How to stop your braces from cutting your mouth?

Braces are a wonderful invention. They help straighten out teeth, making them look much prettier than before. However, as with most things in life, they come with some not-so-great side effects too. One of these is that the brackets can cut your mouth if you’re not careful.

Fear not! There are several ways you can prevent this from happening or minimize the discomfort when it does happen. Here are some tips on how to stop your braces from cutting your mouth:

Keep Your Mouth Clean and Healthy

A clean and healthy mouth is less likely to be irritated by braces since there’s no buildup of bacteria that could cause infection or inflammation. Brushing twice a day using fluoride toothpaste helps keep both teeth and gums clean, but it’s equally important cleaning between wires and brackets themselves (Note: don’t brush too hard—gentle brushing works just as well).

In addition to brushing regularly, flossing after every meal will also help remove any food particles stuck in between teeth or wires where plaque may collect over time causing gum irritations (aches) at night while sleeping due to bacterial growth all around them.

Lastly, rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash will give extra protection against infections like gingivitis which inflammation leads cracking or bleeding lips because of sensitivity caused by poking metal parts embedded deep inside one’s cheeks(lips).

Use Wax

Wax may seem like a boring option for those who want something more exciting or unique than dental wax – But trust us; it’s worth considering in situations where pain relief is necessary immediately (not everyone wants their weekend ruined by excruciatingly painful sores).

Dental wax provides smooth surface contact lowering harsh impact during moments such as eating crunchy foods taking bites into tough meats etcetera—and lowers friction(s) producing fewer sharp edges along brackets reducing stiffness in jaw muscles, making chewing more comfortable.

Use Orthodontic Wax Alternatives

If you don’t like the idea of using conventional dental wax, consider other materials such as silicone-like gels, natural plant-based salves or mouthguard-adhesives. Most orthodontic centers sell non-toxic and safe ointments that you can apply on affected area(s).

Although they are not traditional treatments for injured gums or cheeks caused by wires, these also provide similar relief as regular doctors’ recommended medicinal means hopefully with fewer side effects so one doesn’t have to worry about allergic reactions—plus they come in varying colors depending on your preference if appearance is important.

Tying Bands Together

At times when teeth need repositioning or readjustment, rubber bands may be placed between brackets throughout treatment duration but sometimes they’ll snap when manipulated awkwardly rubbing against skin causing bleeding since it’s highly elastic hence hard movement issues occur- a tight band can slice right through flesh pretty easily…ouch!

To prevent tying bands from cutting into soft tissues inside mouths try:
Covering tensioned areas around them with small pieces of nitrite-free medical tubing which provides cushions.
Rub oral numbing creams onto parts exposed directly over wiring where there’s a high chance anything at all will ply pressure thereby causing pain-induced irritation.

(both methods employed simultaneously create “double protection” making some activities much easier to perform -Chewing & Talking)

Placing Bite Pads

Painful experiences happen when wire makes unwanted contact with particular tooth casting sensations akin to electric shocks lasts several minutes leaving an abnormal pulsation feeling under lips inducing unbearable discomfort no patient wants occurring frequently.

The solution? Bite pads! They’re made out of smooth plastic material attaching them behind lower front two teeth immediately works wonders preventing disruptive enamel breakage cause by braces friction forcefulness minimizing painful occurrences occurring during general bite cycles lowering distress levels & increasing overall satisfaction in activities that involve biting—be it sleeping, eating or talking.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

The types of food one consumes plays a huge role in how frequently braces get damaged. Eating hard or sticky foods risks dislodging metal brackets which may do much more harm than good -remember fixing them implies extra visits for longer duration adding up to treatment time-to save sore mouths some added pain:

Some examples of such meals might include:
Candies like toffee, caramel, etc.
Popcorn kernels
Ice cubes (sucking is fine though)
Hard and crunchy fruit pieces

Instead, consider softer options like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs cooked oatmeal, tofu-can be seasoned with lots of flavors making nice blends sauces letting creativity play a crucial part enhancing flavor without ruining metal wires’ work-ins allowing teeth-arrangement unscathed throughout their realignment period.

Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly

Last but not least, visit your orthodontist regularly—they can provide invaluable insight into the health & inclination status of an individual teeth/gum area relative to its alignment-fixed using open activator appliances depending on unique mouth requirements ideal elements change each season .

Braces often cause sores around sensitive areas; hence frequent assessments are necessary since any delayed response can aggravate issues over time-Causing further complications later down the road if corrective steps aren’t taken early enough.

In conclusion, don’t let your braces make you uncomfortable—it’s worth adopting simple techniques discussed earlier for maximum relief when possible since every discomfort issue is easily manageable through proper care habits such as brushing/flossing daily use radical wax alternatives where needed tying bands together / placing bite pads while avoiding hard/sticky foods when applicable alongside visiting regular check-ups with a professional dentist/orthodontist thereafter feeling relieved ultimately happy smiles at last!

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