How to neutralize capsaicin?

Are you feeling the burn from a spicy meal? Did that one hot sauce get in your eye and now you can’t see straight? Fear not, my fellow spice lovers, for I have compiled a guide on how to neutralize capsaicin.

What is Capsaicin?

Before we dive into the ways of neutralizing this fiery compound, let’s talk about what it actually is. Capsaicin (1) is a chemical compound found in peppers that gives them their characteristic heat. When ingested or applied topically, capsaicin binds with pain receptors in our bodies and causes us to feel a burning sensation.

Milk: The OG Solution

Let’s start with the most well-known solution: milk. This creamy beverage contains caseins which are able to break up the bond between capsaicin and our pain receptors (2).

To use milk as a neutralizer:
– Drink a glass of milk
– Swish around milk in your mouth before spitting out (don’t swallow!)
– Soak affected body parts (i.e. hands) in milk
– Pour milk on affected areas (careful if getting it near your eyes)

Bonus tip: if you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, try using coconut cream instead!

Acidic Solutions

Another way to combat capsaicin is by using acidic solutions like citrus juices or vinegar (3). These acids help dissolve and wash away any remaining traces of capsaicin.

Here are some acidic solutions you can try:
– Squeeze lemon juice onto affected areas
– Rinse your mouth with lime juice water
– Douse food in vinegar-based sauces such as hot sauce mixed with apple cider vinegar

Sugar Saves the Day

Surprisingly enough, sugar has also been known to work wonders when it comes to neutralizing capsaicin(4). This sweet substance binds to the capsaicin and helps break down its potency.

Here are some sugar solutions:
– Drink sugary beverages like soda, fruit juice or honey water
– Coat affected food with sugar before eating
– Roll affected body parts in sugar

Alcohol (Not for Drinking!)

While we definitely don’t condone drinking more alcohol as a solution when dealing with spicy foods, rubbing alcohol can actually help neutralize the burn. Its properties dissolve oils and other compounds that make up capsaicin (5).

How to use rubbing alcohol:
– Soak a cotton ball or pad in rubbing alcohol
– Dab it onto affected skin areas
-Make sure you do not get it into your eyes!

Cut it Out

This might seem like an extreme measure but if all else fails – cut it out(6)! Well not literally, but rather remove anything that’s come into contact with capsaicin.

Some examples of what you should consider removing are:
-clothing items
-contact lenses
-kitchen utensils

You want to fully sanitize these areas so avoid using simple soap because capsicum does not readily mix with H2O molecules. Boiling cleaning products may be effective since high heat activates hydrolysis which makes the compound much less potent.

Prevention is key ###

As often repeated by many health enthusiasts, maintenance is ideal than cure. Here are tips on how to prevent being overwhelmed by Capsaicin allergies:

Tips Description
Wear Gloves Capsaicin tends to linger on fingers for too long after touching hot peppers/ sauces then scrubbing them off.Wearing gloves will reduce direct contact between finger cuts/swollen spats suffer inflammation
Hydrate while Eating Swallowing bread along side salsa enchiladas or gulping liquids such as milk cools down temperature of the meals ;so it is advisable to ingest lots of liquid refreshments.
Identify if compatible with spicy foods Your unique genetic makeup dictates how much heat tolerance,body resistance and metabolism you can withstand;test your limits at a social event before trying maximum capsaicin dosage alone.

Onwards We Go!

There you have it – five ways to neutralize capsaicin! From milk and acidic solutions to sugar, rubbing alcohol, and cutting things out, you should be able to find a solution that works for you.

Just remember: prevention is better than cure(7)! By wearing gloves or identifying your spice tolerance level early on, you can avoid having to deal with the burn in the first place.

Now go forth and enjoy all those spicy dishes without fear! Just make sure to keep some milk handy, just in case (8)!

1: Capsaicin- People who cannot stand heat from spiced food are allergic when they come into contact with small molecules called ‘capsaicins’.The chemical feature interacts with nerve endings of tongues hence causing superabundant pain.

2: Caseins- These are a particular type of protein molecule that act like lecithins inside humans wherein they lessen interactions between fat and water.The rationale behind it helps explain why consuming or simply swishing-some-around-your-mouth provides an important relief layer against burning sensations from hot peppers.

3: Citrus juice has antioxidants which reduce lactic acid build-up after consumption.Spices typically cause acidity so soaking anything hot pepper contaminated in say lime-aide breaks down active molecular ingredients.Cider vinegar reduces cartilage loss thus reducing inflammation at joints as well.Whole black & cumin seeds may act as natural efficient acids based on Indian Ayurveda principles.

4: Sugar binds itself chemically thanks yet another form molecule-protein bond reduction.When exposed areas are swirled or rubbed with sugar, the shearing force acting on the capsaicin molecule weakens it removing sensations of pain mostly due to sweet receptors firing up and sending signals currently but similar enough.

5: Rubbing alcohol-Take an appropriate amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or pad and gently rub on your affected skin carefully without causing any damage. It evaporates rapidly through low heat hydrolysis process breaking down capsaicin molecules.

6: Cut Out-Clothing containing capsicum must be removed before washing thoroughly because machine wash alone does not break-down complex aromatic structure making removal from potent oils possible.

7: Prevention is better than cure- This is indeed a critical technique in which individuals monitor their spicy food intake by gauging how much they can endure rather than just eating as much as possible to keep up appearances.Generally research has proven that for those folks who suffer from chronic indigestion problems consuming less heavily spiced foods leads to general health improvements such as longer lifespans, reduced instances of stomach ulcers ,lowered cholesterol levels along with lower incidence rates heart related conditions .

8: Milk should always be handy!

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