Is derealization treatable?

Do you ever feel like the world around you isn’t quite real? Like everything is just a simulation or some weird dream that you can’t seem to shake off? If so, then you might be experiencing derealization. But don’t worry, my friend – derealization is treatable!

What is Derealization?

Before we dive into how to treat derealization, let’s talk about what it actually means. Derealization is a symptom of anxiety and/or depression where the world around you feels unreal or distorted. It’s kind of like watching a movie on mute – everything looks familiar, but it’s hard to connect with it.

Some common signs of derealization include:

  • Feeling disconnected from your surroundings
  • Feeling like objects are changing in size or shape
  • Feeling like colors are more vibrant than usual
  • Feeling like time is moving faster or slower than normal

If any of these experiences sound familiar to you, then there’s a chance that you’re dealing with derealization.

Why Does Derealization Happen?

The tricky thing about derealization is that there isn’t one clear cause for why it happens. Some people experience it as part of their mental health condition, while others may have had an intense traumatic experience that triggered it.

One thing we do know for sure though: derealization tends to happen when our brains go into overdrive mode, often due to high levels of stress and anxiety. When this happens, our brain starts sending out signals incorrectly which leads us down the path towards feeling detached from reality.

How Can You Treat Derealization?

So now onto the million dollar question: what can we do about this pesky little problem called derealization? Luckily there are several treatment options available both professionally and at home!


A lot of times therapy can be really helpful for people who are struggling with derealization. A therapist can help you work through the underlying anxiety or depression that might be causing your symptoms in the first place.

One of the most common forms of therapy for this specific symptom is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This type of therapy helps patients learn how to recognize and change thought patterns that may be contributing to feelings of detachment and unreality.


In some cases, medication might also be recommended by a medical professional to help ease symptoms associated with derealization. Usually, antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) would be prescribed because they’re known to have an effect on mood regulation.

Lifestyle Changes

Finally, making lifestyle changes like ensuring good sleeping habits, eating healthy food and regularly exercising has been correlated with lessening the severity of derealization symptoms (but let’s face it – who actually enjoys going outside?) Still worth trying though!

Coping Strategies For Those Big ‘Dereal’ Moments

We’ve all had those moments where we felt like we were trapped in our own headspace without any escape from reality around us! Here are a few coping strategies when these instances happen:

  • Focus on your breathing: Slow deep breaths tend to bring more oxygen into our bodies which helps reduce stress levels/anxiety.
  • Ground yourself: Sit down somewhere comfortable if possible and focus on sensation points such as feeling cold grass under feet
  • Practice mindfulness meditation: Meditation does wonders in helping us become more present in our surroundings.
  • Express creativity via art activities : Creative expression can really boost emotions , so try things out even if others say otherwise!

Don’t Give Up Hope!

While it can feel overwhelming at times dealing with something as strange as “derealizing”, keep faith – it’s absolutely treatable! Whether by seeking professional help or working toward a healthy lifestyle at home via different techniques outlined above, remember that there is no right way to tackle the problem. Focus on what works best and stay dedicated – it will get better!

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