How to remove shellac nails without foil?

Do you have those annoying shellac nails that are impossible to remove? Don’t worry, I gotchu! In this article, we’re going to discuss how to remove shellac nails without foil. Yes, you heard it right – NO FOIL REQUIRED.

What is Shellac and Why Does it Stick Like a Leech?

Before we dive deep into our tutorial on removing these pesky things off your fingers, let’s get some background information on what shellac actually is. Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug found in Asia. It’s widely used in cosmetics and even as a food glaze (yum). When applied onto your nails, it hardens under UV light creating an unbreakable bond with no chipping or peeling for weeks on end – sounds like magic huh? However, when the time comes for removal…we learn way too late that “unbreakable bond” isn’t exactly an exaggeration.

The Supplies You Need (That Aren’t Tin Foil)

Don’t go running through your kitchen pantry looking for aluminum foil, because today…

We Have our Own Recipe!

Here’s a list of supplies you will need –

  • 100% acetone
  • cotton balls or pads
  • orangewood stick
  • nail buffer/buffing block
  • bowl/container

I’m sure most of you are familiar with secondhand clothes shopping at thrift stores; while others would rather extinguish themselves than visit one (it ain’t everyone’s thing). But here’s where my love affair with thrift stores enters the story – grab yourself an old ceramic/porcelain/china bowl from its crockery graveyard (you won’t regret it) This oil-slick-stained porcelain can now be repurposed into a glamorous remover container!

Seriously folks, check your local thrift stores before splurging cash on expensive salon bowls.

Buffing to Prepare for Removal

Let’s get started with some prep work! Take a buffing block and gently stroke each nail from the base towards the edge in one direction. It’ll start scuffing up the top layer of shellac allowing acetone to penetrate through that hard barrier. (Small decisions. Big Impact)

Soak it Up!

Pour enough acetone into your bowl/container for all fingernails (including thumbs) to be submerged at once (no skimping!). Then take cotton balls or pads and generously saturate them with acetone as well.

The Fun Part:

Place saturated cotton balls/pads onto each nail bed fully covering them, then add another cotton ball or pad on top of each that has been dipped in more acetone (gotta keep it wet), and tightly wrap fingers in clingfilm/saran wrap so neither air nor liquid leakage occurs.

20 Minute Countdown

Now we let those little devils soak; set a timer but keep an alarm too – don’t wanna forget our precious digits near chemicals too long! Wait at least twenty minutes, no less; you don’t want remnants left behind later because you didn’t wait long enough.

Removing Shellac

Remove saran wrap/cling film from each finger…anticipation builds…

Next step: using orangewood stick GENTLY scrape down your nails starting from the cuticle end firmly moving downwards until all areas have received scraping love. As this can hurt if done forcefully – do it slowly, gently & methodically – think tiny old tortoise steps- slow&steady wins dis race honeyyy~~~

Fold Space-Time: In case infinite time space isn’t something available to us humans yet -switch hands after finishing first hand scraping ^(it’s basic science Lol!)

Repeat soaking/scraping until all shellac nails have been removed (Yes, the other hand too).

The After-Math

Your nails may appear dry and brittle at first, so give them a break – moisturize excessively! Apply a heavy-duty cuticle oil or natural oils like olive or coconut overnight.

Say No to Repeat Offenders!

And there you have it! Now you know how to remove shellac nails without foil. Remember – this is NOT something that should be done frequently as overexposure to acetone can lead to weak nail beds…(not worth it) Keep your glossy fingers happy with minimal intervention purposes only.

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