How to treat swollen lymph nodes in armpit?

Are you feeling a bit lumpy and bumpy under those cute little armpits of yours? Don’t worry; it’s not your third nipple trying to make an appearance. It is likely that you have swollen lymph nodes. While these nodules may be harmless, they can also signal more severe health problems. So, let’s get down to business and talk about how to treat swollen lymph nodes in the armpit area!

What are Swollen Lymph Nodes?

Before we dive into treatment options for swollen lymph nodes, let’s first discuss what they are.

Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped glands throughout our bodies that store white blood cells needed to fight infection or disease. When there is bacteria or foreign material present within the body system, such as an injury or illness like a cold virus, the immune system will stimulate nearby lymph nodes so that these specialized cells respond accordingly. This process results in swelling and tenderness surrounding the affected lymph node(s).

In some cases, however, persistent swelling demands further medical investigation.

Symptoms Associated with Swollen Lymph Node

The following symptoms may accompany if one is experiencing an enlarged axillary (armpit) node:

  • Pea-sized lump underneath one’s sleeve
  • Redness on the surface of skin/skin discoloration
  • Pain/pressure around extreme corners of arms
  • Tenderness/throbbing sensation near sore region

It goes without saying: If you observe any sudden enlargement which measures more than two centimeters (~3/4 inch), please promptly consult primary care physician.

Swelling that persists beyond several weeks warrants further investigation because it could indicate more serious illness concerns requiring prompt attention from medical professionals.

Home Remedies for Treating Swollen Armpit Lymph Nodes

While most cases typically resolve spontaneously over time-watchful waiting-periodic interventions are here to help speed up the healing process. Home remedies that could be considered in such situations include:

  • Applying a warm compress:
    The heat from heating pad, hot water bottle or gentle massage with hands is believed to calm and soothe the swollen lymph nodes.

  • Using essential oils:
    Tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil are all-known anti-inflammatory properties that can be added to baths/shower gels as they target swelling around lymph glands

  • Educating oneself on proper nutrition habits:
    Ditching fatty/fried/junk food choices for lean proteins such as chicken/turkey/ fish rather than red meat is encouraged when dealing with symptoms of inflammation.

Medical Interventions

Apart from the home remedies stated above, if shown further interest in getting rid of pain near under-arms one needs more immediate treatment options prescribed through medical interventions:

  1. Ultrasound: The ultrasound scan makes use of high frequency soundwaves technique used especially in obstetrics & gyneacology departments where doctors examine uterus, ovaries (in female) or check testicles (in men). It helps determine whether there may be any abnormal lesions present within or surrounding this region..

  2. CT Scan: Depending upon complexities involved an additional diagnosis includes computed tomography scans performed by specialists providing two-dimensional view creating cross-section images simply explained as looking inside human body like a cake cut into multiple bird’s eye slices.

  3. Biopsy: This pathology-based method works by utilizing small amount tissue substance extracted surgically/in non-surgical manner needling tools placed directly connecting affected area which then tested under microscope revealing underlying cause.

  4. Antibiotics-if bacterial infections detected/doctors prescribe medication plan accordingly

Precautions – When To Visit A Doctor

It’s crucial to seek professional advice once you notice discomfort around your armpit. Here are some factors that should be kept in mind:

  • Persistent swelling size longer than two weeks
  • Visible redness around swollen area
  • Sudden growth spur out of nowhere
  • Night sweats/chills/high fever for extended time frame

It’s natural to want a quick fix but sometimes seeking medical assistance is essential not only for personal health reasons but also to avoid any complications such as ruptured cysts or inflammation.


If you’re confused and searching through internet portals regarding doubts relating swollen lymph nodes, here are some common queries asked–

What causes the armpit’s lymph nodes to become inflamed?

Lymph node enlargement can occur due to variety of underlying infections ranging from localized infection such as streptococcus (strep throat) or bacterial skin condition known as folliculitis where hair follicle becomes infected by bacteria ultimately leading up to boil formation. Usually bodily disposition against regular disease-causing process leads overproduction T-cells resulting into enlarged adenoids.

How Do I check if I have swollen lymph nodes?

Usually they appear pea-sized underneath one’s arm under-skin placing thumb and forefinger there if it seems unusually large then we might consider visitation towards primary healthcare specialists.

What measures could be taken keep oneself healthy generally?

Incorporating well balanced diet regimen, practicing good hygiene habits, maintaining cleanliness regime especially during menstrual cycles & avoiding exposure chemicals/toxins all contribute toward strengthening immune response required fighting off diseases; keeping lymphatic structure continually healthy doesn’t harm either!


Swollen Lymph Nodes – while most cases resolve on their own within several weeks prompt attention may be necessary depending on various varying symptoms one might experience . Home Remedies could aid in reducing pain/swelling intensity meanwhile Medical Interventions include ultrasound/ct scans/biopsies prescribed antibiotics(as per needs). Seeking professional help once noticing discomfort alongside certain red flags is necessary in order to avoid complications that might further worsen situation.

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