How to remove flat warts on face?

Do you have a face that looks like it’s having an acne breakout even though you are way past your teenage years? If yes, you probably have flat warts. These pesky little buggers can appear anywhere on the body but they love making their home on faces! So if you’re tired of sporting those ‘beauty marks,’ then this guide is for YOU!

We will be exploring some quick and easy ways of getting rid of those flat warts without spending obscene amounts of money or going broke buying expensive creams. Now, hit that snooze button because we got this!

Understanding What Flat Warts Are

Before jumping in with all the tips and tricks, let’s understand what flat warts actually are.

Flat warts are small, slightly raised papules (yes totally made up word!) occurring in groups on any part of the face including forehead, cheeks and chin. They usually develop when certain strains (cue dramatic music) HPV (human papillomavirus) infects hair follicles or pores in the skin leading to these unflattering growths.


  • The exact cause still remains unknown but as mentioned above it is believed that specific strands of HPV lead to these types.
  • Shaving may increase risk since minute cuts can make entry easier.
  • Scratching at a spot also indirectly increases chances as our hands usually harbour many unwanted organisms such as bacteria acting against us too.

Natural Remedies That Can Help In Getting Rid Of Flat Wart

So here come to save your day using ingredients lying around already –

  1. Tea tree oil – It contains terpenoids which has antiseptic properties useful i.e helps destroy infections from spreading .

    • Dab Tea tree oil by mixing one tablespoon honey with tea tree oil onto clean damp area.
    • Rinse after 10-15 minutes.
    • Note : Only apply to affected area only.
  2. Banana peel – They contain antioxidant and immunomodulatory agents that help combat infections and boost immunity.

    • Cut a small square piece of banana peel slightly bigger than the wart size .
    • Place it over the wart using tape, (use paper adhesive preferably) remove after couple of hours give skin some break before repeating exercise again.
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – This may not be appetizing but this kitchen staple contains acetic acid which helps dissolve warts while preventing further growth through antiviral effects.
    • Method:
      • First clean the surfaces with soap water, especially face as you don’t want an infection up there!
      • Soak cotton ball in ACV solution mixed with equal amount of water solution .
      • Apply on wart area as well surrounding region if needed overnight however avoid broken & inflamed skin
  4. Castor oil – It’s ricinoleic acid content possesses anti-inflammatory properties making it useful against swelling or other inflammation caused by any minor injuries around facial areas too!
  5. Manuka honey– This type has high medicinal value containing methylglyoxal component which helps heal infected cells faster along mild exfoliation effect attributed to presence gluconic portion molecule benefitting heavily resulting in better off virus ridden spots.

Note Before Using Any Natural Remedy

  • Patch test first reducing chances interaction allergies or idiosyncratic reactions like rashes due to certain chemical compositions seen adverse cases
  • Make sure that you have checked for compatibility specially when underlying conditions are present i.e sensitive skin , allergic reaction etc

Over-The-Counter Medical Treatment

Of course if natural remedies are not your cup of tea.. We’ve got some medical products which might help along ways;

  1. Salicylic Acid

    • This exfoliating agent helps keratolysis(action through which outer layer of wart is shed) or sloughing down, leading to gradual removal.
    • The home medication and versatile salicylic acid comes in strengths like 17%, also in combination with other agents like acne medication benzoyl peroxide, allowing it benefit both issues at once!
  2. Imiquimod Cream

  3. It works by affecting the immune system causing production interferons (a type protein molecules used defence mechanism by humans against viruses).
    Method– Apply thin film on targeted areas , let dry out around eight hours before washing excess off.

  4. Cauterization –

     Before trying any home remedies including cauterization do seek doctor consultation wherein they’ll analyze severity(wart depth etc.)and suggest possible medications along necessary precautions directions.

What NOT To Do While Removing Flat Warts

People often get impatient when dealing with flat worts and resort to alternative treatment methods that may lead to more problems than solutions;

  • Do not try cutting the surface using sharp objects such as scissors; nor should you be scraping them – Styluses from touchscreens devices are extremely tempting but harm goes beyond “an eye for an eye” if you notice wounds opened due too much abrasion into skin..

  • Don’t use acidic substances again not able differ strength/or right quantities i.e lemon juice vinegar without guidance.For example harsh effects apple cider vinegar amounts used may result burns scarring unless diluted beforehand..

Flat warts don’t have to last forever. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve (or rather screen), getting rid of them can be relatively simple — oh yeah just don’t forget that patience pays off!

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