How to use purple k?

Are you tired of boring old fire extinguishers that don’t pack a punch? Do you want to feel like a superhero when putting out fires? Look no further, because purple k is here to save the day! In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about using purple k.

What is Purple K?

Before we jump into how to use it, let’s start with the basics. Purple K is a dry chemical agent used as an extinguishing agent in fire suppression systems. It’s known for being incredibly effective at extinguishing Class B and C fires (flammable liquids and gases). It’s also used in some Class A fires (ordinary combustibles) but not recommended for electrical equipment due to its conductivity.

Where can You Find Purple K?

Purple K can be found in various types of fire extinguishers or fixed systems, such as gas stations, airports or industrial settings. If you’re unsure if your facility has purple k available, ask your safety coordinator or building manager.

When Should You Use Purple K?

As previously mentioned, purple k works best on Class B and C fires involving flammable liquids and gases like gasoline or propane tanks. However,it should only be used by trained personnel who have proper knowledge of handling hazardous materials.

How Does Purple K Work?

Purple K works by interrupting the chain reaction of combustion through dry chemical flame inhibition. While it may sound technical,all you really need to know is that it smothers the flames making them go away!

Steps to Take Before Using Purple K

Before attempting any firefighting activity utilizing any form of fire suppressant system; make sure all personnel are safe from danger source.
– Assess surroundings – Make sure there are no people around during firefighting process
– Terminate Heat Source – Remove heat source , which could trigger more sparks / cause more spread in chemicals
– Assess the Type of Fire – Ensure you know what class/type of fire you are dealing with to utilize right extinguishing agent.
– Wear Personal Protective Equipment – Rubber or plastic gloves, hard hat and eye protection should be worn even during small fires

Steps for Using Purple K

  1. Obtain the Correct Extinguisher: make sure that it is a Class B/C dry chemical fire extinguisher containing purple k.

  2. Pull the Pin: pull out the safety pin located on top of the extinguisher.

  3. Aim at Base: aim at the base, not at flames! Follow P.A.S.S system:

  4. PULL – Pulling out Safety Pin
  5. AIM – Directional , make sure nozzle 8 ft from source
    SQUEEZE – gently press grip handle close to complete discharge.
  6. SWEEP arm’s length back & forth movement while aiming foam towards base area

  7. Squeeze Handle:squeeze gently but FIRMLY until all of the contents have been discharged.

  8. Sweep from Side to Side: keep your distance away and perform short strokes evenly side by side until complete burning material is covered”.

6.Store Properly:Once used contact nearest authorized dealer for recharging/refilling purposes before storing again properly in durable bracket holder mountings’.

Advantages and Disadvantages pf using purple k?

Everything has its pros and cons so does Purple-K as a suppressing agent:

Advantages :

a.Purple K works quickly!
b.It’s relatively cheap compared to other suppressants.
c.Batch numbers can be traced offering security/ quality assurance check
d.Easy maintainance / storage.(doesnt need ckeaning after use )

Disadvantages :

While purple K has several advantages,it also comes with some disadvantages such as;

A.Conductivity issues which leads to Electrical shorts in living spaces such as Home or Offices
B. The chemical itself is toxic could lead to respiratory issues if ingested – Adequate Ventilation required
C.Tends to leave a residue can be Corrosive and not ideal for personnel under sustained presence.


Using purple k is simple, fast and effective at putting out fires involving flammable liquids and gases.It should only be used by trained individuals within close proximity of fire and it’s important to follow the correct steps for optimal results; assess surroundings, pull the pin, aim at base from an arm’s length distace & squeeze handle but sweep side by side! Nevertheless like any other agent ,Purple –K has its share of Advantages& Disadvantages as a suppressing agent when pondering choices.Safe practice,Timely intervention always remains critical towards prevention&control of Fire Outbreaks.

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