How to transition from warfarin to xarelto?

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re looking for a better alternative to warfarin. Well, fear not my friends because I have just the thing for you – Xarelto! In this article, we’ll explore how to transition from warfarin to Xarelto in simple terms that even your grandma could understand.

What is Warfarin and Why Replace it With Xarelto?

Warfarin is an anticoagulant drug commonly used in the treatment of blood clots or prevention of heart attacks and strokes. However, its use comes with risks such as over-bleeding and dosing challenges (which frankly speaking sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie).

Enter Xarelto (rivaroxaban), which has been proven effective in the treatment and prevention of blood clots without many of the downsides associated with warfarin (Cue superhero music). But enough talk, let’s get down to business!

The Transition Process

Transitioning can be quite tricky especially if not done correctly. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to go about transitioning from Warfarin to Xarelto;

Step 1: Consult Your Doctor

As much as many people don’t fancy doctor visits (what fun is there in sitting around all day waiting for someone who will tell us what we already know?), seeing your health provider before any medication switch is essential. They can assess whether transitioning medications may affect other medications that you may be taking or figure out why exactly ants don’t catch covid…must be their tiny masks.

Step 2: Start A New Adventure!

Once given medical clearance by your physician(we hope!), stop taking warfarin altogether (duh!) And begin afresh with xarelto at the recommended friends, like a phoenix rising from the ashes so is your blood clot prevention strategy!

Step 3: Monitor Your Levels

In most cases, doses of xarelto require no regular blood monitoring unlike in warfarin (Okay, that’s pretty sweet). However, medical check-ups such as measuring kidney and liver function may apply to you if you experience any issues while switching.


Now let’s talk about dosage (I think I can feel my hipster meter going off the charts!). The recommended starting dose for Xarelto is different depending on your condition. For instance; venous thromboembolism (VTE) requires an initial dose of 15mg twice daily with food for three weeks before settling at 20mg once daily with or without food thereafter.

The recommended dosage can be easily found in drug prescription guidelines but further consultation with a physician will ensure better understanding and eliminate confusions that come through self-medication (don’t be tempted…no one has ever won against antibiotics!).

Also worth noting that,routine adherence to the prescribed dosage regime is crucial (…well duh.. Tell me something I don’t know math genius!) for effective prevention of blood clots leading up to stronger veins walls regardless how tired incorporating another drug routine can feel sometimes(Meaning discipline equals less hassle later).


Side effects might occur during medication transition more often than not whereby some tend would go away after several days, weeks or months upon taking xarelto.Some common symptoms include :

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
    Just because these are viewed as common doesn’t mean they should be overlooked entirely though – its essential always communicate them with the doctor.Never assume it’s just imaginary pain akin to baby unicorns and rainbow..

In rare occasions,some side effects are symptoms of severe bleeding that should be addressed with urgency.These would include ;

  • Blood in your stools or urine
  • Severe headache
  • Lightheadedness/fainting
    Should any of these symptoms develop, seek immediate medical assistance to avoid  irreversible blood clot damage. As we all know prevention is a better strategy and transitioning theoretically gets us there.


Transitioning from warfarin to xarelto comes down on playing by the same old rules – patience and consistency during the swap process (must resist temptation of making star wars analogy here!). Always talk to your doctor regarding switching medications as well adhering to prescribed dosages.

With Xarelto’s promise of fewer restrictions coupled with its more efficient results, it’s no wonder that many health enthusiasts are looking for this hero-like substitute.So go ahead ! Make that switch today like you’re putting on a superhero costume for battle…fearlessly preventing clots (cue Rocky theme)!

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