How to reduce inflammation on face?

Are you tired of looking like a puffy marshmallow every time you wake up in the morning? Do people confuse your face for a red stop sign because of all the inflammation? Fear not my friend, for I have compiled some earth-shattering tips and tricks to help you reduce inflammation on your face! Read on, and let’s get started!

What Causes Inflammation on Face?

Before we delve into how to fix something, it’s crucial that we understand what causes it. When it comes to facial inflammation, there are many culprits. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Eating greasy or spicy foods
  • Exposure to UV rays
  • Allergic reactions
  • Hormonal changes during periods or pregnancy
  • Poor sleeping habits

Tips and Tricks To Get Rid Of Facial Inflammation

Now that we know what can cause facial swelling let’s look at how exactly we can fix this problem.

Keep Yourself Hydrated – The Universe Likes Watersports

Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining good skin health. It helps flush out toxins from our body which otherwise contribute towards clogging pores ultimately leading to acne and other irritation-borne issues.

Plus, if you drink enough water, every time someone tells you “you’re looking thirsty”, they’ll be referring only to thirst – MIND BLOWN!!! 💥💦👅💧

Say ‘yes’ To Cucumbers & No To Pickles – Not Everything Can Be Sour 😉

Cucumbers are known cooling agents which work wonders when placed over inflamed areas due to their high water content. Plus—if anyone ever calls your ideas boring again—just tell them they’re cucumber-fresh!

On the other hand – pickles contain vinegar/salt/preservatives contributing to the low pH content which can cause a ph imbalance leading to skin irritation.

Ice, Ice Baby – Vanilla Might Irritate Though

Applying ice over the inflamed areas will reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels and thus making them less visible. Pro-tip: Don’t put sugar on your face though because it’ll attract ants!

Rolling Stones May Gather No Moss But Use Jade To Roll Away Your Inflammation – Five Points For Creativity 🙌🏽

Jade rollers are all the rage these days! Not only do they give you an opportunity to use some metaphysical healing powers but they also encourage lymphatic drainage and increase blood flow. P.S.: Please don’t take this as medical advice–I’m not qualified for that 😉.

Stop Messing with Your Skin & Invest in Better Skincare Products

If you’re prone to facial inflammation, try using non-comedogenic skincare products. Avoid any harsh exfoliant or scrub and choose gentle cleansers free from parabens/sulphates etcetera – chemicals that might cause allergic reactions/irritations.

Plus, if anyone ever calls you “basic” again, just tell them you’ve got more sophisticated taste than their basic arse spamming likes under ADS!!!

Sleep Tight & Quell The Mighty Monster of Inflammation

Getting enough quality sleep is essential when it comes to keeping our bodies healthy—both mentally AND physically. You need a minimum recommended time of 7-8 hours regularly- trust me missing sleep makes us look like zombies—and not even cool ones!

Oh yeah – I almost forgot—to further help yourself get into ‘sleep mode’, dim lights before sleeping; stop watching TV at least one hour before bedtime and avoid working long periods in front of computer screens (all this blue light messing up your melatonin bro!)


Facial inflammation is an annoying inconvenience, but it doesn’t have to be a constant presence in your life. By following these tips and tricks, you can reduce inflammation on face and feel more confident! Remember: laugh every day; drink water till you pee clear—don’t just rely on the moisture from cucumber slices!

And finally…stay hilarious & radiate good vibes!!! 😎😍🤣💕

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