Is metformin used for pcos?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women. Symptoms include weight gain, acne, irregular periods, increased hair growth and infertility. While there is no cure for PCOS, treatment focuses on reducing symptoms and controlling the disorder. Metformin is a medication that has been used to treat diabetes since the 1950s, but could it also be effective in treating PCOS? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Metformin?

Metformin belongs to a class of drugs called biguanides. It works by decreasing glucose production in the liver and improving insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue. This helps control blood sugar levels and makes cells more responsive to insulin.

Can Metformin Treat PCOS?

Metformin has been found to be effective in treating several aspects of PCOS:

Regulating Menstrual Cycles

One of the main symptoms of PCOS is irregular menstrual cycles. Studies have shown that metformin can help regulate menstrual cycles by increasing ovulation frequency or inducing menstruation.

Decreasing Androgen Levels

High levels of male hormones called androgens are often present in women with PCOS, leading to many unpleasant symptoms such as acne and unwanted hair growth. Metformin can lower these hormone levels by balancing insulin which controls testosterone secretion from ovaries.

Reducing Insulin Resistance

Many women with PCOS have higher than normal levels of insulin due to resistance; therefore their body needs greater amounts than normal endurance stores under compensating manner resulting increase glucose production inside liver this leads introduce hyperglycemia which ultimately damages various organs and disrupts metabolic activities causing abnormalities associated with hormonal imbalance particularly affecting reproductive system functions causing infertility. By decreasing insulin resistance using metmorfin reduces chances premature ovarian failure while restoring regular periods alongwith improvement in fertility among women.

Advantages of Metformin

Improves Fertility

Infertility is one of the main concerns for women with PCOS. Since metformin helps regulate menstrual cycles and stimulates ovulation, it can also improve fertility rates in patients with PCOS.

Weight Loss

While this effect may not be seen in all cases, some studies have suggested that metformin can help reduce weight gain due to PCOS by decreasing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness.

No Risk of Addiction or Physical Dependence

Metformin does not produce any feelings of euphoria or pleasure which makes it less likely for anyone to abuse it; nor develops tolerance over time. It is a low-risk medication when used correctly as prescribed.

Side Effects

Like any other medication, Metformin too has potential side effects:

Nausea and Vomiting

This occurs particularly during first two weeks after initiation. In most cases frequency reduces after few days but if symptoms persist long do consult doctor.


Metforim produces lactic acid buildup inside muscles leading muscles contractions loosening sphincters releasing undigested wastes throwing out body resulting diarrhea alongwith nauseation

These side-effects are typically mild though serious complications are rare .In addition, people who have underlying kidney disease or liver disease should use Methiform only under close medical supervision .It’s important while taking medications for diabetes regular monitoring recommended including blood sugar levels heart rate,kidney ,liver function test etc .


While metformin can be a helpful treatment option, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating PCOS.Patient history,dietary habits,lifestyle factors needs assessment before effective prescriptions given.Furthermore the diversity associated with physiology will always influence how effectively individuals respond to different treatments hence doesn’t work perfectly everyone even though appears very promising.You must consult your physician to determine if metformin is the right treatment option for you.

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