How to treat 2nd degree burn on finger?

You were chopping up some veggies for your stir fry, humming along to your favorite song when it happened. You looked down at your finger and saw that you had burned yourself with the pan you just took out of the oven. Great, just what you needed today. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll go over the steps you need to follow if you ever accidentally give yourself a second-degree burn on one of those precious digits.

What is a second degree burn?

Before diving into how to treat them, let’s start by defining exactly what we mean by “second-degree burns.” Basically, these happen when your skin has been damaged deeply enough that both the outer layer (the epidermis) as well as at least part of the inner layer (the dermis) have been affected.

Signs and symptoms

Your body will usually respond with noticeable symptoms whenever one of its parts gets hurt- including 2nd degree burns:

  • blistering
  • painful sensation
  • reddening around injury
  • possible white streaks

If any or all three symptoms are showing up then it’s time call for help from remedies listed below without delay immediately after washing^1

What not to do

First things first: let’s make sure we’re not making things worse. Here are some common mistakes people make in treating second-degree burns:

Don’t apply ice directly onto burnt area!

This might seem like a good idea initially but trust us It’ll only extend/cause damages due extreme tempertures changes–plus who wants frostbite? Better option would be trying cool water applications & air drying afterwards or enclosed packings with products such as {burn shield} / moist towels^(2)

Please don’t put toothpaste on it either -_-

Don’t ask us where this ridiculous idea came from, but some people swear by applying toothpaste to their burns. Uhm yeah… no thank you. Toothpaste is made up of ingredients which should not be mixed with open wounds especially given the amount of chemicals it contains

What about butter/any cooking oils?

Hold up! Firstly they’re likely in close reach seeing as needing help sparked the issue all together . But unless you feel like tending to a pretty intense infection and scarring, steer clear! The same goes for other super chilly liquids (e.g., vinegar or alcohol) as they also can effect healing time bringing further damage^3
Now that we’ve gotten our ‘donts’ outta the way, let’s get into how y’all can actual fix this mess!

Step 1: Cleanse it properly

The first thing you need to do if you have a second-degree burn on your finger is cleanse the wound thoroughly.

Wash Hand & Injury Immediately With Liquid Soap

Warm water and using an anti-bacterial soap bar works wonders since sterile equipment might not always be available{especially at home} , so removing bacteria through cleansing injury takes precedence during initial moments after accident^(4). Rinse injured area thoroughly.

Gently pat dry with clean towel

Patting gently rather than forcefully blotting prevents spread of germs while maintaining maximum moisture protecting damaged skin integrity ^5

Step 2: Apply proper medication

Once your cleaned-up properly and now less polluted hand has seen restoration,you’re ready for next stage; medication application phase/sterilization portion .

Utilize Over-The-Counter Methods

If possible look towards extracts such as aloe vera gel/lotion reminiscent substances usually utilized when seeking relief post sunburns – and those guy’s know burns. For something stronger benzocaine could work though dosage countering effects are harsher Alternatives include Silvadene cream or even taking over the counter aspirin pills as a means of reducing pain swellings attached to injury^(7).{do not worry, these won’t cause internal stomach complications} Aspirins will be useful in instances where victim is unable to handle medicinal topical agents being applied directly onto affected area

Sterilize Injury (Best completed by professional)

again more imperative for harsher injuries/energy based damage but it has recommended to utilize Pressurized sterilizations such Autoclave ^(6)within hospitals since they can no doubt maintain appropriate temperature and manage medical materiel. Whereas home-based antiseptics usually come with expiry dates^3

Step 3: Cover the Burned Area Properly

After all necessary treatment has been undertaken its important put something over burn keep exposed to certain harsh elements (e.g., dust or moisture).

Consider Non-Stick Dressing

Such items sought after would include fabrics ensuring minimum sticking {compound dressing pads}, some form latex temporary coverings,ease-borne bandages that prevent irritation caused due movements/location shifts also bearable on skin type(differentiation from plasters). This protects wound-scabs from being peeled off before skins fully restored^.8 
It’s good practice to go ahead change wrapping daily while healing^[9]

Prevent using old tricks like Band-Aids.

Yea I know we all love em; but don’t try hiding burned areas under them at least post cleansing phase as infection can build up underneath adhesive surface/can become irksome. So use alternatives instead easier long term performance    The last thing you want is dealing with one wound plus reaction brought on by method acting as another hurt altogether -_-

There you have it! With some quick thinking & knowledge about what NOT TO DOyou’re free take caring of yourself with without hours spent reflecting how this happened.


  1. BurnFirstAid. (2021). Simple Instructions to Treat a Burn By Degree. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from

  2. WebMD. (n.d.). Burns Treatment: First Aid and Home Treatment for Minor Burns burns [Online] Webmd Retrieevd on august 7th.

3.The associated press & NBC News.(2015), Consumer Alert: Don’t use butter or other remedies old wives’ tales as burn treatmentsScientific American.RetrievedFromhttps:/

4.Applied Microbiology Reviews.September2000; 13(3):366-376The Hygienic Efficacy of Different Hand-Drying Methods A Review of the EvidenceUpdate.March2008:

5.Marsh,Dan& Mojkowski,Cathy&Achilleos,Kelly.(2016)Semmelweis Reflex Revisited.Hand 

6.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Dry Heat Sterilization.New York State Department of Health.Sterilizing Practices.Disinfection &Sterilization Guidelines.WikiDot.RetrievedOnAugust82021,

7.Healthmonious, V TREATING MINOR BURNS AT HOME – HEALTHMONIOUS(VitalHealthtipsand advice)(Open Thoughts Series)- RetrievedOnAugust92021 from<615225069858694279>

8.Campanelli,Pietro&Di Domenico,Antonio.&Marfella,Silvio.(2017)Compounded Silver Sulfadiazine Formulations for Topical Use: A Review. Molecules, 22(12), 2103

9.Morrison,Kimberly &Doughty,Dorothy.Weight Loss as a Predictor of Delayed Healing Duration in Venous Leg Ulcers.November2002Volume15IssueSuppl s2Pages50-58DOI102255VUL15282785CitedBy215Papers

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