I Will Never Be Anything in Life – The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to reach your goals? Like there’s a force holding you back from achieving success and greatness? If so, welcome to the club of mediocrity. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we’re not good enough or we don’t have what it takes to make our dreams come true. But here’s the thing: that way of thinking is exactly what keeps us stuck in a cycle of failure and disappointment.

What Is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

At its core, a self-fulfilling prophecy is simply believing something will happen so strongly that it actually comes true. You may have heard the phrase “fake it ’til you make it” – well, this is sort of like that but with a slightly negative twist. When we believe deeply and wholeheartedly (whether consciously or unconsciously) that we are doomed to fail at something we set out to do (emphasis on “we”), chances are pretty high things won’t go as planned because subconsciously, we sabotage ourselves.

Types of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

There are different types of self-fulfilling prophecies; some common ones include:

1. Proving Yourself Right

Here’s when thoughts run askew—you might say stuff akin ‘I’m never going get this assignment done accurately.’ And by saying so ceaselessly ‘even jokingly,’ deep down inside — whether all become aware forthwith or not — the sentiment behaves almost like an axiom continually pressing within till hindering any hope for actualization in being correct about finishing it without much effort.

2. Believing Stereotypes

You’ve probably heard people say “money doesn’t grow on trees”, which is true – but only in the literal sense. However, incessantly saying things like “I’ll never be rich because I’m not from a wealthy family”, “I’m black, how easy can it be?” and so on creates a shadow over your destiny.

3. Implying Worthlessness

There is this belief that when you seem worthless to yourself, others will feel the same way about you; thus causing a ripple effect of failure in whichever domain one operates. By repeatedly saying ‘OMG! such a loser,’ or ‘My IQ must be lower than my shoe size’, well – you get the picture.

These are just some examples out of many ways through which we sabotage ourselves by employing self-fulfilling prophecies as the modus operandi.

Origins of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

But where does this type of thinking come from? How do we develop these negative beliefs and why do they persist?

Negative Anchoring

Anchoring refers to using experiences from our past to evaluate future events that connect with/similar traits with said trauma — hence starting singularly pessimistic projection into reality at large.

For instance — although simple — getting turned down for dates might seem trivial enough — something so quotidian doesn’t tie much importance…no biggie right? Wrong!

So once knocked back initially perceiving event as inflicting extremely severe pain relative to one’s current expectation = foundation laid (in mind) for any potential occurring similar situation(s).

This erodes optimism slowly but surely till sitting in anxiety over every little detail even before it happens.

It could start gradually till all/every aspect of life loses its glow seeming impossibly accomplished.

Suddenly with such an anchor unable to say “YES” seems like shouting expletives at oneself instead – feelings turn flat ,self-confidence turns deficient incrementally,until any progress appears impossible

Self-Fulfillment of Negative Prophecies

Unfortunately, (and perhaps unconsciously so) we often seek confirmation of these negative beliefs about ourselves. For example, if you believe that you aren’t good enough to get a promotion at work for no reasons other than your lack of degree or not drinking/participating in ‘mate-ship’ with boss/team even when the policy states otherwise (FYI), you may not even try to apply or impress because “what’s the point?”. And lo and behold, your self-fulfilling prophecy comes true when somebody else gets the gig.

It won’t matter how many times others tried convincing one they should give it a shot — anyway might probably seem like merely making them feel better but doubting certain execution & subsequently just disown any energy inclining towards progress…

Suddenly they’re stuck suffused — almost addicted –with that non-intellectual thought & keep seeking ways means reality proves their claim.

### Why Do We Let It Happen?

In short: fear-based tendencies stemming from deep core beliefs is usually responsible for instances where people fall into self-defeating properties as modes while trying anything recently; mostly relatable cases including:

  • Low-perceived personal agency
  • Acceptance
  • Avoidant coping styles
  • Pessimistic operating guidance

How To Break Free From A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

As mentioned earlier – although these thoughts can seem habitual resulting in gradual seeping into life aspects , there needs deliberate action made upto arresting this development given decisive timely evpprtia taken ensures growth attainment rarely possible whilst living under such state of mental confusion.

Mental Shifts Matter

Initially,the changes could appear minuscule – but over time they begin adding up allowing freedom … Though what does drastic change lure?

Self-doubting sentience taking flight!!!

For starters:

Reject limiting belief patterns

Observe current track of thoughts

Analyze cause(s) resulting in that type of thinking

Take Control Of Your Actions

One significant step to take on this journey — Building self-awareness with non-judgemental observations.

Simply raising awareness of the same automatic but limiting response during a challenging situation can help one attain clarity before assessing matter accurately. Counting 1-to-10 silently & practicing breathing techniques could come handy while review-levels increase( these sure not magic pills however).

Break free by formulating possible alternatives even if it means starting at unusual hours, rather than unknowingly reinforcing negative beliefs.

Dabble In Bouts Of Risks

Please spare some time and remember all those times you disregarded suggestions given instead acted based on what felt ‘right’… and yes — they seemed like failures right?

Stretching boundaries beyond comfortable levels often leads to potential within.

  • Think: What do I have to lose or gain?
  • Set new standards.
  • Practice giving rewarding activities go.

However,overthinking situations minimizing mere chances with severe doubt damages growth,

Don’t miss out just because “It’s never been attempted!”


In conclusion,fearing failure drives people crazy more than anything else most times…

Although setting a vision in mind is one thing – commitment towards proffered output only hold significance when active practices allow overcoming barriers….or nothing will change!!!

Remember,No clouds so thick enough able to perennially occlude sunshine; enjoy life deliberately!.

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