How to tell if having a panic attack?

Panic attacks can catch anyone unexpectedly. They come at you like a bullet train, and before you realize they’ve hit, it’s tough to pinpoint what exactly has caused them. Anxiety is consuming – it makes our minds race and our hearts pound until we start assuming the worst possible outcomes.

But how do you separate an anxiety attack from having a panic attack? We’ll walk through some signs for identifying when your heart is revving up or desperately trying to flutter out of your chest with humorous hints along the way!

What is a Panic Attack?

A panic attack sets off intense terror episodes that often happen without warning. Their sudden nature means symptoms reach peak level within minutes- quickly subsiding after about 20-30 mins (phew!).

They are usually very elaborative entering with physical symptoms such as sweating or trembling and then tender into closed hands around throat situations restricting breathing! At times before being tackled by this monster called “panic,” one may experience several pre-eminent red flags!! So let’s delve ahead….

Physical Symptoms

Anxiety relies heavily on physical effects in its early stages, so determining whether what you’re feeling is psychological or physiological isn’t always easy (my palms sweat just writing about it). There might be worrying patterns that seek attention including:

Chest pain coupled with accelerated heartbeat

This could produce like any other day-to-day abnormality but sometimes signifies something seriously alarming!!! If rising stress levels accompany these traits constantly getting yourself checked medically would be best.


It’s no joke dealing with bathroom emergencies while undergoing mental stress (or quite frankly anytime), so if feeling pukish during bouts of nervousness transcending any extremes we need an attentive ear towards our health dynamics!!

Sweating profusely

Sweaty armpits aren’t comfortable, period – add waves of anxiety in the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Our body reacts to excessive stress by excreting sweat during panic attacks leaving everything around us sticky and uncomfortable!!!


Sounds familiar? Tremors or shaky feelings can be quite unsettling if one’s not sure what they represent. If these feel omnipresent time to interrogate your brain because it may startas minor muscle twitches but can amplify significantly cold symptoms!

Panic Attack trigger signs

Triggers are situations that activate panic attack episodes- the reasons behind everyone experiencing them vary!! It might occur due to fear of spiders (I’m sorry arachnophobes), heights or enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). Below listed are some potential activities that could prompt this beast!!

Unwelcome Thoughts

Several thoughts knock our head uninvited sometimes poking at our innate sense until we unconsciously induce pessimistic vibes onto ourselves making us overthink each situation leading onto something as bizarre as a Panic Attack!!!

Crowd frenzy

Crowded gatherings with booming sounds and galore lights trigger spikes in adrenaline levels which then result in unnatural responses from people caught off guard in such an environment.

Financial instability

This is another significant aspect driving many into state-of-art panic attacks over the years depending upon their financial standings, life experiences could often land anyone here without batting an eyelid financial tension comes first amongst no 1 unseen monster

Mental Symptoms

Next on our list of symptoms – mental health signals (the ones all too familiar):


Through dealing with chaotic hustle-bustle everyday our brains get pretty good at constantly doubting/introspecting/in-juggling thoughts but when paranoid thoughts seep through mere worry boundaries there exists probability of being down under spellbound paranoia! This distorted thinking processes would morph/cast reflections resulting rather convoluted outcomes yikes


You start feeling super-exhausted of everything around you mentally, emotionally or even physically specifically when it comes to articular daily activities (like work!) Your brain starts developing coping mechanisms making room for an increased risk of a panic attack.

How to deal with Panic Attacks

We’ve covered the red flags- now onto some survival tactics:

Breathing Exercises

Panic attacks can claim control over our breathing patterns taking things back into own hands and practicing easy methods like deep controlled breaths getting massive air in-n-out keeping panic tamed (phew).

Distract yourself but quickly

Quickly going out for a walk or watching your favorite movie might offer an inseparable escape breaking thoughts piling on creating unnecessary havoc amidst our mental space giving us enough time to regroup!

Seek Professional Help

Don’t hesitate because in case all seems hopeless seeking professional help is one grand appointment you won’t regret scheduling trust me!!!


Mental health should always take precedence – we hope this helps during moments when empathy from another person means having someone else that understands what’s happening inside ourselves. Understanding anxiety isn’t plain sailing sometimes;however, attaining enough knowledge would guide everyone better handling worst-case scenarios!!!

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