How to stop vomiting after drinking alcohol?

If you’re reading this, chances are that your previous night has gone from merry-making and rambunctious revelry to a state of misery where the only thing that’s coming out is what you consumed in copious amounts. Fear not, dear reader! In this article, we will cover some tried-and-tested methods on how to stop vomiting after drinking alcohol.

Let’s start with why you throw up after consuming alcohol

Alcohol can irritate the lining of your stomach and intestines. It also causes an increase in the production of stomach acid which contributes towards making matters worse. Add dehydration into this equation – alcohol can lead to fluid loss (which would explain why you need those multiple trips to pee) – and you have yourself a recipe for nausea, dizziness, and unbearable headaches.

Assessing your condition when dealing with vomit-inducing hangovers

Drinking until such a point that it leaves us feeling like death itself broke down our front door is more common than most people would usually admit wink. But hey no judgment here, we’ve all been there at one time or another!

In situations where only mild symptoms occur (say 2-3 times puking), slow things down by following these steps:

  1. Give yourself some time before taking any food or fluids.
  2. Get comfortable on your side so as not be too vulnerable if vomiting occurs again
  3. Once settled or at least comfortable enough: Take small sips regularly of water/coconut water/Pedialyte every 10 minutes or so – don’t overdo it!
  4. Wait till thirst subsides before taking next sip.Note:The purpose behind Pedialtye being recommended here is because they contain electrolytes missing from sports drinks

However,vomiting continuously around eight-to-nine times/within an hour should raise alarm bells; make sure to note down the symptoms and seek professional help, as it could be an indicator of potential alcohol poisoning.

Top Tips in preventing vomit-inducing hangovers

Our actions always have consequences, and drinking excessively is no exception. In situations where you can predict that excess consumption during a night out will lead to a mammoth hangover the next morning (like your best friend’s wedding) take these suggestions onboard:

  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach
  • Go slow with your drinks – Try changing up between alcoholic drink and water orders.
  • Position yourself near fresh air or ventilation
  • Keep your Drinks Simple – Certain cocktails are more likely to aggravate nausea as compared some shots/spirits; pay attention before ordering any potent mix of sugar/fruit juice flavors.

Using common sense when imbibing large amounts of alcohol is key here(live long enough). Also consider (insert random witty comment here) ignoring all inhibitions fighting against shots being poured into your mouth at 2am by some stranger who calls himself Chef Johns.

Taking Medications for Vomiting

A number of OTC medications may bring relief from vomiting by calming the gut; Names like Bonine/Dramamine seem well-known brands in this department along with Benedryl which provides similar effects.

Following are some steps while deciding whether medication should be consumed:

  1. Study effects:
    Exercise caution while consuming new medications(check online reviews); start off small/as per dosage recommendations noted on packets).

2.Consult pharmacist:
Speak directly about certain drug reactions one might experience if consumed alongside other medicines/ food types

3.Clarify doubts:
Clear any confusion/questions surrounding specific instructions given(instructions provided on boxes often carry important information regarding frequency/dosages)

Note: Always consult your doctor prior taking such drugs even more so if experienced people recommend side-effects they hadn’t accounted for.

Natural home remedies to treat vomiting

In certain cases, natural remedies might not be able to cure you fully, but their soothing and calming effect could be a short-term fix allowing for more time for recovery:

  1. Ginger tea
    The ginger in this beverage acts as an anti-inflammatory agent (known to deal with nausea) that aids digestion; preparing the tea involves grating fresh ginger root into hot water along with honey/lemon.

This fruit packed with enzymes is believed to alleviate symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting & diarrhoea); however one must consume small amounts initially as it may take some getting used too.

3.Peppermint Oil
Known throughout ages for its coolant properties, peppermint oil provides relief from various digestive gripes. Dilute a few drops in warm water before drinking.

Identification Post-Alcoholic Vomiting

Unlike the usual drunk vomit many have experienced drunk during college parties/alcohol-fuelled revelries – which felt like nothing BUT gross, post-alcohol-induced-vomit feels quite recognizable!

Post-alcohol vomiting occurs increasingly when alcohol meets specific foods whilst being served together or is followed soon afterward. In other words, our bodies can’t handle excess food piled on top of umpteen drinks consumed within 5 hrs –> enter hurling season!

If finding yourself experiencing such issues often try consuming beverages without mixin them up any food elements even if dinner was hours ago;let your stomach stabilize and digest peacefully(he-he)

When To Seek Medical Attention After Alcohol Induced Vomiting

In most cases Vomitous behaviour following heavy drinking should fail after several hours given reasonable attempts at treatment mentioned above are carried out efficiently overtime ; If this does not happen lower than expected blood pressure levels could occur . These episodes would require urgent medical attention so make sure yyou follow through if !


Alcohol needs to be treated with caution; we all know that the morning after a night of heavy drinking brings anything but relief. Sometimes, hangovers might seem like you’re about to reach death’s door, he-he but in general it’s more tolerable than post-alcohol vomiting/partial hallucinations or worse.Always remember: You should enjoy your drinks without overdoing them since there’s always risk for ‘consequences.’

Stay healthy and stay safe!

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