How to stop focusing on swallowing?

Swallowing is an essential human function. It helps us eat, drink, and breathe without even thinking about it. However, some people can become fixated on their swallowing reflex and start obsessively focusing on it. If you’re one of these people who keep worrying about every swallow they take – fear not! In this article, we’ll give you some practical tips and tricks to help you stop focusing on swallowing like a boss.

Understanding the Science behind Swallowing

Before we dive into practical solutions for how to stop focusing on your swallowing reflex, let’s get familiar with what happens when we swallow.

Did You Know? The average person swallows at least once per minute while awake.

Swallowing is a complex process that involves several muscles working in harmony. When something enters our mouths, the tongue pushes food or liquid toward the pharynx (the back part of our throats) triggering three sequential phases of swallowing:

  1. Oral Phase: During this phase, our tongues move food or liquids towards the back of the mouth where they trigger sensors that send signals down into two structures known as “boluses”. Bolus simply refers to clumps of chewed up food mixed with saliva.
  2. Pharyngeal Phase: This phase initiates ejection followed by movement through propulsion from muscle contractions delivering boluses from mouth to esophagus before closing off airway via soft palate rising upwardly.
  3. Esophageal Stage: Food passes through here smoothly until reaching stomach wall.

Nowadays we are mostly distracted due to social media hindering concentration which leads too much anxiety even during meal times!

What Causes Excessive Focus On Swallowing?

When we talk about excessive focus or fixation around something like our swallowing reflexes (Definition: Occurrence when undue attention accompanies any sightless mannerism) there can be a multitude of causes. Some include:

  • Anxiety or stress
  • Poor posture while eating.
  • A sensation that something is stuck in the throat
  • Fear of choking or difficulty breathing

Tip: Try and examine why you may be experiencing excessive focus on your swallowing reflexes, understanding this can help in both awareness and providing better solutions.

Common Activities That Make You More Healthier

Before we get into specific tips for how to stop focusing on your swallowing, let’s explore some activities that improve overall wellness which also indirectly reduces anxiety due to improved lifestyles .

Medical Yoga Poses

Yoga has been long associated with calming minds and improving bodies. Not many know however basic poses such as neck stretches, chest lifts as well cat-cow postures can dramatically release tension within muscles in our upper body including neck area where it competes against usual imbalances caused by smartphone use throughout the day.

A small study investigating symptoms related to voice disorders among yoga attendees showed significant reduction after attending yoga classes twice weekly over 8 weeks (with little voice therapy intervention).

This shows us incorporating simple techniques like these medical yoga postures(Definition: Specific types of movements designed not only on therapeutic effects but aimed more deeply stimulating mind-body interaction) even into routines such as stretching during work hours will promote a routined sense of relaxation through out day preventing anxious thoughts from taking hold!

Mindfulness Techniques (123)

Mindfulness is simply an act focused upon maintaining mental stability(Definition: sustained concentration). Learning how to practice mindfulness (definition: conscious observational control over sensory objects w/o judgement) will not just help with stress relief at meal times but increase productivity overall without compromising attention span . Relish small moments within routine such as standing still whilst handset rings or when cooling down between workload transitions at office desk; take deep steady inhalations/exhalations acknowledging place physically present.

“Being mindful allowed me to enjoy bites from food and to observe present tastes.”

Tip: One of the ways to begin practicing mindfulness is by building Step-by-step increasing gratitude list before bed or through an introspective journal habit. Try 3 things which you are grateful for each day perhaps some such as having a roof overhead, a pencil, hearing favorite song on radio. Can strengthen abilities akin to “positive psychology”.

Meditation Techniques

By meditating regularly one can train their mind into letting go of external factors impacting daily life without getting bogged down with underlining thought processes(Definition: Constantly replaying memories or obsessive over analytical thinking). When we start seeing additional benefits however lets say in muscle relaxation among other physical advantages too!

Meditating on positive thoughts like hobbies that bring joy(Definition: activities enjoyed producing happiness) even while distracted at work will help distract from existence lulls slowing us down.

Through this practise came higher state reserves energy generating new ideas bypassing any overwhelming anxiety (previously experienced throughout day) allowing comfortable focus toward deeper tasks undertaken previously now less daunting!

Tips and Tricks: How to Stop Focusing On Swallowing

Now that we understand why we might be fixated on our swallowing reflexes let’s explore practical tips and tricks on how to stop focusing on it:

Chew your Food More Slowly

Chewing thoroughly helps reduce pressure within throat channels ( Definition: Chewing thoroughly ensures proper digestion). This allows food/liquids seamlessly pass downward through esophagus preventing likelihood feeling stuck when swallowed creating unnecessary worries around swallowing.

When chewed slowly, signals sent receive fuller effects stomach filling movement resulting in conscious reduction over time portion size intake..

Tip: A common recommendation is chewing every bite for 20-30 seconds ,thoroughly combining saliva even enjoying texture/taste enjoyment whilst its still fullest potential! Remember if enjoyed meal creates positive impact so does targeting duration taste experience.

Focus On Your Breath During Mealtimes

At the start of each meal as we plate up, take a deep breath to center and remind ourselves why it’s so important to enjoy our food without distraction. Then, with each bite or sip you can take another slow inhale, counting down from five.

Whilst executing this practice even though mindfulness is at forefront however when analyzing closely calming effect preparing our body for better digestion rather than completing task on autopilot mode!.

Our primary focus should be around breathing since it’s intertwined with nervous system, therefore calmness sound when concentrating or taking long exhales invokes feelings warmth caressing us towards positivity ,in turn affecting facial expressions accompanying positive vibes communicating satisfaction experienced through meal experience!!

Tip: Following such steps during meals builds habit allowing distinguishing between periods ending & beginning whilst creating greater impact throughout meals conducted daily.

Take More Frequent Sips During Meals

If you’re experiencing difficulty swallowing liquids consider increasingly rely sipping beverages throughout duration whether lunchtime snack . It will help underline the importance of hydration within your lifestyle.

Taking frequent small taste sip breaks provides calmness touching upon potential anxiety reducing likelihood feeling obstructively “full” after swallow also mandating a healthy moderate drinking routine ensuring holistically improving health outcomes!
There Is No Need To Fret over Swallowing(although very important!). With these practical tips in mind you can move forward confidently knowing that You’ll be able to Stop focusing on your swallowing like a boss!


Excessive fixation pertaining to human functioning involving something like one’s swallowing mechanism(pharyngeal stage) creates bad ideas fueling further anxious thoughts which eventually lead anxiety levels drastically increasing overall stress exposure in our lives .

Luckily there are simple practical solutions applicable practically guarantee reduction obsessive behavior reduce heightened self-awareness while eating. Letting go any worry about reflexes avoiding pinning notions surrounding choking or inhibiting ability ingestion sends signal body acknowledgment relaxation leading ultimately healthier lifestyle.(Definition: change in lifestyle due to improved experience, satisfaction and confidence)

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