How to open abreva?

If you’re the kind of person who thinks it’s obvious how to open abreva, then congratulations – you are not alone! Most people find that opening a tube of cold sore cream is about as easy as tying their shoes. However, if you happen to be one of those unlucky souls who just can’t seem to crack the code on opening this magical little tube, fear not! In this article, we will guide you through the process step-by-step.

The Struggles Are Real

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of how to open abreva, let’s take a moment to acknowledge just how frustrating it can be when something seemingly so simple proves difficult. There are few things more exasperating than needing immediate relief from a pesky cold sore and having an ample supply of cream at hand but no idea how to get at it!

Many have reported experiencing extreme anxiety over accomplishing such a menial task; some even report having had nightmares about never figuring out the secret combination for opening topical medication tubes. It is our hope that by breaking down this process into its simplest form and using humor along the way, we can alleviate some of these anxieties together.

Tools You’ll Need

Firstly and most importantly, make sure you actually have Abreva on hand – there would literally be nothing worse than going through all these steps only realizing after they haven’t helped in any way whatsoever because there was no product within reach (Been there done that)! Once confirmed let’s move onto gather appropriate tools:

  • Abrava Tube: Required amount.
  • Clean Hands: Just do us all a favor please
  • Scissors/Nail Clipper/ Knife:Finger nails could work too but watch your cuticles!

Assemblingthe mentioned supplies above is critical before proceeding with next steps.

Step By Step Guide

Now that you have your supplies ready, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of opening Abreva.

Step 1: Check for Seal

Before frantically trying to open the container like a maniac and potentially breaking it, it’s vital to check whether there is a seal on it. Usually, this comes in various colours but be careful not to mistake barcode print as broken or opened seal. Some seals usually come with security codes too (In case you’re one amongst those extra special ones)!

A lot of people miss this crucial step because they assume that if there were a seal separating them from their cream then surely someone would have mentioned it in big bold letters on the packaging; alas, such assumptions are often incorrect! So always keep an eye out for any noticeable signifier.

Step 2: Wash Your Hands

As I’ve already suggested – PRETTY PLEASE- wash your hands & rid them off any germs before interacting with sensitive parts of your body functions must start here (Abreva application).

Cold sores can be pretty contagious and easily spread throughout touching same ones infected frequently as other areas around facial region leaving lasting scars so take hygiene seriously!

Pro Tip:

If you’re fancy enough bring some salted water along with paper towels which gets all works down even better(By eliminating bacteria). Extra credit points? Absolutely!

Step 3: Squeeze Correctly

Let’s face it at this stage most fingers will instinctively handle toothpaste-like packages by blindly squeezing the middle making excessive amount or squishing nothing at all– whichever might apply best suited in such situations. Here is where patience prevails over sheer strength.

Tip The Tube upside down & try squeezed end nearest away from edges slowly while holding downwards until its contents slide towards narrowest end= More control + easy-to-handle product flow.


Ok, it’s time to get serious! Many reach this point and pry the flattened top, considering it their final goal. Little do they know that such a technique often results in immense frustration and self-pity at the end (“I paid 20$ for this thing…”).

The actual opening mechanism depends on various types of tube caps although if you’re doing everything right by now you should have a hang of removing them:

  • Screw-off lid:Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  • Flip-top Cap:The one where opposing sides snap shurrr (Okay we initially paid $20 – its expected we sound childish about our emotions).
  • Breakaway Seal: Like making a hole through packet seal or packaging.

Step5: When All Else Fails…Cut it Open

The most challenging part when using shears as fancy designed packages with less grip points  & hard plastic ca= make cutting lines complex leaving many unsatisfied as professional precision isn’t achieved. Nevertheless, desperate times calls for callous measures!

Tip1 When scissors fail try nail clippers – They are surprisingly effective against laminated package paper seals resulting in sharp looking edge.(Do strip any residual metal clasps attaching paper though).

Tip2 Use Your Teeth carefully meaning don’t even attempt biting off wimg grabers will protect those chompers.

Gone with the Wind

Phew –Finally done. Congrats on reaching End ! Honestly speaking don’t feel bad about seeking assistance from druggists during next purchase detailingu opened/not-opened package woes worried us enough to help others learn from these pointers.So now after overcoming literal struggles while trying to open Abreva just sit back and think whether you ‘really’ needed all that stress in your life?

Inhale Love
Exhale BullShit.

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