Is epilepsy a form of mental illness?

If you’re like most people, then epilepsy is probably not something that crosses your mind on a regular basis. You may have heard about it in passing or seen someone experience a seizure at some point, but beyond that, the condition likely hasn’t impacted your life much directly.

One question many people have when they do encounter epilepsy is whether it’s considered a form of mental illness. After all, seizures involve the brain and can cause altered consciousness or other mental changes. In this article, we’ll take an entertaining yet informative look at this question to help demystify this condition for anyone curious enough to read on.

What is Epilepsy?

Before diving into whether epilepsy is a type of mental health issue we should first define what exactly counts as epilepsy? To put it simply: epilepsy refers to any neurological disorder characterized by recurring seizures.

But what precisely causes these seizures varies from person to person; some individuals experience them due to genetic factors whereas others may be due physical trauma received earlier in their lives (such as head injuries) or because they are linked with other medical conditions such as meningitis.

However one thing which always remains constant regarding epileptic though – they never know when they’re getting one

This unpredictability moreover often proves itself challenging for sufferers since short bouts relating lack concerning coordination can catch ye anytime, anywhere!

What Defines A Mental Ilness

Now let’s answer another minor burning quiz about being posed here – how accomplish healthcare professionals define “mental illness”? According according beyond the DSM-5 classification system his use broadly states uprisings regard disturbances within mood/thought process who practically compromise daily functioning routine along patients affected whilst compromising clinical parameters related together with depressed moods so also issues while eating and sleeping habits alongside suicidal actions ideations PTSD OCD anxiety disorders just after naming several common ones ranging out there…..

Of course, there are many other psychological conditions that could fall under this category. But at the end of the day, diagnosing someone with a mental health issue generally requires identifying significant emotional and/or behavioral changes that persist over time.

The Relationship between Epilepsy and Mental Illness

Now onto question number two: is epilepsy considered a form of mental illness?

On a more serious front – NO.. Epilepsy hasn’t classified outright as an official psychiatric ailment for three primary reasons:

  • Firstly since seizures resulting from epileptic episodes tend to appear happen sporadically instead of consistently affecting individual patient’s state
  • Secondly (and importantly), not all cases relating towards epilepsy exhibit accompanying behavioural/psychological manifestations.
  • Lastly, if we were to classify every single medical condition involving some degree regarding brain dysfunction into those ranks on principles like cognitive/intellectual impairment or compulsive behaviour… then where would it even stop?

But hold up just one moment! Just because epilepsy technically shouldn’t be classified as a treatable altered mood disorder doesn’t mean that it won’t impact other aspects concerning your life

Psychological Challenges for People with Epilepsy

Whether you listen in on people’s stories dealing alongside their aforementioned neurological disorder symptoms or simply watch documentaries about the same- We observe these frequently forming common patterns!

For starters, something such as social anxiety can become much more profound when folks feel such apprehension about happening upon an episode amidst others around them. It may seem extravagant, but also public humiliation traps caught via seizing don’t ever pitch anybody’s list.

We will concisely touch by only one amongst several dire consequences here being “Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures.” Without getting too technical and overly indulging within jargon let’s define PNES according to our good friends at WebMD:

“PNES may occur due after experiencing severe stressors such including emotional/physical struggles but cannot attribute to any neurological issues. As seen across different disorders anxiety and conversion upset PNES could widely vary into chronicity or severity, so sometimes better said via a therapeutic perspective.”

Kind of scary sounding because people struggling with this condition experience severe stressors outside of their circumstance that manifests through seizures. Hence they need counseling alongside medical treatment.

Something remains consistent within all cases regarding epilepsy – the challenges associated together coping when these sudden attacks occur anytime-anywhere (without warning).._..

Misunderstandings about Epilepsy

Another side effect to note that is less talked about is how many individuals suffering from epilepsy often struggle against misconceptions held by regular folks unfamiliar with it’s reality!

For example:

  • Some associating conditions like fainting spells alternately panic displays with seizure episodes.
  • Other patients have reported instances where colleagues feared being around them worried assuming somebody in your position will “go off” unannounced at work, making an entire office volatile
  • There are even certain places who tell us such doctors may retain misdiagnosed certain forms relating towards the malady affiliated amongst partial epileptic traits as instead situational aware-absence seizures….. geez, you should pardon like one while I grab my dictionary after this lengthy-sentence exposition; Now if only the person dealing alongside said situation might go on implementing definitive solutions more simply whilst understanding bits encompassing environmental impacts borne along given patient demographics.

Misconceptions truly can be harmful and overwhelming, no matter how humorous we choose to convey those above mentioned scenarios! Hypothetically speaking –

Can’t say our friends back at Mayo Clinic know exactly what Miss-chouise as calling herself ‘’the Queen’’ actually went through during her bouts of seizures? Perhaps she was depressed out of profound existential thoughts weighing down upon choices burdened beyond measurable human limits. And maybe she couldn’t resist strutting out some vocalisations remarking about her grandeur… nevertheless, what we do know is such occurrences have persisted consistent with plenty of famous epileptics throughout human history.

At the end of the day; epilepsy can cause immense issues along mental wellbeing yet doesn’t equate directly under a condition-classification.

Coping Strategies for People with Epilepsy

So, having revealed some potential psychological challenges that might come hand in hand while suffering from epilepsy symptoms itself – How about I share some approaches on how you may step up to make this journey meek?

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Always get enough rest and maintain healthy sleep hygiene
  • Research shows that regular exercise benefits epileptic patients
    particularly those experiencing frequent seizures alongside cognitive impairments.
  • Developing strong bonds with friends/family members who understand your condition will help create a supportive environment when episodes happens unexpectedly! Take their support systems significantly by asking them questions regarding triggers so they remain informed as well!

And above all else-

Hold onto hope because it’s needed now more than ever – Seizures needn’t flip one’s life completely upside down…. By consciously choosing an optimistic approach things including coping strategies get less daunting over time (who knew?)[Politano].

We’ve reached the end of our amusing-but-informative article about whether epilepsy counts like a form relative towards psychiatric illness. Though describing similarish aspects between these ailments where required- remember always seek professional advice issued against any specific medical conditions before acting upon wellness routine changes just based off online articles alone. Good thing nobody underwent analysis-paralysis after reading all this text surrounding seizures at least!

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