How to remove odour from coconut oil?

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile and popular oils out there. It’s a staple ingredient in many recipes, beauty products, and even household cleaners. However, sometimes coconut oil can have an unpleasant smell that can ruin your dish or make you gag when using it on your skin. If you’re tired of holding your nose every time you use coconut oil, this article will teach you how to remove odour from coconut oil.

The Science Behind Coconut Oil Odours

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a look at why coconut oil might stink. There are three reasons for this:

  • Rancidity: When fats such as coconut oil go bad, they produce an off-putting smell.
  • Processing: Some manufacturers use harsh chemicals during the production process that can leave behind an unwanted aroma.
  • Absorption: Coconut oil has a unique ability to absorb odours from its surroundings.

Now that we know why our beloved coconut oil stinks let’s find ways to fix it!

Quick Solutions for Removing Coconut Oil Odours

If you need to get rid of the smell quickly here are some things you could try:

Bake the Oil

Heat up your oven between 200°F and 225°F (93°C -110°C). Put your smelly-full jar in there for about 30 minutes uncovered before taking it out of oven.

Add Essential Oils

Essential oils not only cover up bad smells but also promotes other beneficial factors like relaxing aromas which users generally find pleasing; thus eliminates rigmarole involved in finding other scents worth purchasing separately!

Just put some drops (1/4th tsp) on top or mix with half cup warm water completely blended.

Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal naturally absorbs odours without leaving behind any discernible scent – unlike against hoary liquids such as vinegar or vodka. Leave the jar in a sealed mason jar in charcoal for up to 24 hours, it’ll absorb odours completely.

Store with Coffee Grounds

Toss your old coffee grounds that you used by keeping them in a paper filter then kept inside cheesecloth join it using string on top of its mouth also covering top at bottom tightly with rubber bands around and store it alongside coconut oil within cupboard.

Longer-Term Solutions

If you don’t need the coconut oil immediately but still want a quick fix here are -long term solutions-:

Keep Coconut Oil Fresh

So how do you prevent rancidity from happening? Simple, follow these steps:

  1. Use an opaque container to avoid light exposure
  2. Store the oil between 60°F and 75°F (15°C -24°C) to keep it cool.
  3. Consume within six months after opening or when passing expiration date.

Make Your Own Smell-Free Coconut Oil

To make smell-free coconut oil at home, use this recipe:


  • One cup of regular blood circulated organic refined coconut oil
  • Half teaspoon water extracts vanilla essence (other mild essential oils)
  • Few drops jojoba/ Vitamin E as preservatives


  1. Add all ingredients into lightly warmed saucepan.
  2. Mix over low heat until melted; Remove from heat.
  3. Then let cool mix for one hour by placing saucepan into your freezer/refrigerator/freezer so that mixture hardens nice but just before fully turning solid again! .
    4.Store in refrigerator/cupboard.


Coconut-oil is unmatchable source of nourishment/skin-care/hair regrowth/etcetera – only downsides being porousness for taking-on other trailing odours or smells like car air fresheners/Ambipure air purifier /open proximity to strong smells in general. We hope that these tips help eliminate unwanted odours from your coconut oil and make it enjoyable to use again!

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