How to take care of elbow tendonitis?

Elbow tendonitis is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow become inflamed due to repetitive movements or strain on the muscles. The pain can make it difficult to perform everyday activities, such as gripping or lifting objects. In this article, we will provide you with some hilarious tips and tricks for taking care of elbow tendonitis.

Understanding Elbow Tendonitis

Before we jump into ways to treat elbow tendonitis, let’s take a minute to understand what it actually is. Elbow tendonitis, also known as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow (depending on where the pain is), typically develops from overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons that attach at your elbows.

Common causes include playing certain sports like tennis, golfing or even video games (yes, we’re serious). It can also result from other repetitive arm motions like typing or using hand tools(The struggle is real!).

Symptoms may include:

  • Pain around the outside of your elbow
  • Trouble gripping small objects
  • Stiffness in your forearm muscles

RICE method

When treating an injury like tendonitis, many healthcare professionals talk about RICE: Rest, Ice Compression & Elevation.

Rest – Avoid Activities That Hurt Your Arm

Are you obsessed with watching cat videos (motions towards pet lovers) which involves holding onto phone continuously? Well if doing so aggravates symptoms then try alternate positions avoid putting too much stress repetitively.

Alternate Uses For Your Hands

Your injured arm might not be happy while performing insert activity here. So get creative by trying out new things which require more mental than physical effort – puzzles for instance could prove handy.

Ice (A Miracle Worker)

Icing an injury helps soothe inflammation and reduce swelling around it. Long term icing methods would need to be consulted with a doctor. In the short-term, hold an ice pack around the elbow or try flexing the muscles gently.


Wrap Your Elbow in a Bandage – Talking about wrapping and party supplies reminds me of dress up games! Anyhow, use elastic bands to wrap affected area which can reduce swelling by facilitating blood flow giving relief from pain.

Elevating Your Arm is Overrated But Still Helpful.

It doesn’t need to be positioned right above your heart like they show you on TV shows but elevating your arm whilst sitting instead of hanging limply could help alleviate symptoms equally well.

Forearm Stretching Exercises

Stretch It Out The Right Way– Once you get over how silly it may look, stretching will come almost as naturally laughing at memes.

There are several simple exercises that can help stretch your forearm muscles – for instance extending one hand out horizontally and bending fingers downwards or holding onto palm of hand & pulling upwards with opposite wrist till gentle strain felt. Wrist Curls/Wrist Extensions would improve muscle strength for extended periods.


Avoid activities that involve gripping objects so tightly that cause strain might perpetuate the condition. Try using palm grips when handling weights or doing push ups aerobics especially during recovery time

Don’t ignore early signs- Whether its feeling some stiffness after working long hours on computer#screaming internally#and immediately seeking temporary remedies trickslike warm compresses could save added stress later .

When To See A Doctor

If RICE methods don’t prove effective within two weeks consult doctors before making assumptions as it may require professional care apart from regular physiotherapy sessions (#no self medication!)

Alternative Treatments Like Acupuncture/Cupping Which Assistance from Trained Professional Could Act Clinically Proven Method For Some People.(Only if Permissible by treating physician)


Whilst recovering, refrain from carrying heavy objects – this would prolong the recovery phase. It’s a good idea to avoid typing for long periods, video games and water sports or any other activity which exposes elbow to repetitive motion.

Now that you know more about elbow tendonitis and how to treat it in a hilarious way – remember always consult medical professionals first before trying anything difficult by yourself (pinky swear)!

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