Is aspirin ibuprofen or acetaminophen?

If you are like most people, whenever you have a headache or any other type of pain your go-to solution is to take a pill. However, when reaching for the medicine cabinet, it can be confusing as to which medication will do the trick. Three of the most popular over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers are aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen. They may all look similar on pharmacy shelves but don’t get it twisted! There are significant differences between them.

What is Aspirin?

Aspirin belongs to a class of drugs called salicylates that works by blocking enzymes responsible for producing prostaglandins that cause inflammation in our bodies and nobody likes inflammation. This drug has analgesic (pain reliever), anticoagulant (blood thinner) and anti-inflammatory properties making it useful both in treating mild-to-moderate pain such as headaches and fever (it’s also used in heart attacks prevention).

What Makes Aspirin Unique

As we know, aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which makes it unique from its counterparts because while the latter two contain nothing but neutralizing components essential only towards pain relief capabilities.
This powerful drug has been around since 1899(after reading this head straight to Google if you must).

Remember kids; never give children under 12 years old aspirin unless advised by their doctor!

A Glimpse into Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen/Iparadisiac/Paracetamol(brands vary!)is best suited for those experiencing mild pains such as headaches among others associated with periods in females(aahhh yes… Aunt Flo). It’s available without prescription and instead useful for short term use having minimal side effects.

How Does It Work Though?

Well, quite similar to aspirin… acetaminophen is a pain reliever with no anti-inflammatory properties. It works by blocking an enzyme in our brains that produces the chemicals called prostaglandins responsible for transmitting messages of pain and fever.

Lastly but Not Least …Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is another common OTC used for mild-to-moderate pains such as menstrual cramps or joint pains. Also referred to as Brufen, Calprofen or Nurofen depending on your location.

How Does Ibuprofen Work?

With ibuprofen being part of the NSAIDs’ class – Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, they work differently than both Aspirin and Blocking/enzymes known namely COX-1 & Cox-2 Responsible for producing harmful chemicals(prostaglandins)that cause inflammation(swelling),which in turn causes muscular pains…

Wait What Are Prostaglandins?

Phew ,quite some fancy terminology up there,right?
Calm down y’all..It’s just chemical substances made by cells telling among others blood tissue involved inflammatory responses
Now that you understand this life jargon lets head back-

Which One Should You Choose; The Price Tag Conclusion

Before we proceed today’s disclaimer;
Note it’s always best to seek medical advice from qualified personnel before taking any medication
If it so happens you are more price-conscious(seems like Everyone) then after understanding each OTC usage details as well side-effects against market prices(depending on where you come from); make a note…
Aspirin comes first followed by paracetamol then lastly ibuprofen(translating into English cheapest ➡️expensive)

Let’s sum this up shall we;

Medication Type Brand Names Cost(RangesVary )
Aspirin Disprin / Ecotrin $0.01 – $0.07 per tablet.
Acetaminophen Tylenol/ Calpol $0.05 – $.02
Ibuprofen Brufen/Nurofen $0.10-$.06

The Dosage Difference

Dosage adherence is paramount when it comes to the use of these pain relieving its easy to get carried away with self-medication
Here are a few Dos and Don’ts you oughta know


  • DO: check with your doctor before using aspirin daily as an anti-clotting agent.
  • DON’T exceed seven tablets within 24 hours.

Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)

  • DO: Check the packaging for dosage guidelines based on age and weight .
  • Never take more than maximum quantity per day/intake(4000mg).


Ibuprofen’s safe dose according to healthyadults ranges between200mgTo400mgtaken4 times peeryday (max dose =1600mg)
Note that ibuprofen can have severe gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach ulcers,So kindly refrain from taking long-term doses.


In summary; there exist significant differences amongst popular OTC medication such bbe acetaminophen,aspirin,and ibuprofen…Notable ones being what exactly they contain,pain Symptoms treatment compatibility many Other aspects inclusive of pricing taken into consideration while choosing usage suitability respectively.

Now Be Wise About Which You Choose!

At least now you all won’t ask questions like: ‘Is aspirin ibuprofen or acetaminophen?’ Stay safe!

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