation constraints.

Therefore substances other than foodstuff & medications may lack supervision under federal guidelines but still require county permits authorizing them for being sold nationally.” Confused yet?

When it comes down specifically if supplements need Fda approval? Essentially speaking dietary supplements/nutritional boosters do not undergo FDA review or approval. Companies producing these supplements are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and well labeled— through a process called the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) can you imagine trying to pronounce this? outlined by FDA.

However, if the supplement contains an entirely new substance not listed in any of the previous registries, then it has to go through safety testing processes and all formalities such as getting permission from FDA before being sold.

What About Serious Mass’s Approval?

Serious Mass falls under regulations defined for dietary nutritional supplements, but this doesn’t mean it is allowed by regulatory authorities such as the FDA.

Any developer or seller does not need to take permission authorized by regulation when creating nutritional boosters. Once they’re available at stores near you, However Fda usually goes after gainer substances with toxic health risks claims & wrong printed material on nutriment values per package quantity rather than proof related strength loss pills were used,” which can be questionable practices of some manufacturers

So while serious mass may not have been officially “approved” by the FDA, its makers claim that they follow all guidelines set forth in CGMP laws allowing safe manufacturing & packaging of products marketed towards consumers. These specific laws encourage organizations involved during supply chains offering identification clarity what might affiliate partner suppliers offer so quality assurance standards remain intact throughout functions performed within industries.”

Is Serious Mass Safe?

Even though Serius Mass hasn’t gone through official approval procedures governed under appropriate agencies like those responsible for medications distribution policies; we could look at issues linked science-backed evidence indicating how high doses containing various minerals plus vitamins (which S.M mixes up into one healthy shake) can cause some side effects even folks following labeled serves recommendations posed on containers – especially when attempting bulking goals,” noted numerous food scientists who’ve studied mixtures similar to ON’s produce blends slightly much lower calorie counts.”`

Some common ingredients found in serious mass, like creatine and whey protein, are known to be safe when taken in moderation. However, it is always best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting any new supplement regimen.


So there you have it! While Serious Mass isn’t officially FDA approved, the company does claim to follow all guidelines set forth by CGMP laws ensuring safe manufacturing and packaging of their product.

As with any supplement or dietary change, it’s important to do your research and speak with a healthcare professional before making any decisions that could affect your health. Remember – maintaining good health should always come first!

Are you planning on trying out serious mass? Let us know in the comments section below what has been your experience so far!

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