How to naturally decrease cholesterol?

If you’re reading this article, I bet your doctor has recently told you that your cholesterol levels are higher than Mount Everest. Don’t panic! This situation can be improved if you gradually introduce lifestyle changes and natural remedies into your routine.

What is Cholesterol Anyway?

First of all, we need to know what cholesterol is before jumping on how to reduce it. Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in the cells of the body, primarily in the liver. Our bodies need it for digestion, cell structure, hormone production and absorption between other essential functions. However, when there’s too much cholesterol in our blood vessels (LDL), these fatty deposits can accumulate and lead to heart disease or stroke.

Now that we know what we’re dealing with let’s find out easy ways of decreasing excess lousy LDL-cholesterol!

Lose Weight

When they say drop some pounds- take notes because its health benefits go beyond getting that summer body 😏

Studies show that losing 5%-10% of initial weight loss reduces total HCL by screwing up bad LDL particles through bile acid synthesis (your gut’s internal detergent system). It may also partially helps control triglycerides which are circulating fat related but different form any type of cholesterols; think donkey vs horse well both have legs however one has feathers…

A primary way for losing weight involves eating healthier foods such as carbohydrates that increase fiber intake while reducing high glycemic index ones like excessive sugar items (you should avoid highly processed food anyway) 🌿 In simpler terms?consume black-beans over Fritos weekly or chase pizza with fruits/veggies instead!

You can do so along w/exercise physical activities either moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking where conversations mildly strained -toobad you won’t be able resista joke?- ✨ gyms sessions focused on compound resistance training as younger patients on a recent study linked improvements in their blood lipid profiles to three times of weekly exercise sessions w/high intensity weight training alongside aerobic activity.

Incorporate Heart & Brain-Healthy Fats into your Diet

I am talking ‘bout those delicious unsaturated fats which are essential for good health. Their consumption can lower bad LDL cholesterol levels while increasing good HDL ones.

Here’s what you should be eating:
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower-seeds or chia seeds (add them to smoothies or yogurts!)
Fatty Fish like Salmon, Tuna and Sardines 🐟

On the grill with some lemon? Yes please! They come packed with omega-3 fatty acids that boost brain function🧠, decrease inflammation 👿and lead to overall well-being 😇

The goal is not only “good” food sources but rather cooking techniques! Be sure not simply substitute these products into high saturated fat dishes such as deep-fried fish and chips… yikes 😱!

Stay away from trans-fat/marginal oils found within certain foods that label themselves “partially hydrogenated”.

Whoever gets full points for guessing where Margarine lies on this spectrum?!

Try using Vegetable/Soybean/Canola /Olive Oil instead. And remember it never hurts sharing some guac w/friends ehh?

Increase Soluble Fiber Intake

Soluble fiber is the Holy Grail when reducing your LDL-counts as it binds itself n hug/hugging particles transporting them out via digestion -think velcro-. Increasing about ten grams a day slows action breaking down carbohydrates absorbing water thus thickening liquid making us feel more satisfied holding hunger at bay (fewer c 🍪’ s)

Bring on: oats, bran barley/flaxseed!!! But why stop there, switch to consuming apples/pears or croots with skin on long w/veggies like Brussels sprouts to maximize fiber intake.

Spice things up!

Spice up your life -I heard Posh still got it- 💃with anti-inflammatory properties, adding these staples not only adds flavor but helps reducing cholesterol build-up:

  • Garlic 🧄
  • Turmeric
  • Think Orange and curryish sauce you add to create golden milk lattes
  • Ginger👩‍🌾Even better ginger tea or vodka 😀

Gingerols within dry ginger ground may help lower blood sugar values while others mean using fresh ingredients added bonus improving digestion processes.

Hold the mayo swap for these herbs spices where already-packing-a-punch taste-wise:
– Cinammon
– Paprika
– Say hello Poland with smoked paprika addition 🔥( my personal favorite)
– Cumin

The usual meal transformation applies as always!

Speaking of drink options, there’s one which made its way into this article: Red Wine! Resveratrol, found in grape skins can also be associated lowering bad cholesterol. However moderation is key; no bypass surgeries happening under our watch! One-two glasses are enough and perfect next week dinner party icebreakers!

To Sum Up…
Reducing your LDL levels shouldn’t happen overnight nor should you stress about them. By incorporating simple changes into your daily routine such as :losing weight too overweight ,eating unsaturated fats increasing soluble fibers whilst keeping track what goes inside-your frying pan,

We recommend focusing on progress not perfection😉Sure a Burger King fix busts sometimes while watching Netflix /HBO Max ( Get HBO Max link-tigger) although remember…“A small step taken each day makes all the difference.”

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