How to numb hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a real pain in the butt-literally. If you have ever suffered from hemorrhoids, then you know how uncomfortable and painful they can be.

Fear not my friends! Today we will discuss natural remedies and ways to numb hemorrhoids so that you can alleviate your discomfort with ease.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has various uses, including being an excellent remedy for hemorrhoid relief due to its known anti-inflammatory properties.

To use, simply:

  • Soak a cotton ball or pad in apple cider vinegar
  • Apply it directly onto your affected area
  • Leave it on for at least half an hour
  • Repeat twice daily

Pro Tip: You may want to dilute apple cider vinegar by adding water as it can sting if applied directly.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is another ultimate home remedy alternative that reduces inflammation and soothes irritation caused by hemorrhoids

Containing tannins, witch hazel is well-known among natural healers who prescribe its use as a topical cure against multitude of skin irritations.

To apply:

  • Dampen some cotton pads or soft cloth with Witch Haze.
  • Gently place them over external piles after each bowel movement (use only once)

Repeat this process three times per day

Alchemy-Aloe Vera Gel And Pistachios Mashup

This treatment requires mixing raw unprocessed Aloe Vera gel with pistachios paste in equal measures resulting into pure divine numbing potion which should be refrigerated until application.

Here’s what youtu need:

  1. 100gms of Raw Natural Unrefined Aloe vera gel
  2. Two tablespoon shelled finely crushed pistachio nuts
  3. Finely grind the pistachio nuts in a food processor before blending with the gel.
    4.Place mixture in the refrigerator until chilled before application.

Apply the mixture to an ice cube tray, freeze for 2 hours.

Pro-tip: Before applying this alchemical potion on your private parts test it on unaffected skin area to ensure no allergic reactions occur

Ice Therapy

One of the simplest and cost-effective way to numb hemorrhoids is through ice therapy.

Ice reduces blood flow and lessens any inflammation or swelling around the affected area. It also numbs pain that comes with a flare-up as well. To use :

Use an ice pack – covered in cloth/fabric not directly touching your sensitive skin
– Apply for maximum 10 min at a time several times per day
– Repeat regularly (once every two-three hour), especially after going to toilet

Heads up: Do not apply for too long as prolonged exposure can result into worse complications including freezing skin tissues thus prolonging healing process

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts are famed remedy known for relieving discomfort from body part removal after surgery, muscle cramps among other medical conditions hence effective in easing symptoms caused by Hemorrhoids

To get relief:

1) Fill bathtub/ bath basin with warm water
2) Add two cups of epsoms salt
3) Submerge rectal area either sitting-bath style or lying down fully immersed

This process should be repeated twice daily till relieve sorts out effect .

## Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and boosts immunities, making it perfect for soothing inflamed piles while offering reprieve from anal tortures

Here’s how:

1) Steep chamomile flowers or tea bag in hot water.
2) Allow them brew between five-seven minutes.
3) Hungrily gulp down like its beer except less drunk behavior likely.

For those who prefer local applications: Dip some cotton balls using cold Chamomile tea and apply direct on inflammed parts of anus .

Cayenne Peppers

Doona have a heart-attack my friends,you don’t need to eat as hot as pepper, although you are in pain. Just topical application will do!

Capsaicin is found in cayenne peppers . Who knew that the same chemical causing spicy heat could also reduce inflammation?

Here’s how:

1) Mix half teaspoon powdered cayenne pepper with one tablespoon coconut oil
2) Apply topically over painful area
3) Application done every eight hours during day time

Over The Counter Creams

Some people may opt to use creams when it comes to treating haemorrhoids. Before going for any over the counter cream, it’s best advised conduct thorough research consultation from qualified medical practitioner ,family member or your friendly neighborhood ”phamacist”.

There are several different types available containing lidocaine cream, hydrocortisone,among others boasting magic anesthetic powers but proceed with precaution.”

Make sure you follow directions while consider relief through numbing effect .

Caveat:Avoid using such creams without prescription as possible side effects include thinning skin tissues and other complications

Essential Oil Blend

Essential oils possess powerful medicinal qualities which can be beneficial when dealing with hemorrhoids symptoms.

The following essential blend can be applied directly onto external hemorrhoid areas (have someone help):

Mix together :
1 Ltr distilled water
Lavender oil
Tea tree oil
Calendula extract

Place mixture in a spry bottle;
Spray affected area after cleansing twice daily

This works well because:

1.Potent Anti-inflammatory properties within tea tree & lavender oils
boost metabolism speeding up healing process
2.Antibacterial power capability aiding against infections challenging smooth recovery

Aloe Vera Juice

For those who prefer sipping rather than smudging their natural numbing substance on hemorrhoids,Worry not. Aloe vera juice is available and it acts quickly in soothing inflammation, irritation as well as reducing pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Drink a small glass of natural unsweetened Aloe Vera juice twice daily for optmum results along with the other home remedies.

Soak With Sitz Bath

You may also want to try out soaking using sitz bath which promotes faster healing while relieving severe pain.

This method involves :

1) Filling up special bathtub with warm clean water preferably
2) Add onto your water some epsom salt or baking soda
3) Sit inside tub for not more than twenty minutes

For an added sprinkle of fun, you may want to watch your favorite sitcom or a thrilling book session while will help distract from any loneliness time can elicit.

Goldenrod Flower Essence

Don’t underestimate goldenrod herb’s potential! It cures various ailments including helping relieve symptoms caused by hemorrhoids.

How does it work?

Extracted from distillation process ,goldenrod essence targets blood vessels aiding them into relaxation state hence relief through easing tenseness

Apply two-three drops under your tongue three times daily till favorable impact (optional: use with carrier oil if topically applied).

Squat Toilet Mode

This mode has been recognized among many world societies as the most efficient and hygienic way during bowel movements. Essentially though there are several ways squatting over toilet seat attached adaptors made specifically targeting western toilets one just uses own creativity!
Do away that sitting posture pronto!

Squatting optimally relieves pressure on pelvic muscles so crucial when trying ease out waste products from digestive tract thereby providing plausible reprieve towards annoying Hemorrhoid discomfort .

## Exercise More

The last thing you would think of whilst suffering would be exercising but apart from keeping us healthy all around,the benefits it provides your hemorrhoid ridden bum hole can be huge!

Regular moderate exercise could help ease out constipation which is the main root cause of Haemorrhoids’ flare ups.

Heads up: Overexcited adrenaline and other anabolic steroids, which can result from rigorous exercises or workouts ,promote blood pressure pushing towards this part thereby resulting into nasty developments .

Fiber-Rich Foods

Healthy fiber-rich foods should form a core part of your diet if you want to avoid haemorrhoids, as they encourage regular bowel movements.Do try some funky and less infamous meals like millet,rhubarb among others

Choose foods like:

  • Brown rice
  • Lentils
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
    to increase bulk in stool hence reducing constipation

In Summary

Hemorrhoids are not only uncomfortable but also extremely painful. However, with natural remedies we have discussed above including proper iron-clad hygiene practices around anus region one need to go through any embarrassing moments while seeking medical attention.

The tips we’ve covered won’t just numb hemorrhoids quickly but will improve discomfort levels by healing properly so that there are no recurrences. There’s still hope!

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