Is almond milk high in oxalates?

Almond milk has been on the rise in popularity for a while now. Some say it’s a healthier alternative to cow’s milk and other plant-based milks. But is almond milk high in oxalates? Are we getting too much of them by drinking this nutty goodness?

Let’s take a look (pun intended) at some facts, myths, and everything between about almond milk, oxalates, and how they might affect our health.

The Curious Case of Oxalates

Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in many foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains (yeah pretty much anything that you can eat). They play an important role in healthy body function–notably aiding us with calcium absorption; unfortunately though too much of anything isn’t always good, the excess buildup could lead to kidney stones.

Our kidneys eliminate most of these compounds through urine (almost like taking out the trash against your ex’s belongings??!), so if levels become too high (whether from overconsumption or underlying conditions), it can form mineral crystals which grows into pebble-like formations hence known as Kidneys Stones. This condition certainly doesn’t sound pleasant–to put things rather mildly!.

Therefore we need ways to balance our intake without giving up all those nutritious goodies entirely — tricky isn’t it?

What Exactly is Almond Milk Anyway?

Almond milk comes from ground almonds mixed with water(mind blown right!?). It does not come from cow’s breast because simply cannot be squeezed out!! Once blended together,…voila…our beloved dairy-free creamy beverage – yummy!

But wait (DON’T STOP READING YET!) do you know what else makes up this nutty drink? As one may expect…water forms 98% (elementary my dear Watson!) of the drink; the remaining 2% comprises an emulsion of finely ground almonds, which are a good source of vitamin E (great for your skin), unsaturated fat, and protein.

It’s not always evident what else though…especially when it comes to oxalates and other potentially problematic compounds.

Almond Milk’s Oxalate Content

Let’s answer this one right off the bat… yes almond milk has oxalates too! But all isn’t lost. Compared to some foods such as beets and spinach where you’d have to really deep-dive into your soul before finding somebody who’d eat them… realistically speaking…. we only need to worry about excessive intake (and potential consequences) if consumed in large amounts (typical case with anything).

According to research findings by The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, regular almond milk contains .23mg/gm of oxalic acid–which is three times less than spinach at .70mg/ relax take a breath!.

If you enjoy multiple cups daily fear not ─ while it does contain ‘some’ oxolate , serving sizes aren’t that big enough for consuming excess load higher than our bodies can bear.

(yesss turn up that volume because here comes some constructive vegan-advocacy) Why stick solely sour-based banter around plant-based milks? Besides their incredible sustainability benefits they provide comparable nutritional value compared traditional dairy products plus there’s room in life for trying out new things (!!).

How About Store-Bought vs Homemade?

Alright siesta over folks let us continue digging!!..

As we previously mentioned homemade almond milk includes two ingredients- Water + almonds ; these lists typically do NOT comprise additional hidden salts or sweeteners found within commercially made varieties And this could perhaps make all the difference!

Freshly made goodies often carry more nutritional value-unlike those from the shelf that have undergone heat treatments or long shelf life in some cases. These processing methods may (in some situations) reduce its nutritional value and resultantly alter oxalate levels.

Getting Technical: What is Considered a “High” Oxalate Content Food?

Oh no…we hit you with the technical mumbo jumbo(seriously though who wouldn’t want to learn about ideal dietary levels?).

The recommended ideal daily intake of oxalates isn’t actually established yet; with developing research studies, guidelines might become available soon!

(OXALATES PER 100G & Ideal Daily Limit)

Food Name Oxalic acid (mg) Ideal Daily limit
Rhubarb 600-1500 Not Advisable
Spinach 970 Needs Moderation
Beetroot 1,400-1225 Consume moderately
Almond Milk 23 Considerably Safe

(If there’s one table kids should know inside out then this is it)

But as we mentioned previously,(recap!!) Rhubarb, spinach and certain nuts such as peanuts constitute particularly high sources of oxalates.. So Almond milk pales significantly on comparison plus factors like serving size make safe imbibitions possible.

But Are There Benefits to Consuming Oxalate-Rich Foods?

Now before saying ‘goodbye’ , let us square off by talking about benefits.(We all love good news even if they come from something nobody thought about!). Despite probably believing otherwise─ our bodies can handle some doses of almost anything…

Certain reasons why we advise towards including oxalic acid-rich foods could be…. for example:

  • facilitating weight loss

    • Some studies suggest consuming foods rich in oxalic acid (like leafy greens namely Spinach)can promote weight loss & in addition support cardiovascular health.
  • forming calcium oxalate crystals

    • Oxalic acid plays a crucial role facilitating crystal formation within our bodies – this means we shouldn’t necessarily be wary of consuming all high-oxalate foods (unlike those veggies that nobody wants)

End-word: Know Your Stuff Bakers!

So there you have it! Hopefully by now, you’ve learned a thing or two about almond milk, oxalates and what to consider when making choices with regard to diet .

(And hey!!…for the fifth time hear us out ! Be OPEN excited for trying new things…taste buds across the world thank you!)

P. S. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t end up liking spinach smoothies…we all can’t stomach some varieties–so keep experimenting relentlessly until you find your jam!

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