Is ginger safe while breastfeeding?

If you’re a nursing mother who loves ginger, then you might be wondering if it’s safe to consume while breastfeeding. Well, wonder no more! Today, we’ll be addressing this topic with an entertaining twist that will leave you giggling till your cheeks hurt.

Let’s Start by Defining What Ginger is

First things first – let’s define what ginger is for those new to the health and food world. Ginger is essentially a sacred root plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family (try saying that five times fast). It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The Big Question: Can Nursing Mothers Consume Ginger?

Okay then…down to brass tacks. Are there any side effects of consuming ginger while breastfeeding? Good news approaching in 3..2..1…Nope! There are no known negative consequences of consuming small amounts of fresh/raw or processed/cooked ginger during lactation periodly (see what we did there?).

Another way of putting this is even Shakespeare would agree that “Ginger will not impact thee nor thy breast milk”. So feel free to add some zesty flavor into your diet ladies!

Benefits Of Consuming Ginger For Breastfeeding Mamas

Long story short – devouring dry or preserved forms of ginger supports digestion and reduces inflammation post birth giving brand-new mothers comfort during their feeding journey.

That being said here’s some added perks:

  • It can act as a natural galactagogue (whoa heavy term alert) which basically helps increase breast milk supply,
  • Reduces nausea sensation (keep taking those prenatal vitamins!)
  • Improves immune function because wellness never goes outta style
  • Possible reduction in blood sugar levels i.e., lowering risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Sure beats drinking only water all day right?!

Wait A Minute, When Should You Avoid Ginger?

Whilst ginger is entirely safe for breastfeeding moms who consume moderate to minimal amounts but should be consume with caution as excessive quantities may cause a few mild-side effects such as:

  • Upset stomach
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea (let’s not get into it)

How Much Ginger Can I Safely Consume While Breastfeeding?

Okay everyone time to pay attention! The American Pregnancy Association recommends around 1 gram of fresh or powdered ginger root per day to expectant mothers (and new breastfeeding moms). However, this can vary from person-to-person based on various factors like how your body reacts towards specific foods and dishes.

So start off slowly and gradually increase your intake in small amounts (emphasis on small) while monitoring any side effects up till you reach the maximum daily limit.

Tips On Consuming Ginger

Here are some super simple ways that nursing mothers can add this ‘zing’ spice into their postpartum meal plans:

Option Description
Fresh Grated Or Chopped Ginger Adding significant flavor kick when cooking stir-fries, soup broths or salads
Dry Powdered Form For Baking Incorporate dry/grinded preferably organic forms of ginger powder well baking cookies for both a distinct taste and extra health benefits
A Cuppa Hot Steaming Tea Sipping on brewed Caffeine-free Ginger with milk. An excellent way calming the mind

Maintain moderation people!


Ladies fear no more: consuming moderate/ minimal quantities of ginger roots whether cooked, processed or raw will not only provide nutrients galore but also treats digestive concerns plus reduces nausea sensation during lactation periodly (said it again!).

Side note – avoid exaggerated consumption, listen to your body needs always seek advice from medical experts before changing up diets just to be safe.

Hope we provided a chunk of ginger-knowledge which all nursing mothers could healthily benefit from. Stay Safe & Eat Healthy people!


In conclusion, Ginger is entirely safe to consume while breastfeeding but in moderate or minimal amounts (are you starting to see a pattern yet?). It provides lots of nutritional value and possible positive side effects like reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar level and improving immune system function among others.

So what are cons there really then? Unless you tend to exaggerate with your meals keep sipping that steaming zesty tea! Remember it’s the most comfortable and healthiest way navigating through your postpartum journey diet wise without forsaking taste buds!

Till next time….stay fabulous ladies!

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