Is 130 90 bp normal?

I know what you’re thinking, ‘oh great, another article about blood pressure.’ But hear me out, because this is not your average boring medical article. We’re going to talk about blood pressure in a way that will make you laugh and maybe even learn something. So strap in and get ready for some fun.

What is Blood Pressure?

Before we dive into whether or not 130/90 bp is normal, let’s first talk about what blood pressure actually is. Essentially, it’s the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as it flows through your body. This force can be affected by a number of different things such as age, weight, genetics, diet and lifestyle choices including smoking.

Your doctor usually measures your blood pressure with a device called a sphygmomanometer (say that five times fast) which gives two numbers: systolic and diastolic pressures – hello nurses! Systolic = top number; Diastolic = bottom number – please take note!

Understanding Your Numbers

Okay so now that we have an idea of what BP means let’s dig deeper if “Is 130/90 BP Normal?” First off: no one needs to freak out! If you’ve been diagnosed with high BP then definitely work on getting treatment but if this reading only happened at one point in time relax a little bit 🙂

The American Heart Association has set these measurements:

  • Normal BP should be below 120 / 80
  • Elevated would read between 120-129 / <80
  • High Blood Pressure Hypertension stage
    1 ranges from 130 –139mm Hg systolic or 80–89 mmHg diastolic
    Moderate-to-severe hypertension falls under three categories:
    2 : Stage Two Hypertension: Gold standard measurement is 140/90mm Hg

Why is High Blood Pressure Dangerous?

Hypertension is also known as “THE SILENT KILLER” because it can cause serious health problems without necessarily creating visible symptoms. You might have high blood pressure for years and never even know it, that’s the tricky part of hypertension! All the meanwhile your heart and blood vessels are being taxed to beyond what they have evolved to handle.

Some potential consequences:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Cognitive decline
  • Kidney failure

Please note this isn’t an inclusive list by any means but a general guideline of issues related directly to higher BP.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

So now let’s get into the nitty-gritty: what causes high blood pressure? Unfortunately, there’s no one answer since so many different factors contribute to hypertension such as poor diets (one too many trips per week through Taco Bell drive-thru), not exercising enough & smoking sigh. Pre-existing conditions like obesity or diabetes etc

## Am I at Risk for High Blood Pressure?

You could be more inclined towards extreme B/P if you;

• Are over the age of 40-ish

• Don’t exercise often enough or mildly lazy

• Smoke once in awhile(won’t lie gotta quit!)

• A diet filled with -red meat burgers/fries/pizza/most fast food/junk food processed foods

While these risk factors seem crazily hard hitting, certain groups are prone to developing hypertension given family history added onto their daily routine!

For women specifically natural hormone changes like menopause will lead from BP within suggested healthy limits shifting [The life ☕️]

Funny token: credit on those “harmless home remedies/guidelines Uncle Ben based upon his personal experience in India.” If you’re wondering why he appears rather smart nowadays was likely all due his quirky workout plans😏.

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Okay, so now that we’ve scared you all about how terrible high blood pressure is, let’s talk about ways to lower it! The good news is that there are many different things you can do.

  • Exercise: Moving around more often means less chances for the heart rate regularizing off kilter keeping objectivity in mind – seek medical guidance prior!

  • Quit smoking: Not only will this have additional health benefits but it has been known to improve overall BP.

  • A healthy diet: Reducing sodium and salt intake whilst consuming a diverse range of fruits & veggies with dark chocolate (who knew?) on occasion 🍫🥰 . ‘Save me from misleading “fad diets”!!!’

Informative fun fact:
Capsaicin found in peppers affect fat metabolism due its influence releasing of adrenaline – burning calories while using valuable energy resources‼️ It keeps daily calorie maintenance levels proportional eating hot foods has subjective limits… my lips searing woe.

Couples should jointly attempt counseling possibly a sign toward developing intimacy too😏.

Overall just aim towards finding yourself living a balanced lifestyle filled with physical activity which enables sweating out tension as well simply taking intentional breaks during work hours.

What About Medications?

If your current prescription after weeks lacks any result don’t hesitate chatting with your trusted doctor concerning possible reconciliations additionally continue testing over time, coupled together based upon symptoms both parties evaluating situations regularly.. Keep appointment dates consistent keeping tabs on progress straightforward

I’m sure by now everyone ⬆️👂 are pleading for answers regarding whether or not 130/90 bp is normal….

What’s all the Hype about?
The crazy part? What once was thought ‘high risk’ vs normal readings especially related specifically directly here within detailed articles like ours actually shifted at some point!

Let’s clarify what each reading signifies:

  • Anything below <120/80 ( Normal BP)

Patient diagnosed with elevated blood pressure if they have a higher systolic reading (between 120-129) and the diastolic number below 80. This technically sets their Blood Pressure just above the optimal/baseline/take your pick terminology

• High Blood Pressure Hypertension stage I ranges encompasses readings of
130 –139mm Hg systolic or 80–89 mmHg diastolic
• Stage Two Hypertension will encompass measurements equal to or greater than  
140/90 but less than 160 / 100

Heart Shaped Fun facts:

Did you know?
An adult’s heart beats around 72 times every minute aka over 2.5 billion in a lifetime roughly.

Humans overall vessels stretch – little fact more pronounced during medical procedures – this meaning there is no pressure buildup experienced within veins correct? True story😳

## Conclusion

So, after all that, what’s our final answer on whether or not 130/90 bp is normal? I’d say it’s roundabout not quite.

It anyone has B/P numbers so high at one appointment you’re about red flag status then most likely only an initial outline of potential health risks related collectively compounded issues.

Please take note: persistently higher numbers gathered frequently may merit cause for concern – as earlier mentioned indicate pre-medical attention required!

Overall taking control regarding daily routines simply creating work/life balance can go towards reducing incidences further down the line 🌈🎉💛

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