How to straighten short wavy hair?

If you’re someone with short wavy hair, then you know that it can be a bit of a nightmare to straighten. You might have tried many methods that promised smooth and sleek locks but ended up leaving your hair looking like the bride of Frankenstein. But fear not! We’ve compiled some tips and tricks for you to try out in order to get those unruly waves under control.

Straightening Tools

First things first: You need the right tools! Here are some items every straight-haired person needs:

  • Flat iron (Also known as a “straightener”)
  • Heat protectant spray
  • Clips or bobby pins

These items will help make sure your mane isn’t damaged during the process while keeping everything neatly divided.

The Right Flat Iron For You

Flat irons come in many different sizes, materials, and prices–the possibilities are endless. It’s crucial that whichever one you choose is suitable for YOUR specific type of hair. Use these pointers when deciding:

Material Description
Ceramic Great for fine or damaged hair because it heats more evenly than metal plates
Tourmaline Creates negative ions which helps reduce frizz fast & efficiently; better option if environmentally conscious too since they use less heat (and so cost less over time) than ceramic ones do
Titanium Ideal for thick curly/coarse textures due-to its ability increase conductor speed whilst maintaining consistent temperature throughout flat ironing

Preparing Your Hair

Before starting any styling method such as blow-drying, always apply leave-in conditioner/heat protectants on damp tresses. This protects them from excess heat damage later on adding healthy shine reducing breakage returns usually also faster drying times too!.

Short WAVY hair loves texture, so prepping correctly makes all difference. For a flawless waves-to-straight transformation, follow these steps:

  • Shampoo your hair and apply a lightweight conditioner. Do NOT over-condition.
  • Apply volumizing mousse or spray on wet locks to add extra body to the roots.
  • Blow-dry with diffuser attachment whilst flipping upside down. This method is far more effective for wavy tresses than standard brushing down due-to reduced frizz and fullness maintaining capability it provides.

Straightening Your Hair

Divide & Conquer

Starting from the bottom of your head, section off small amounts of hair with special attention given near your crown area. Clip/bobby smaller sections separately so you can easily maneuver through each lot curl-by-curl without getting tangled up.

The Straightening Method

Ensure straightener heating time matches with desired temperature setting; high temperatures lead towards excessive burns also increases split ends consistency overall affecting look luster long term growth experiences later in life, So be careful! Start working at one side nape moving slowly downwards while holding them tight forming straighht line after another until progress continues all around eventually leading top ending masterpiece.

To reduce heat exposure even further make sure that flat irons have auto-turnoff features preventing accidents when left unattended longer periods (e.g., hairspray application) periods.

Final Steps: Locking It In We All Loathe Flyaways

Although having gorgeous straight locks can give us tons confidence/fabulous appearance–there are some final touches we need (so we don’t walk out looking like an electrocuted poodle). 😂

Try to keep style looking good night too next morning by using quality weather-proof styling products depending on climate too if necessary such as serum/finishing sprays specifically formulated type hair use brushes comb carefully create sleek definition stop unwanted pesky flyaways from popping back 2 haunt u!.


We hope this guide has helped any wavy-haired souls who’ve struggled to get the look they want. Remember, always use quality products and NEVER compromise on Hottest/safest seeking tools available working wisely around your individual hair features!. Now go out there and rock those sleek locks! 💁🏽‍♀️

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