How to prepare lemon water the right way?

Lemon water is an excellent way to start your day. It’s refreshing, hydrating, and a great source of Vitamin C. If you’re looking for ways to spruce up your morning routine, look no further than lemon water! Here are some tips on how to prepare it like a pro.

1. Choose the Right Lemons

The first step in preparing lemon water is selecting the perfect lemons. Look for firm and smooth-skinned ones that are heavy for their size. Ideally, you want lemons that feel full of juice when you give them a gentle squeeze.

2. Wash Your Lemons Properly

Before preparing any food or beverage that involves fruit, it is crucial to wash your produce thoroughly. This helps remove any dirt or bacteria from the surface of the fruits and reduces any chances of contamination.

To wash your lemons properly:

  • Rinse them with cool running water
  • Use vegetable brush or scrubber gently over its skin
  • Dry them off completely with paper towels

3. Cut Your Lemons Correctly

Once your lemons have been washed thoroughly, it’s time to cut them correctly before squeezing out all their juicy goodness!

Here’s how you should cut your lemons:

1) Start by cutting off both ends
2) Next, slice all around at about quarter-inch intervals along its length using a sharp knife.
3) Once done slicing one end-to-end pole (lengthwise), squeeze each piece’s juice into a strainer over a measuring cup/bowl before moving onto another lemon half.
4) Repeat until all necessary pieces are squeezed

4 .Pick Your Preferred Method: Hand-Squeezing vs Juicing Machine

Now that we’ve got our prep work complete let us move on which mechanism would be best suited for extracting maximum juice content from these citrus delights?

There are two popular ways to get the juice out of lemons:

  • Hand-squeezing
  • Juicing machine

4.1 Hand-Squeezing

Hand-squeezing is perhaps the oldest form of extracting juice from fruits. It involves cutting a lemon in half, holding it upright and squeezing it using your hands.

Here’s how you can hand squeeze your lemon:

1) Cut the washed and cut pieces into halves.
2) Hold one piece wrapped in cheesecloth or without any covering.
3) Squeeze its juice up-to desired quantity.

While this method may give you control over how much juice ends up in your cup, it requires more elbow grease than a juicing machine would provide!

4.2 Juicing Machine

A juicer (also known as an extractor) is a device designed for separating fruit pulp and seeds from liquid juices by pressing them under great pressure. Using machines takes less time & energy than squeezing by hand.

The process with available electric juicers comprise essentially these steps:

1) Insert some citrus halve on top of metal reamer part.
2) Turn on machine
3) Force down on fresh-cut end pushed against spinning cross-shaped pair blades above reamer head for extraction processing

Juicers are generally faster but tend to remove more pulp leaving only clear liquids which may also reduce nutritional benefits present naturally in those produced ‘pulp-y’ freshly squeezed juices!

5:Add Flavor Variations

Lemon water doesn’t have to be boring! Here are some flavor variations to spruce things up :

  • Add raspberries or strawberries: These sweet berries make an excellent addition to lemon water and add extra vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Replace regular water with sparkling: If you’re looking for something fizzy, try swapping plain old water with sparkling mineral water instead!
  • Infuse Your Lemon Water With Herbs OR Spices: adding some mint, ginger or even rosemary and thyme for a twist.


Lemon water is an easy beverage to prepare but by following the above-mentioned tips, you too can bring your lemon-water drinking experience to new heights. By choosing the right lemons, washing them properly, cutting them correctly while selecting our preferred method of juicing machines or hand-squeezing pulp up & adding unique flavors -well that’s what we perfectionists do! So go ahead.. Refresh yourself with a glass of lemon water today!

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