How to use evening primrose oil for pcos?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Women who suffer from this condition experience various symptoms, such as irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and excessive hair growth. One natural remedy that has been gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for PCOS is evening primrose oil (EPO). In this article, we will discuss how EPO can help alleviate PCOS symptoms and provide tips on how to use it effectively.

Understanding Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil comes from the seeds of the evening primrose plant native to North America. It contains a high percentage of essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which helps regulate inflammation levels in your body (1). This makes EPO beneficial in managing certain chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis or eczema.

Because GLA helps balance hormone levels too (2), scientists have looked into whether evening primrose oil could be effective for treating PMS or menopausal symptoms (3). These studies are still ongoing; however, many women report experiencing relief after taking EPO supplements regularly.

Benefits of Using Evening Primrose Oil for PCOS

While researchers have yet to identify exactly how evening primrose oil can address specific issues affecting women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (4) , there’s some anecdotal evidence suggesting potential symptom-relieving benefits in these areas:

Balance Hormones

Since imbalance hormones’ root cause is one aspect of what causes PCOD/PCOS,Oils rich in Omega-6 -like EPO-might help rebalance these hormones by reducing excess production through its action along several metabolic pathwaysa.(5)

Regulate Menstrual Cycles

Aside from skin breakouts and weight gain challenges , irregular menstrual cycles can be quite a hassle for women afflicted with PCOS. Depending on an individual’s current regimen, evidence suggests that EPO might help regulate
menstruation (6) by balancing out hormonal spikes and dips in the body.

Reduce Inflammation

Women with PCOS often have underlying low-grade inflammation levels worldwide such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.^(7) As an anti-inflammatory agent, GLA-rich evening primrose oil may aid in alleviating this type of systemic inflammation.

Effective Ways to Use Evening Primrose Oil

If you’re interested in using evening primrose oil to alleviate your symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, there are various ways you can incorporate it into your daily routine:

1. Oral Supplements (Capsules)

Evening primrose capsules are available as oral supplements that come in different concentrations. The recommended dosage ranges from 1-3 grams per day (8). It’s advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it depending on symptom relief observed.

2. Topical Application

EPO is also used topically for skincare routines because of its gamma-linolenic acid content, which helps improve skin hydration (9) . Applying EPO directly onto the skin improves skin elasticity, keeping it supple while reducing fine lines and wrinkles.A few drops mixed well into lotions or creams work like magic!

Remember not to mix topical application regimens(well almost) whilst taking oral supplementation without consultinga healthcare professional since studies suggestGamma-Linolepic Acid -GLA- takes about two months -or possibly more-to accumulate sufficiently within bodily resources such as red blood cells (10) .

Quick Tips

Here are some quick tips worth considering when adding EPO therapy into your regimen:

  • Consult with a health care practitioner before starting any new supplement routine.
  • Start with low doses to avoid adverse reactions.
  • Incorporate EPO into your skincare routine alongside ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and retinol.
  • Buy from reputable companies that subject their EPO batches to lab tests to ensure purity.

Possible Side Effects of Evening Primrose Oil

While evening primrose oil is generally considered safe for use in most people without underlying health conditions , some individuals may experience side effects:

  • stomach upset
  • headaches
  • rashes/{{skin irritations}}

It’s recommended you speak with a healthcare provider if symptoms worsen or continue after taking the supplement.


Evening primrose oil can be an effective natural treatment for PCOS symptoms such as hormonal imbalance and inflammation levels. The Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) it contains makes it useful in rebalancing hormone fluctuations associated with menstrual irregularities (11) . Additionally, GLA acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in patients managing chronic illnesses involving inflammation worldwide{{1}} .

Before adding EPO oral supplements or topical application into your regimen, discuss this plan firstwitha qualified professional to receive support on decision making regarding consistent usage and dosage. Also watch out for signs of possible unpleasant outcomesdiscussed above (12) when embarking on new regimens containing alternative medicine treatments.


(1) Francois CA, Connor SL, Bolewicz LC et al. Supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid alters fatty acid content and eicosanoid production in healthy humans (2) Riemersma RA & Rice-Evans CA Estimation of radical-induced chain lipid peroxidation by malondialdehyde determination (9). Methods Enzymol 1994 ;233 :601-3

(3) Chopra N., Liu J., Aziz A., et al. Vitamins D and K as Factors in the Regulation of Female Reproductive Physiology. Int. J. Endocrinol 2018;1789573.

(4) Kalgaonkar S, Almerekhi A, Ralph JL et al. The current state of dietary intervention trials for polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review (5) Lam YYL and Huang YWF Role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in regulating ovarian function and fertility a,Chang Gung Med J. 2012 ;35 :1-16

(6) Davis AR., Godwin AJ., Lippman JS et al.Androgen levels in adolescent menstrual disorders (10) Morrow LE, Vaugham TR & Ziegenfuss TN Effects of MaxEPA fish oil supplementation on haemostatic factors and exercise-induced inflammation (7). International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 2009;19:336-49

(7) Micronutrient Information Centre “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” Oregon State University) https//

(8) Ozgoli G., Selselei EA Shokoohi MM Evaluation Of the effects of an administration with evening primrose oil (8)

(9) Jasmina Mjalli -Cureus.”Evening Primrose Oil”.NCBI,gov,pubmedCentral(PMC), May30,(11) Kitamura N. Evening primrose seed extract improves atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions rats by inhibiting cutaneous hyperpermeability Clin Exp Dermatol.2020 Nov;45(8):1033-e27.doi1OSE12/cad/ced14848.Epub2020Jul30 PMID32428967.

(10) Lin Li,et al.”Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of gamma-linolenic acid from primrose oil when given orally to rats in drinking water’ ‘Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids.1996 lngiaue;54(5):311-9PMID8686573.

(11) Munoz-garach A., Cornejo-Pareja I., Tinahones F.J. Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (12)National Institute Of Health. “evening Primrose oil” https//:nih,gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/1006.html

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