Is biotin safe to take everyday?

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or Coenzyme R, is a water-soluble B-vitamin that has gained immense popularity among the masses lately. The reason behind this newfound interest is its potential benefits in regards to hair and nail health. However, there has been some debate surrounding whether it’s safe to take biotin every day. In this article, we will try to dissect the issue using our wit and humor.

What is biotin?

Before diving into the main issue at hand, let us first understand what biotin really is. Biotin can be defined as a necessary substance for our body’s fatty acid synthesis or metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays an essential role in strengthening hair and nails by enhancing keratin production in our bodies.

In simpler terms – it makes your locks luscious!

Why are people suddenly so interested in taking biotin daily?

The social media buzz around Biotin seems frenzied right now; everyone wants long lustrous tresses without any side effects! But why all of a sudden?

Well… we are living in times where appearance matters more than reality itself! One could say vanity over sanity (but who cares about mental clarity when you have perfect hair?) Our unquenchable thirst for beauty never ceases even if it comes at the cost of downing gallons of gross green juices full of spirulina just because “Shay Mitchell drinks them” or spending hundreds on fancy derma rollers with 24-karat gold plated needles like they are giving them out for free somewhere!

So Biotin falls right under that umbrella – Everyone wants healthier looking Hair & Nails, plus those Gummy Bears look irresistible — almost too pretty not to eat à la photoshoot-style Insta videos!

But wait…let me ask you: Do You need biotin daily?

Is Biotin Safe to Take Every day?

The answer is YES! And a big fat NO!

The recommended daily dose of biotin for an average person is around 30-100 mcg (micrograms) per day, depending on age and gender. So, yes – taking this amount every day as a dietary supplement should be safe. However, the doses popularly used in hair & nail supplements commonly range between 250-5000 mcg! So… that’s where our no comes in –

Too much of anything can turn out to be problematic.

Any excess consumption could lead to side effects like acne (not something you want with your newfound perfect mane), skin rashes or eczema (you still want flawless skin too right?), and some less common symptoms like insulin resistance & heart palpitations (any weird sensations after swallowing those iridescent capsules?)

What are the Side Effects of Taking Too Much Biotin?

Now let’s talk about some possible adverse effects that may take place if one goes overboard with their intake:

Breakouts Galore

Biotin increases oil production in your skin; therefore it might cause Acne breakouts especially if taken in large amounts.

WordPlay for Hair Loss

Ironically enough — Yes Biotin can actually trigger Hair loss!(sorry folks better cancel those pricey subscriptions)

This takes place because excessive BIOTIN supplementation causes the body’s normal balance of vitamins within tissues into flux thus leading to imbalances which can include premature shedding (!!!) Yikes!

So does this mean we have been deceived by all these influencers who claim their Rapunzel-like hair growth is only thanks to biotin gummies GASP

I’m afraid so…

Nausea and Digestive Issues

Research has shown nausea and digestive discomfort being experienced by people consuming high amounts of biotin. We’re not talking about the “OOOH that tickled vomit feeling,” but the one where you immediately regret taking 10 gummy bears before even thinking of going for a walk.

Increased Blood-Sugar Levels

Biotin supplements may elevate blood sugar levels, leading to health issues like insulin resistance and Type-2 Diabetes.

Are there any Benefits to Taking Biotin Every Day?

Yes! Let’s throw some positivity into this list with a subheading dedicated to all things good on this topic!

Melanin Production

Besides making your hair stronger, biotin enhances pigmentation as well ensuring dark & rich color even in those greying areas (Curse You Dad Bod)

Energy Boost

As Vitamin H is responsible for metabolism – It helps our body convert food into energy more efficiently meaning you could pull an all-nighter with Oprah no less…YAY…but wait.. Can’t guarantee BiTGurl energy boost after reading through my piece though haha (need.sarcasm.tick)

Healthy Nails

Studies show that daily intake of Biotin can aid brittle nails’ growth cycle; now your hands can be just as ‘grammable as Ariana Grande’s dazzling manicure collection (and once again vanity triumphs over sanity)

When Should I Stop Using Biotin?

As tempting it might sound, don’t keep using them if:

  1. You have existing allergies or always react differently than normal.
  2. Your skin/hair starts acting against the usual behavior within weeks of starting BIOTIN supplementation
  3. Seek immediate medical attention if experiencing severe side effects such as swelling in throat/throat tightness/breathing difficulties/urticaria (hives)

So…that brings us nearly to an end!

In case you were wondering…

The Bottomline: “Is biotin safe to take every day?” As with everything in life, moderation is key. Stick to the recommended daily intake and ask your doctor or dermatologist if you’re considering taking more (Seriously, guys – this applies especially to those with a combination of pre-existing medical conditions)

Goodbye for now ( I’ll be off somewhere else examining mind-boggling questions and bringing back answers so outrageous that they might just sound true!)

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