How to use differin gel?

Welcome, weary travelers of skincare! You’ve gone on quite the journey trying to find a suitable acne treatment. Your face has seen more creams than Queen Elizabeth has seen clothing items. Well fret no more- you have stumbled upon something much better than any over-the-counter nonsense out there. Behold: Differin Gel!

Getting Started

First thing’s first; let’s dive into what is in this magical potion? The main ingredient in Differin gel, adapalene, works wonders by unclogging pores and promoting skin cell turnover. Essentially, it tells your pimples that they’re getting evicted from their life-long residence on your precious skin.

Now that we know what we’re dealing with, how do we apply this sucker?

  1. Cleanse your skin- give it a nice ole’ wash.
  2. Pat dry like you just conquered spin class.
  3. Apply pea-sized amount of differin all over or only where needed (for example-nighttime t-zones).
  4. Don’t forget sunblock during the day because nobody wants wrinkly school pictures.

That’s it! Okay cool bye guys…

…just kidding.

What To Expect

Like most skincare treatments, adapting takes time so don’t expect perfection right off the bat (isn’t patience a treat?). Here are some things to keep in mind:

Purging Phase

Nope-this isn’t an exorcism-it’s actually normal for many individuals using differing as part of their routine (because why should straight forward be….straight forward?) but basically breaks down:

Differing might work hard-to clean out stubborn gunk-filled pores which means those painful bumps might get…well…,’bumpier’. Some people may experience purging within weeks but hang tight and don’t pick at them – trust us-you want these villains evicted for life


It’s normal to experience some dryness, redness, and flakiness while using differin so grab a hydrating moisturizer (water is for drinking remember?)-it will be your best friend.

Improvement takes time

Hate being patient? So do we-we’re human too but it could take up to 12 weeks before you see any drastic improvement. It’s all trial and error-you got this!

Tips & Tricks

Alright friends-now that we have the basics down let’s get into the juicy tips and tricks – because who doesn’t want to increase their chances of winning in life?

Start Slow

As mentioned earlier-differing can be harsh on those sensitive areas when adjusting so apply once at night every two nights for the first week. Then move towards applying every other night-if your skin is still irritated like Sheldon Cooper then dial it back again by switching to three times a week until you built resistance against it.

Avoid Over-Cleansing

We know how bad feels when someone won’t leave us alone…or..wait wait sorry lost my train of thought there somehow BUT point being avoid over-cleansing with different cleansers which can aggravate skin especially if alcohol based-yikes (no seriously yikes)!

### Try The ‘Differin Wait’ Method

After washing your face, wait around about 15 minutes before applying Differin gel. Why not use sudden motions straight after washing? Well because wet skin may cause more irritation-meanwhile letting it soak up a few drops creates a barrier leaving less room for irritation -we’re simply just science-folk here , don’t question our ways.

### Prioritize Moisturizing

This journey should include moisture-‘errday! Assist yourself out by making sure that moisturizer isn’t skipped or forgotten after each application-night or day-catching us drift?- long story short, your skin will thank you for it.

Toner may also reduce dryness

‘Reduce’ being the keyword here. Keep in mind overusing toner with differin might really not help matters-cue daylong pool visits (who doesn’t want summer right now because let’s be real who has a clue anymore). Use said toner on days between applying since anything else regular can do more harm than good.

Baby Steps

Incorporate purging process to make things slightly easier. Start first by massaging 1 drop of Jojoba oil (amazing ingredient obsessions) every night following Differing gel application-concentrate only on congested area! Please avoid using heavy oils such as coconut or olive oil which could clog pores-simply defeats this whole routine amigo.

Dos and Don’ts

Let’s put up the fence of ‘dos and don’ts’- so we’ve got our bases covered:


• wear sunscreen when out & about-all those trendy pop-up drive-in movie theatres still need ray-free faces.

• moisturize twice a day- usually after washing your face , better yet apply hyaluronic acid at bedtime -it’s like drinking an extra glass o’ water!

### DON’T:

• pick-because popping made zits is worse than ordering incorrect coffee at Starbucks when there’s an even longer line behind us.

• combine certain acids-they’re not friends-like Game Of Thrones characters-but less lethal admittedly,
pardon the analogy though….

Now go forth wanderers-off into clearer horizons! Differin Gel is something that’ll leave your skin hopeful and never wanting-much like eye cream going somewhere sweet in life.

Please speak with dermatologist if severe acne irritation persists

Dermatological jargon

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