How to tape your pinky and ring finger?

So, you’ve injured your pinky and ring finger. Maybe it was from playing an intense game of rugby or trying out a new yoga pose. No matter how it happened, now you’re left with fingers that feel as fragile as glass.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you how to tape your pinky and ring finger like a pro so that they can heal properly without hindering your daily activities.

Materials Needed

Before we start taping our fingers together like two lovebirds on Valentine’s Day, let’s gather all the materials that we will need:

  • Medical tape
  • Scissors (Don’t use kitchen scissors unless you want a dull blade.)
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubbing alcohol (Swap for vodka if times are tough)
  • A healing attitude (Optional)

Now that we have everything ready let’s move forward with How To Tape Your Pinky And Ring Finger!

Cleanse The Fingers

First things first – cleanse both the injured fingers with rubbing alcohol using cotton balls. This is essential since our hands harbour various nasty microbes just waiting for an opportunity to cause infection.

Use one cotton ball per finger to prevent transferring germs from one part of your hand over to another spot. Make sure the cotton ball is damp enough but not soaked through otherwise drying time becomes unnecessarily long (Nobody has got time for air-drying!)

Cleaned up? You’re halfway there.

Let’s Get Taping

The next step involves attaching end-to-end medical tapes around each joint only in lightly stretched positions – maybe at 60% stretch or less). When doing this be mindful of wrapping too tight since restricting blood flow causes swelling worse than seasonal allergies!

Here’s exactly what needs getting done:

  1. Take approximately 8 inches of medical tape and cut it using the scissors.

  2. Lay your injured hand on a flat surface then lift up your pinky and ring finger such that they’re not touching each other, but there’s enough space between them for tape.

  3. Wrap the medical tape 1-2 times around the base of both fingers (just above first knuckles) while holding in place with one hand; You might want to ask someone else to help if it requires too much flexibility! Hold or pinch this part of tape so that you can tighten or adjust it as needed later.

  4. Do NOT wrap all-around since doing so could apply pressure to sensitive soft tissues and cause injury worse than recovery.

  5. With your other hand, snugly attach another piece of medical tape end-to-end about a centimeter along from where you started wrapping initially moving towards fingertips in downwards direction parallel with joints – Don’t join yet!

  6. Repeat steps four and five until completed wrapping rings goes over knuckle twice before attaching final bit at top-most tip after last digit-ended wire-wrap round

7 . Add extra strips (Optional) Seal ends roll down like socks folding over cuff tops adding more padding comfort booties during healing time.

Keep It Comfortably Loose

The idea here is not to wrap those digits tightly but snugly still providing wiggle room allowing some movement whilst healing; That way neither joint will bear unnecessary weight nor be pulled against its natural range safely keeping fibrous roots stable in their sockets without undo tension physically demanding activities requiring regular mobility include:

  • Typing
  • Cooking
  • Driving
  • Washing dishes

For properl healthy regrowth of new cells take every opportunity keep hat area clean inspected daily just two weeks later see how far come achieving peak recovery after following these easy steps taping pinkie & ring fingers… Hopefully by now feeling proud af accomplishment!!!

Frequently Asked Questions About Taping Pinky And Ring Finger

What is the best way to use medical tape and avoid injury?

A few tips below help you safe taping:

  • Keep fingers relaxed before starting
  • Do not wrap too tight or loose
  • Use thinner tapes for longer running joints
  • Always test a strip on your skin first

How long does it take for an injured pinky and ring finger to heal?

Injuries differ. The amount of time also varies with each individual’s health status, injuries history, etc. Generally speaking if no other problems arise healthy individuals fully recover in 3 – 6 weeks.

Can I still work out while my fingers are taped together?

Yes! Scratch that hell yea. As long as activity doesn’t put any stress all over those injured joint areas it’s good to go.

Taping your pinky and ring finger can seem daunting at first but don’t worry – It’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it!

Remember always combine safety with comedic elements shared such as rubber duckies eggs and bacon masks . These steps will aid healing process by keeping some movement providing rest necessary parts naturally stable during long orientation periods typically recommended by professionals doctor forget got this fro free right now… ya weirdo.

Dog ate one cotton ball? Hitch hiking available door-mouth-to-fingers stops along East Coast; No refunds offered; Contact animal control immediately if small pet starts looking drunk/weird after eating medicated stuff laying around near recent surgery site areas (provided by makers said products).

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