Is amoeba harmful to humans?

Amoebas are tiny single-celled organisms that have the ability to move around. They can be found almost everywhere – in soil, freshwater sources and even in some animals! Amoebas belong to the phylum Protozoa and come in various species including Entamoeba histolytica, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba castellanii.

But wait a minute? Aren’t these amoebas supposed to be harmless? Simply cute little blob looking things swimming happily out there? Well.. that’s what they want you to think.

I know you’re probably thinking “Just how dangerous could those cute things really be?” Don’t let their adorable characteristics fool you…they pack quite a punch (well microscopic punch anyway). While most of them are not harmful, there are some that can cause major health concerns for humans and other living organisms.

So just like people, all amoebas aren’t treated equal. Some are lovely creatures while others we should avoid ever crossing paths with.

There is more than one type of deadly amoeba but here we will shine light on three commonly known nasty types;

1)Naegleria Fowleri:

If contracted by swimmers or divers it leads to an incredibly deadly brain-eating disease called primary amebic meningoencepalitis(PAM)….yuck!

Scientists refered to this bacteria as “brain‑eating” because once Naegleria enters the human body through your nose when diving or inhaling contaminated water droplets it then swims up straight into your brain — nibbling along its journey towards death thereby destroying brain tissue as well.

Accordingly,this makes PAM one of world’s scariest bacterial diseases since doctors virtually can do nothing to save you once infected. Naegleria loves hot weather which makes it easier for it to thrive.

2)Acanthamoeba castellanii:

This species is also capable of potentially causing severe infection, especially when you come in contact with its cysts or trophozoites while having a break from swimming. It’s well-known to trigger Acanthamoeba keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis; Either way if affected, the pain will be unbearable!

3)Entamoeba histolytica

Unlike the previous two types, Entamoeba histolytica has no problem making home inside our guts- poor us!

If hatched up by fecally contaminated food or water sources,it then causes Amoebiasis which may lead to some nasty side effects like liver abscesses(suppurative), intestinal ulcers (multiple intestine related issues), lose digestion — painful /bloody diarrhea etc.

While coming into contact with amoebae isn’t always dangerous there are factors that increase your risk unless ensured safety protocols are exercised.The list below details how one can contract these deadly diseases:

  1. Swimming/diving in freshwater sources
  2. Breathing/swallowing contaminants – usually airborne/dust during working outdoors near soil/any outdoor environment where amoebae thrives.
    3.Eating unwashed fruits/vegetables/water enriched fish(contaminated seafood)
    4.Travelling abroad(when travelling outside proper hygienic practices)

Now that we understand just how bad an encounter with those ‘cute’ tiny blobs could actually turn out,wouldn’t hurt now getting familiarized on ways of keeping them confined – Below includes a few;

Keep Your Environment Clean

This should not come as a surprise but it’s probably the most important factor of them all.. keeping your environment clean could be the difference between life and death in certain cases. Always clean surfaces, food items(if possible soak in warm salt water) like fruits, fish etc to keep them free from contamination.

Good Hygiene Practices Are Key

Yup! A well practiced personal hygiene routine is quite necessary when looking to prevent illnesses which would usually arise from such bacterias.

E.g Avoiding contaminating/switching between raw meats/fish while cooking can eliminate chances of contracting Entamoeba histolytica through contaminated foods.

Avoid Freshwater Bodies And If Must Take Proper Safety Measures

If you must get around bodies of freshwater for whatever reason that may apply (fishing — bare with me…) then consider taking:

Insect repellent , know urine diversions practices(“this one might save a soul or two”), swimming goggles(eyes being an amoeba gateway into body)adding also ensuring that you do not swallow any water out there!

It’s hard to appreciate just how sneaky and nasty some amoebas can actually be because, let’s face it they still look so darn cute! However, its best we ensure our environments are dirt-free by practicing good hygiene ethics.By attempting these small yet powerful pre-cautionary measures advised here today we have completely shattered those microscopic world dominators dreams…well for now!
Stay safe everyone due diligence counts too!!

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